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‘I probably looked like I was showing off!’ How Tim Price laid Vitali’s jumping demons to rest with a great result at Burghley

Tim Price and Vitali at Badminton 2023.

Tim Price laid Vitali’s showjumping ghosts to rest with by far his best round over the coloured poles at a three-day event at Defender Burghley Horse Trials. This stunning dark bay, a prolific winner at four-star, has so often had a grasp on a CCI5* title, but in his five previous attempts at this highest level, plus the Tokyo Olympics, he had never done better than three rails down. Today, a single rail at the penultimate fence secured the runner-up position behind the peerless pairing of Ros Canter and Lordships Graffalo.

Tim was fourth last year, but lost a podium placing with three down – then lowered five at Badminton to lose the crown. For him the final score was immaterial, Tim was simply “thrilled” with how the horse jumped. Ultimately, thanks to Annaghmore Valoner’s pole down with Harry Meade, Tim’s rail did not affect his final placing.

“It was the round of his life at a long-format,” Tim said. “I know he’s got the ability – you have to remember he’s jumped clear all year except Badminton, it’s just when you switch the cross-country round and the atmosphere. He was so present and with me and that is the key with him. I’m just so happy all the hard work has paid off.”

Tim explained what he did today to eke out such improvement – while admitting he’s made “100 tweaks and fiddles” trying to get it right.

“I did six flying changes when I went into the arena, which looks like I’m showing off, but it’s to check he’s on the aids because he cocks his jaw and looks at the crowd, so I do a change and then he’s more with me like he is in the dressage,” he said. “And then I tried not to ride him in a crazy random way to try to magic a clear round, just ride him really normally.”

Faith in “fantastic horse” rewarded for Tim Price at Burghley Horse Trials

Today, Vitali looked balanced, cat-like and athletic throughout. He has tended to lose heart and jump flat once he has knocked down one, but as he jumped immaculately from fence to fence, the belief that he might be able to achieve the result he so deserved grew. Tim’s enormous smile over the last showed just what an achievement this is on what he has always believed to be a world-class contender.

“There was no fall from grace this time, this was a good three phases – a solid result all the way through,” he said. “Joe Giannamore, Vitali’s owner, has been so patient as he’s not an easy horse, and I’m so pleased we are getting close to a top result with a fantastic horse.”

Vitali skipped round yesterday’s cross-country track for just 3.2 time-faults, having been third after dressage on 22.3, and Tim said Derek di Grazia’s tough track took little out of him.

“He is typically quite easy on himself cross-country and he woke up very well this morning, but with him it’s mental as much as physical,” he said. “That’s been the tricky thing for me to work out. It’s the weird and wonderful thing with our sport – every horse is different, and it’s about finding out what works best for them.”

Vitali now heads out to the paddocks for a holiday, but a trip to Kentucky in the spring for his American owners has already been mooted.

“He hasn’t really justified a flight up until now, but we’ll see – it would be nice to see him go on a surface; let’s see,” Tim said.

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