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The Best Cameras to Sell in 2024 (And How Much $ You’ll Make)

Selling your old camera gear (and hopefully upgrading to something better) is the perfect way to give your photography practice a refresh. MPB—the world’s largest platform for buying and selling…

The post The Best Cameras to Sell in 2024 (And How Much $ You’ll Make) appeared first on Feature Shoot.

Sony A7 III, MPB used cameras

Selling your old camera gear (and hopefully upgrading to something better) is the perfect way to give your photography practice a refresh. MPB—the world’s largest platform for buying and selling used photo and video gear—will pay you for the camera bodies you don’t use anymore and help you find your next camera for a fraction of the cost of buying new. Spring cleaning has never been easier, more sustainable, or more affordable. 

Here’s how it works: Get a free instant quote online. Pack up your gear, and get free, insured shipping. MPB inspects your gear for free. You get paid—or you can use the money you earned to buy your dream camera. 

These tried-and-true cameras ranked among MPB’s most popular gear last year. Note that prices are for cameras in “excellent” condition and are of this writing, so they’re subject to change.

Fujifilm X-T3, MPB used cameras
  1. Sony A7 III. Believe it or not, this camera has been the most popular on MPB since 2022. Have one you want to sell? MPB will pay you $825 for it. 
  2. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. That’s right: These DSLRs are still in vogue. MPB will buy one of these beauties for $865
  3. Fujifilm X-T3. This compact all-rounder moved up one place year-over-year and will fetch you $580
  4. Nikon D850. This DSLR rose significantly through the ranks, moving up four places year-over-year. MPB will pay $1,050 for one of these long-time favorites. 
  5. Nikon D750. This camera has been around for almost a decade, but people are still buying it used—partly because it combines affordability with great image quality and low-light capabilities. Sell it for $410
  6. Fujifilm X100V. While this camera might not have topped the list, it performed phenomenally by jumping up 22 spots year-over-year. MPB credits social media and content creators with its soaring popularity. Sell it to MPB, and earn $930
  7. Fujifilm X-T4. This durable mirrorless camera will earn you $815 when you sell to MPB.
Nikon D750, MPB used cameras

What’s next? These are the cameras to watch. 

MPB also determined the fastest-rising camera models of 2023—and made predictions for what’s to come in 2024. Here are some of the standouts: 

Canon EOS R5, MPB used cameras
  • Fujifilm X-T5. This 40.2MP, crop-sensor sensation wins the #1 spot in MPB’s ranking of fastest-rising cameras in the US. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the X-TI, and this latest model from Fujifilm combines those gorgeous colors everyone loves with plenty of resolution. Got one already? MPB will buy it for $1,075. 
  • Sony Alpha A7R V. This 61MP, full-frame beaut is known for its sublime autofocus system and stellar image quality, making it an enticing upgrade for anyone looking to up their game. Got one already? MPB will buy it for $2,400.
  • Canon EOS R6 Mark II. Marketed to enthusiasts and pros alike, this versatile camera offers a speed of up to 40 fps, nice performance in low light, and more megapixels when compared to the original R6. Got one already? MPB will buy it for $1,500.
  • Canon EOS R5. MPB predicts strong sales for this camera, which also made it into our roundup of recommendations for 2024 and our list of cameras you can sell for a small fortune. Got one already? MPB will buy it for $1,975.
  • ??Panasonic Lumix S5 II. This camera appeals to both photographers and filmmakers, and pros love the improved autofocus performance and relatively affordable price (more bang for your buck). Got one already? MPB will buy it for $.
  • Nikon Z8. This buzzed-about camera—considered by many to be the mirrorless answer to the beloved D850—earned rave reviews as soon as it hit the market. If you love the “feel” of a DSLR but crave speed and portability—not to mention silent operation—this is the camera for you. Got one already? MPB will buy it for $2,525.
Fujifilm X-T4, MPB used cameras

Spring cleaning is about more than just decluttering. For those in the photography business, this time of year presents an opportunity to get organized and reevaluate: What could you do to make yourself more productive, sustainable, and cost-efficient? These are long-term questions, but buying and selling with MPB is an easy first step—and one that empowers you to do more with what you already have. Get rid of what you don’t need, and then get creative with some used (but new to you!) gear. 

This article was sponsored by our friends at MPB.

The post The Best Cameras to Sell in 2024 (And How Much $ You’ll Make) appeared first on Feature Shoot.

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