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Game Of Thrones Star Maisie Williams Joins Other Young Celebs In Demanding Second Brexit Referendum

Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams has joined young actors, musicians and artists in demanding a second Brexit referendum.

In an open letter signed by singer-songwriters Dodie Clark, Jordan Stephens, Professor Green and others, MPs are told to end the “lies and the chaos”.

“The Brexit now on offer is so far removed from what was promised in 2016, it is frankly undemocratic to deny people their say,” the young celebrities say.

Clark, who shot to fame on YouTube, told HuffPost UK: “Young people are clear – the only way forward now is a People’s Vote.

“Any Brexit Deal – that young people will have to live with the consequences of for the longest – cannot deliver on the promises of 2016. It will be worse for young people and the UK than the current deal we have.” 

It comes after Jeremy Corbyn faced a backlash from pro-EU campaigners for confirming Labour would push ahead with Brexit if it won a snap general election in the new year.

The Labour leader was attacked by many of his own MPs who believe he should swing the party behind another referendum that would give people a chance to stay in the EU.

In the letter, MPs of all parties are told: “You are older than us, and maybe in many ways wiser too. We certainly hope so, because you are facing the most important vote of your career, which will have a massive bearing on our futures.

“Can you look us in the eye and tell us this Brexit Deal will be good for our futures? Can you honestly say that this deal is better than the one we have as a moment?

“We’re not interested in more Brexit fantasies. We’ve had enough of the lies and the chaos. The Brexit now on offer is so far removed from what was promised in 2016, it is frankly undemocratic to deny people their say. The only way out of this mess is to put the decision back to the people and let them decide.”

The plea to MPs was backed by Our Future, Our Choice (OFOC) and For our Future’s Sake (FFS), the youth wings of the People’s Vote campaign.

Lara Spirit, co-founder of OFOC, said Brexit must not be left to “the politicians squabbling in Westminster”.

Theresa May is battling to maintain cabinet discipline as senior ministers set out rival plans for dealing with the potential rejection of her Brexit plan next month.

Justice Secretary David Gauke has said he would find it “very difficult” to remain the government if the UK appeared on course to crash out of the EU without a deal.

Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom said a “managed no-deal” Brexit was a possibility, while Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd claimed there was a “plausible argument” for a second referendum.


Dear MPs,

You are older than us, and maybe in many ways wiser too. We certainly hope so, because you are facing the most important vote of your career, which will have a massive bearing on our futures.

Please, think of us when making your choice. Not just us, of course. You have to represent people of all ages. But we are the ones who will have to live longest with the consequences of whatever you decide to do.

Most of our generation voted to stay in 2016. Many were devastated at the result. But we’re democrats, and of course the government had to negotiate a deal which works for this country. If this is it, then whether you voted Leave or Remain, you know it is not good enough. Even the government admits we will be poorer as a result.

Austerity has been bad enough. This miserable Brexit is going to make it worse. With inequality growing, public services failing, housing costs beyond so many of our young people, and tuition fees crippling, don’t be surprised that many of us, the first generation to grow up to be poorer than their parents, are losing hope in politics altogether.

Can you look us in the eye and tell us this Brexit Deal will be good for our futures? Can you honestly say that this deal is better than the one we have as a moment?

We’re not interested in more Brexit fantasies. We’ve had enough of the lies and the chaos. The Brexit now on offer is so far removed from what was promised in 2016, it is frankly undemocratic to deny people their say. The only way out of this mess is to put the decision back to the people and let them decide.


Alice Aedy
Amber Anderson
Grace Campbell
Dodie Clark
Amelia Dimolden
Professor Green
Hussain Manawer
Faye Marsay
Honey Ross
Joylon Rubinstein
Jordan Stephens
Alice Skinner
Maisie Williams

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