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Activists challenged on Oct. 7 Hamas terror at pro-Palestinian campus 'fair' in Wisconsin

Activists challenged on Oct. 7 Hamas terror at pro-Palestinian campus 'fair' in Wisconsin

'Fox & Friends' co-host Lawrence Jones spoke with anti-Israeli activists during a pro-Palestinian 'fair' at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee on Tuesday.

"Fox & Friends" co-host Lawrence Jones visited a pro-Palestinian "fair" at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to talk with activists as antisemitism continues to engulf college campuses nationwide. 

"We're here to really advocate for Palestinians, for Gaza," one activist told Jones on Tuesday. "We're advocating, honestly, for just… humanity."


"There's also a lot more casualties on the Palestinian side than there is on the Israeli side," another activist chimed in. 

"And I'm not trying to like, compare the sides, but a lot of people are like, ‘oh my God, October 7th, October 7th,’ but like, no, this is since 1948."

"People are saying, well, but what about the Jewish community that is under attack as well? The women that were raped, the kids that were put into ovens," Jones said. 

One activist turned to the other activist and questioned the legitimacy of the claims that women and children were raped and tortured during the Oct. 7 massacre. She said she thought those claims were debunked. 

"The UN came out with a report," Jones said. 

"I don't know the resource, but like I said, we're not here to condone… we're not here for violence at all," she said in response. 

"Do you feel like you could separate the two and you say, hey, let's just talk about the humanitarian aspect of it without talking about the larger conversation of Hamas using the people that you care about, I care about, as human shields? Like, does that concern you?" Jones asked. 


" It does concern me. It does. It's actually really unfortunate," she said. "We don't look highly at that at all because you've got to understand, you're all talking about Hamas this, Hamas this. We're talking about the civilians." 

Jones discussed his visit to the "fair" on Wednesday during "Fox & Friends," arguing that there is no "common ground" with the far-left activists. 

"If we can't even meet at a common ground that women were raped and children were put into ovens in Israel on Oct. 7 then we can't have a conversation," Jones said. 

"They're denying that it happened. They're saying that it was propaganda, and this is the same thing that we experienced when I went to the campuses after October 7th, is that they're under this impression that this did not happen," he continued. 

His remarks come as anti-Israel agitators have flooded college campuses nationwide, forming pro-Palestinian protest encampments with a unified demand that their schools stop doing business with Israel.


Inspired by ongoing protests and the arrests last week of more than 100 students at Columbia University in New York City, seen at the epicenter of the ongoing demonstrations, students from Massachusetts to California and Tennessee to Texas are now gathering by the hundreds and pledging to stay put on campus until their demand is met.

The nationwide movement has gained momentum and has taken on new strength as administrators continue to allow anti-Israel demonstrations at schools like Columbia, Yale, MIT, UC Berkeley, University of Southern California, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, Northwestern University, Vanderbilt University, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina, University of Virginia and others.

The protests come as the Israel-Hamas war surpassed the six-month milestone earlier this month, which has resulted in tens of thousands of civilian Palestinian deaths. The stories of suffering in Gaza have sparked international calls for a cease-fire and protests around the world.

Fox News' Lawrence Richard and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

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