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More details of Oklahoma Deputy Warden accused of prison contraband smuggling operation

More details of Oklahoma Deputy Warden accused of prison contraband smuggling operation

KFOR is learning more about what was found inside an Oklahoma Department of Corrections (ODOC) state-owned home that was being leased to a Deputy Warden at the Lexington Assessment and Reception Center (LARC) in Cleveland County. 

CLEVELAND COUNTY (KFOR) — KFOR is learning more about what was found inside an Oklahoma Department of Corrections (ODOC) state-owned home that was being leased to a Deputy Warden at the Lexington Assessment and Reception Center (LARC) in Cleveland County. 

The employee, Tasha Parker, was fired from her position and arrested last week for allegedly heading a smuggling operation inside the state-owned home on the prison property.  

Cleveland County court documents reveal it all started when her roommate overdosed at the home and law enforcement officials noticed something was not right about the items they saw surrounding the scene.  

“I was shocked. I mean, this is a Deputy Warden, and this is a Warden who runs the prison,” said Emily Barnes, Oklahoma prison advocate and founder/executive director of Hooked on Justice, an Oklahoma prison advocacy organization. 

Emily Barnes is a prison advocate with a group called “Hooked on Justice.” 

She’s reacting to the discovery of an apparent prison-contraband smuggling operation in the home of former Deputy Warden Tasha Parker. She leased the home from ODOC which also sits on the Lexington Assessment and Reception Center property.  

“Here's a deputy warden who's supposed to make sure none of this stuff is coming in our prison, and you're the one bringing it in. So, it was very disturbing,” said Barnes.  

The arrest affidavit lists tobacco, drug paraphernalia, packaging with Methamphetamine drug residue, scales, a marijuana grinder, cell phones and even a drug ledger with prices and customer names. 

Barnes says something must change inside the Oklahoma prison system to stop bad things from happening behind bars.   

“Not all employees are bad. We do have some good ones inside that really care. But it’s the bad seeds we need to get rid of; A lot of this stuff can be prevented,” said Barnes.  

During the search officials also found an undeclared semiautomatic handgun and two loaded pistol magazines. 

Also alarming, officials noted that many of these items were found inside trash bags on the front porch of the home where inmates would regularly go.  

An ODOC spokesperson told KFOR inmates are allowed on the property for grounds upkeep like mowing the yard.  

“Inmates will/can mow the yard (grounds upkeep) but are prohibited from entering the housing unless instructed by the facility head to perform maintenance. The policy above also lists other prohibited activities,” said an ODOC spokesperson.  

While inmates are not allowed inside the home without permission, court documents say the home was visibly unsecured when authorities arrived with a search warrant, and no one was there to prevent inmate access.   

Director Steven Harpe says, “ODOC diligently removes bad actors who endanger public safety. Recent updates to security measures, using innovative technology, help us protect our inmates and staff. Our Intelligence Unit works actively to stop illegal activity in and around our facilities, even if it involves an employee.” 

A spokesperson adds, “We have a dedicated unit to stopping contraband introduction and facility staff work every day to ensure contraband does not enter our facilities. We hold employees accountable who do not follow ODOC’s policies or state and federal laws.” 

But prison advocates say if a Warden is actively working against those efforts, there’s an obvious problem. So therefore, Barnes feels Parker should be facing harsher charges.  

“I really think that she should have had more charges brought against her. I don't think one charge was enough. $10,000 bond wasn't enough for what she did, especially somebody in her position,” said Barnes.  

Parker was booked into the Cleveland County Detention Center for the introduction into a penal institution and she was fired from her position.  

ODOC officials told KFOR the investigation is ongoing and they cannot comment on an ongoing case.  

Director Steven Harpe also said, “The overwhelming majority of ODOC’s employees are dedicated to our mission and vision. However, we will continue to hold accountable those who fail to protect the safety and security of Oklahomans by not following our policies or state laws.” 

ODOC officials also provided us with the following resources:  

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