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£1.5m six-bedroom house in the grounds of Lullingstone Castle for sale in Swanley, near Dartford

£1.5m six-bedroom house in the grounds of Lullingstone Castle for sale in Swanley, near Dartford

History buffs will be falling over themselves to get their hands on this six-bedroom property on the grounds of a Tudor castle.

The former stable has been converted into a family home and is just a stone’s throw from Lullingstone Castle near Swanley.

You could live on the grounds of the historic Lullingstone Castle. Picture: Tyron Ash International
You could live on the grounds of the historic Lullingstone Castle. Picture: Tyron Ash International

The Grade II listed building dates back to the 16th century and features original beams, a period fireplace and high ceilings.

It looks out onto a beautiful lake and the castle, which has been part of Kent’s history for centuries.

The six-bedroom property is located within the grounds of the 16th century manor house. Picture: Tyron Ash International
The six-bedroom property is located within the grounds of the 16th century manor house. Picture: Tyron Ash International
The property's unique location offers great views of the stunning grounds and lake. Picture: Tyron Ash International
The property's unique location offers great views of the stunning grounds and lake. Picture: Tyron Ash International

The first recorded mention of the estate was in 1279 when it was owned by former Mayor of London Gregory de Rokesley.

The manor house that now sits in the grounds was built in the 1500s and includes an outer gatehouse, a 120-acre park and the World Garden which boasts unique plant species from all over the globe.

There are six bedrooms, including a first-floor room that has been converted into the master bedroom. Picture: Tyron Ash International
There are six bedrooms, including a first-floor room that has been converted into the master bedroom. Picture: Tyron Ash International
Live the life of luxury with your own private dressing room attached to the master bedroom. Picture: Tyron Ash International
Live the life of luxury with your own private dressing room attached to the master bedroom. Picture: Tyron Ash International
The open-plan kitchen and dining room have an unusual curved shape. Picture: Tyron Ash International
The open-plan kitchen and dining room have an unusual curved shape. Picture: Tyron Ash International

The property, right next door to the castle and on the market for £1.5 million, offers six bedrooms, including a master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom and two dressing rooms, and an open-plan kitchen with quartz worktops and built-in appliances.

There’s also a garage that has been converted into an indoor gym and cinema room.

The garage has been converted into a home gym and cinema room. Picture: Tyron Ash International
The garage has been converted into a home gym and cinema room. Picture: Tyron Ash International
There are many traditional features in the Grade II listed home such as the period fireplace. Picture: Tyron Ash International
There are many traditional features in the Grade II listed home such as the period fireplace. Picture: Tyron Ash International

In addition to the castle’s communal grounds, which include the lake and parkland, the property has two private gardens with patio terraces and bedded plants that are secluded from the rest of the estate.

There are two private gardens attached to the house as well as the communal space around the castle. Picture: Tyron Ash International
There are two private gardens attached to the house as well as the communal space around the castle. Picture: Tyron Ash International
Enjoy strolls around the lake that sits right outside your front door. Picture: Tyron Ash International
Enjoy strolls around the lake that sits right outside your front door. Picture: Tyron Ash International

There’s plenty of history on your doorstep with your neighbours at Lullingstone Castle but, if that’s not enough to keep you occupied, the towns of Swanley and Dartford, as well as Bluewater shopping centre, can be reached by car within 30 minutes.

Eynsford, a charming village with pubs, shops and rail links to London, is also within walking distance.

To find out more about this unique property, visit Tyron Ash International.

This property can be found at Lullingstone Park in Swanley, near Dartford.

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