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В Ленинском округе с владелицы участка взыщут более 2 млн рублей за свалку

Эксперт: у Китая есть адекватные меры, чтобы ответить США

28 апреля 2024 года

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Brit holds joint lead in Kentucky four-star: ‘I took a risk in my prep and it paid off’

Lucienne Bellissimo and Dyri in the CCI4*-S at Kentucky 2024. British rider Lucienne Bellissimo is the... Читать дальше...

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МинЖКХ Подмосковья подвело итоги работы за 2023 г и определило планы на 3 года

Эксперт: у Китая есть адекватные меры, чтобы ответить США

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Horse And Hound 

Disappointment for British and Irish riders at Kentucky five-star

Kirsty Chabert and Classic VI at Kentucky 2024. Kirsty Chabert suffered the disappointment of a run-out on the Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event cross-country course today. The British rider had had 20 penalties here at the US spring five-star last year and returned hoping for redemption, but unfortunately it didn’t come off today for her and Classic VI. Kirsty’s round with the 15-year-old mare, […]

Horse And Hound 

‘She’s as good as we always hoped’ – world number one praises young mare after Kentucky cross-country

Oliver Townend and Cooley Rosalent at Kentucky 2024. Oliver Townend praised the 10-year-old Cooley Rosalent this evening after the pair finished just one second over the optimum time on the Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event cross-country course. The world number one sits in third place overnight on the grey mare belonging to Paul and Diana Ridgeon, behind fellow Brits Tom McEwen, who leads on […]

Horse And Hound 

‘Incredible pressure’ – Yasmin Ingham speaks of her relief after Kentucky cross-country round

Yasmin Ingham and Banzai Du Loir at Kentucky 2024. Yasmin Ingham spoke of her relief at the result and the “incredible amount of pressure” involved in bringing a horse to the US to compete after her Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event cross-country round today. The British world champion added 5.6 time-faults to her second-placed dressage score to maintain her position going into tomorrow’s showjumping. She […]

Horse And Hound 

Phillip Dutton gives update on horse who fell at final fence at Kentucky five-star

Quasi Cool and Phillip Dutton at Kentucky 2024. Quasi Cool, the horse who fell at the final fence in the five-star in the Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event cross-country today, is resting comfortably in his stable. Phillip Dutton and Quasi Cool had gone clear up to the last obstacle, the Lucky Horseshoe at fence 27. The horse fell on the landing side and was […]

Horse And Hound 

British top three after Kentucky five-star cross-country – despite two long routes for leader

Tom McEwen and JL Dublin at Kentucky 2024. Tom McEwen maintains his lead after the Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event cross-country, heading a British one-two-three at the top of the five-star rankings. The British double Olympic medallist described JL Dublin as “incredible” after their round, in which they clocked up four time-penalties. Just two pairs came home inside the optimum time today. “I was […]

Horse And Hound 

Why wasn’t King Edward wearing a browband at the World Cup Final?

King Edward (Henrik von Eckermann) becomes the first horse for 25 years to win back-to-back World Cup Finals.Global superstars Henrik von Eckermann and the brilliant King Edward are taking the showjumping world by storm, most recently clinching back-to-back World Cup Final titles – the first time for 25 years that a horse has achieved the feat. His remarkable winning performance also marked the fourth time that this heroic little chestnut has sailed […]

Horse And Hound 

British rider drops down order after Kentucky four-star cross-country

Lucienne Belllissimo and Dyri in the CCI4*-S at Kentucky 2024. Britain’s Lucienne Bellissimo has dropped down the order in the Cosequin Lexington CCI4*-S after the Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event cross-country day. The US-based rider was the joint leader overnight on Dyri, but had a run-out at the final element of the influential Le Chameau Park Question at fence 6abcde, where riders jumped a rail, down […]

Horse And Hound 

Rider returns from back surgery to compete at Kentucky: ‘I feel like a different person’

Zachary Brandt returns from back surgery to compete at Kentucky 2024. Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event competitor Zachary Brandt says he feels “like a different person, like a different athlete” since having major back surgery at the end of November last year. “The coolest part is that my surgeon is here this weekend with his wife and his kids – he came to support and watch,” said […]

Horse And Hound 

Why you need to know about Cooley Nutcracker – ‘I really believe in him for the future’

Cooley Nutcracker and Liz Halliday at Kentucky 2024. If you’re not aware of Cooley Nutcracker yet, put him on your radar. The 10-year-old has won both his CCI4*-L starts and is currently equal third after dressage in the five-star at the Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event. “He’s gorgeous, I absolutely love him. He’s one of my favourite horses,” said his rider Liz Halliday after […]

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