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NHS reveals parking income from Dartford and Gravesham, Medway, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells and East Kent hospitals

NHS reveals parking income from Dartford and Gravesham, Medway, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells and East Kent hospitals

New figures show how people forked out almost £5 million in parking fees at Kent’s hospitals.

Data from NHS England reveals what income trusts made from charges paid by patients and visitors between April 2022 and April 2023.

Buckland Hospital in Dover car park
Buckland Hospital in Dover car park

Despite former PM Boris Johnson saying he would scrap the fees in the Tories’ 2019 election manifesto, the Dartford and Gravesham, Medway, East Kent Hospitals University and Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS trusts still charge – as do others across the UK.

At Medway Maritime in Gillingham, parking costs £2.20 for zero to two hours; £3.30 for two to three hours; £4.40 for three to four hours; £5.50 for four to five hours; £8.80 for five to 24 hours and £10 for more than 24 hours.

In the 2022/23 financial year, it generated the trust £1,320,762.

At Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells hospitals, parking is free for 30 minutes but then costs £2.50 from 30 minutes to an hour; £3 for one to two hours; £4 for two to three hours; £5 for three to four hours; £6 for four to five hours; £7 for five to six hours; £8 for six to seven hours; £10 for seven to 10 hours; £12 for 10 to 16 hours and £15 for 16 to 24 hours.

It generated the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust £1,437,757.

Maidstone Hospital. Picture: Stock image
Maidstone Hospital. Picture: Stock image

For the hospitals which are part of the East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust – Kent and Canterbury in Canterbury, William Harvey Hospital in Ashford, the Royal Victoria Hospital in Folkestone and the Buckland Hospital in Dover – parking costs £2 for zero to one hour; £3 for one to two hours; £4 for two to three hours and three to four hours; £5 for four to five hours; £6 for five to six hours; £7 for six to seven hours and £8 for seven to 24 hours.

It generated the trust £1,859,926.

At Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford, costs are £1.50 for zero to one hour; £2.50 for one to two hours; £3 for two to three hours; £4 for three to four hours; £8 for four to six hours, £10 for six to 24 hours and £32 for a weekly ticket.

Parking here is managed through the company Saba Car Parking Solutions as part of a deal dating back to the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) which helped fund the hospital’s construction ahead of its opening in 2000.

As a result, parking fees generated no income for the trust, but based on the other trusts’ figures, it can be assumed more than £1 million was spent by members of the public – taking the overall Kent figure towards £6 million.

Blue-badge holders are eligible for free parking at all the hospitals mentioned above.

One of the car parks at Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford. Picture: Darent Valley Hospital Facebook
One of the car parks at Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford. Picture: Darent Valley Hospital Facebook

Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust was unable to confirm what Saba does with the funds it makes, in terms of overall profit and reinvestment in the services it provides.

A spokeswoman said: “Darent Valley is a PFI hospital and under the terms of agreement, parking is managed by an external party, therefore no associated income is reflected by the trust. The third-party provider would have to comment on how any residual income, after charging relevant costs, is utilised.”

Saba Car Parking Solutions did not respond to KentOnline’s request for comment.

A spokeswoman for the Medway NHS Foundation Trust explained trusts across the country are required by NHS England to charge.

She said: “To make car parking accessible for all our patients and visitors we offer a wide range of concessions and the site is well served by public transport.

“Staff who meet the criteria for an on-site parking permit pay a monthly fee depending on their pay band.

“A free off-site parking and shuttle bus service is available to all staff and since September 2019 the trust has offered subsidised bus travel for all staff.

“To avoid funds being taken from budgets for healthcare services, income from parking charges is used to pay the costs of providing the parking (such as maintenance, security and lighting).

Medway Maritime Hospital, Gillingham
Medway Maritime Hospital, Gillingham

“Rules relating to the generation of income require that any surplus is used for clinical services.”

An East Kent Hospitals University NHS Trust spokesman confirmed that once operating costs are deducted, all remaining income from parking is invested back to support patient care and experience.

She said: “Income raised through car parking each year includes income from staff and patients.

“Blue-badge holders using designated bays are not charged.

The William Harvey Hospital in Ashford
The William Harvey Hospital in Ashford

“We also offer a range of concessions including weekly permits, free parking overnight for parents visiting a child, and free parking for those attending the hospital for clinical care who have to attend three times or more per month for three consecutive months.”

For more details on the data click here.

Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust was approached for comment but did not respond.

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