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Sean 'Diddy' Combs lawsuit names 50 Cent's ex-girlfriend as one of music mogul's alleged sex workers

Sean 'Diddy' Combs lawsuit names 50 Cent's ex-girlfriend as one of music mogul's alleged sex workers

A lawsuit filed against Sean "Diddy" Combs by music producer "Lil Rod" claims one of the music mogul's alleged sex workers is 50 Cent's ex-girlfriend, Daphne Joy.

A lawsuit filed against Sean "Diddy" Combs by a male music producer alleging sexual assault is shedding more light on the embattled music mogul's alleged activities and how he's connected to a fellow rapper's ex-girlfriend.

In documents obtained by Fox News Digital, Rodney "Lil Rod" Jones Jr., a producer on Combs' latest studio album, "The Love Album: Off the Grid," alleges the Bad Boy Records founder "bragged about having several women on a monthly stipend." 

One of the women named in the suit is Daphne Joy Cervantes Narvaez, commonly known as "Daphne Joy." She is the ex-girlfriend of Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson. 



Jones alleges those women, including Joy, "were paid a monthly fee to work as Mr. Combs' sex workers." Diddy follows Joy on Instagram, and they were photographed together in Miami Beach in 2021.

Joy and 50 Cent dated in 2011, welcoming their son Sire in 2012. The following year, the rapper pleaded not guilty to domestic violence and vandalism charges involving Joy. The "In da Club" rapper was accused of kicking Joy and dismantling her property, according to Reuters.

He was later sentenced to three years probation and 30 days of community service. He also paid restitution and fines. 

Jones filed an updated suit March 25 after filing the original in New York's federal court in February. That filing came weeks after Diddy settled a separate lawsuit with ex-girlfriend Cassie, who accused him of rape.

At the time of the filing, Combs' lawyer disputed Jones' claims, calling them "pure fiction" in a statement shared with Fox News Digital. 


"Lil Rod is nothing more than a liar who filed a $30 million lawsuit shamelessly looking for an undeserved payday. His reckless name-dropping about events that are pure fiction and simply did not happen is nothing more than a transparent attempt to garner headlines," attorney Shawn Holley said.

"We have overwhelming, indisputable proof that his claims are complete lies. Our attempts to share this proof with Mr. Jones’ attorney, Tyrone Blackburn, have been ignored, as Mr. Blackburn refuses to return our calls. We will address these outlandish allegations in court and take all appropriate action against those who make them."

And 50 Cent, who has been critical of the Bad Boy founder throughout his ongoing legal woes, seemingly addressed the allegations surrounding Joy, writing to Instagram, "I didn’t know you was a sex worker, you little sex worker.LOL. Yo this s--- is a movie."

Representatives for Diddy and 50 Cent did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital's request for comment. Fox News Digital has reached out to Joy.


Diddy has been lying low for the past week, after Homeland Security raided his properties Monday.

A U.S. official previously confirmed to Fox News the raids were connected to a federal human trafficking investigation, although it's unclear if Diddy is the target of the federal agents' investigation.

On Tuesday, Diddy's attorney issued a statement denouncing the raid.

"Yesterday, there was a gross overuse of military-level force as search warrants were executed at Mr. Combs’ residences. There is no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or the way his children and employees were treated. Mr. Combs was never detained but spoke to and cooperated with authorities. Despite media speculation, neither Mr. Combs nor any of his family members have been arrested nor has their ability to travel been restricted in any way," Aaron Dyer said.

"This unprecedented ambush — paired with an advanced, coordinated media presence — leads to a premature rush to judgment of Mr. Combs and is nothing more than a witch hunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits. There has been no finding of criminal or civil liability with any of these allegations. Mr. Combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name."

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