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RES submits planning application for Chimmens Solar Farm between Horton Kirby and Fawkham

RES submits planning application for Chimmens Solar Farm between Horton Kirby and Fawkham

Plans for what would be one of the largest solar farms in the county have been submitted.

Renewable energy firm RES wants to put thousands of panels, which could produce enough electricity to power 22,500 homes, between Horton Kirby and Fawkham, near Dartford.

The site of the proposed solar farm covering 245 acres between the villages of Fawkham, Farningham and Horton Kirby
The site of the proposed solar farm covering 245 acres between the villages of Fawkham, Farningham and Horton Kirby

The bid, submitted to Sevenoaks District Council last month, outlines plans for the construction and operation of a solar farm with storage units, CCTV and other infrastructure to support it.

The fields, at Speedgate Farm, between Mussenden Lane and the M20, have been chosen for the amount of sun they get and because they are close to a grid connection.

In a design and access statement, it says permission is being sought for a temporary period of 40 years, from when electricity is first exported from the site.

The project, known as Chimmens Solar Farm, would cover about 245 acres and be capable of generating up to 49.9MW of clean, low-cost, renewable electricity.

This would be enough to power around 22,500 homes and save up to 15,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year compared to fossil fuels.

The farmland would still be able to be grazed by sheep, meaning it can be used for both farming and producing electricity at the same time.

RES says sheep will still be able to graze under panels. Stock picture
RES says sheep will still be able to graze under panels. Stock picture

The statement also says that agricultural use will be kept in the long term as the development is temporary and reversible.

The report concluded: “The development proposals will not have an unacceptable adverse effect on the visual amenity value of the wider countryside.

“Overall, the proposals are appropriate in terms of design and access and the development represents a necessary step towards meeting the UK’s legally binding climate change and renewable energy obligations.”

The site is in the green belt and would be considered an “inappropriate development when assessed against planning policy”, the submitted planning statement explains.

However, it outlines that the “provision of renewable energy development can be considered as a very special circumstance”.

It says the proposed 40-year operational life means that there is no “permanent loss of the green belt” and would not significantly adversely impact it.

An illustrative image of the type of project RES is hoping to create. Photo: RES
An illustrative image of the type of project RES is hoping to create. Photo: RES

The statement added: “Overall, it is considered that substantial weight should be given to the benefits of the proposal in providing significant generation of clean renewable electricity and carbon displacement.

“This amounts to a very special circumstance which outweighs the limited impact to the openness of the Green Belt in line with policies.”

If approved it would not be the first farmland to be earmarked for solar farms.

Already in Kent, multiple plans have been revealed including a 152-acre site in Borden, near Sittingbourne, a 40-acre site in Cranbrook, and a 72-acre site near Dover.

And later this month, a planning inspector is set to decide on plans for another development at Marden, near Maidstone.

Read more: Why are there so many solar farms in Kent?

You can view the plans for Chimmens Solar Farm here or by searching for reference 23/03181/FUL in the council’s planning portal.

Development project manager, Pauric McCloskey says the site is a perfect opportunity. Picture: RES
Development project manager, Pauric McCloskey says the site is a perfect opportunity. Picture: RES

Speaking previously, development project manager, Pauric McCloskey, said: “Chimmens Solar Farm presents a perfect opportunity to provide clean, renewable electricity, which helps fight climate change – the biggest threat our generation is facing.”

To see more planning applications and other public notices for your area, click here.

A decision is expected by Tuesday, March 19.

If approved, construction will take around a year and after it has reached its operational life, decommissioning it would take another year.

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