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Will Trent Season 2 Episode 9 Review: Residente o Visitante

Sometimes, learning about your family gets you more than you bargained for.

On Will Trent Season 2 Episode 9, Will visited San Juan, Puerto Rico, to feel closer to his mother.

While he accomplished that, he wasn't expecting only days later to find Uncle Antonio's best friend, Javer, dead.

Will has always longed to feel close to people, but he was terrified to because, as he confided to Lucy, so many people die.

Since Season 2 began, he has lost Cricket, and we learned that he was close to his foster mother, Anna, who was murdered.

He almost lost Angie in the Will Trent Season 1 finale, so it made sense why he held off getting close to anyone else, including his uncle, or reuniting with Angie sooner.

His mom tried to convince him to let go, and the scene of Will jumping into the ocean and breathing was pivotal, and the beginning credits.

Will: I love seeing where you’re from.
Lucy: There’s a part of you that’s from here, too.
Will: I don’t feel it yet.
Lucy: Give it time. You just got here.

Everything almost went perfectly in Puerto Rico.

The locals loved Will and introduced him to Antonio's friend, Javier.

This episode featured many Spanish subtitles during the Puerto Rico scenes, which was a nice added touch.

Javier seemed a little too interested in Will's work in law enforcement, and it appeared someone was watching the three men.

Not long after Will returned, Antonio called in a panic that Javi was dead.

Then the chaos hit because the FBI was involved, and Antonio believed the FBI was racist.

Amanda was in a tough spot, trying to appease the FBI and Will, who wanted to solve the case for his uncle.

Antonio believed the FBI was still as dirty as the one who surveilled their families and homes until he and Javi found the evidence to stop it.

If the FBI wants to come after me, let them. It won’t be the first time.


Kristen Murphy seemed helpful, but she was a charming snake, and Will, Angie, and Antonio found the evidence to bring her down.

They made a lovely duo as they realized the other dead body was Milton Clark, a con artist and a blackmailer.

Angie and Amanda read the summary in the encrypted file, realizing that Kristen Murphy had worked with another criminal and covered it up, and Javi had learned about it.

She was a dirty FBI agent.

That was difficult to prove, and they needed Antonio to go undercover and pretend to taunt her with what they knew so she would try to shoot him, and they could rush in and arrest her.

Will hated doing such a risky plan, but it was the only way to catch her.

Antonio: Oh no, it was great. I’m over Bogart. I’m going to embody James Bond.
Will: The position’s been filled.

Surprisingly, Angie has shown the most growth in Will Trent Season 2.

When she hurt her back, I was so proud that she only took Tylenol and winced through the pain.

She and Will didn't seem as codependent this time.

Instead, they were helpful and supportive of each other, and even Antonio recognized how strong their relationship had become.

While the series would never work without Will, Angie also realized that Will needed family and wondered if he would move to Puerto Rico.

But Will had changed too and moved on. He finally knew he had a family in Atlanta.

Whatever else I find out there, no one replaces you, Ang.


While cops have to investigate every crime, who knew Michael would be the voice of the general public?

Faith: The reason I’m assigned to this case, Detective, is because a man was murdered, and you said out loud to multiple people, including the murder victim’s parole officer, ‘There is a special place in hell for that dead rat bastard.'
Michael: He was a child sex offender. Everyone was thinking it!

There was something odd about Jason's murder, though. He was found in the woods with a toy in his mouth.

Michael has seen way too much violence and has two children, including a daughter, so it made sense that he would react negatively to Jason Peters touching girls on a middle school swim teach and being glad the man was dead.

While Faith probably had similar views, she didn't have patience for Michael's views.

Even Michael's opinions on vigilante justice waned when he saw how the apartment residents treated him and Faith.

According to their suspect, Doug, the residents thought Michael and Faith were enemies for questioning a resident.

All the residents teamed up to get Jason to leave. The residents even peed on Michael as he arrested Doug,

While this was a different approach to exploring how neighbors reacted to having a sex offender living near them, I was surprised that none of the suspects so far had connections to Jason Peters' victims.

Maybe they do.

The Virtual Watchmen seemed hellbent on ensuring that Faith and Michael couldn't solve the Jason Peters murder case and hurt anyone they loved.

That was a low blow, spreading the personal information about Jeremy and Max.

Max has grown up, though, and knows his father's job is more complicated than the jerks in the video make it seem.

Michael: Is this because of the case I’m investigating? You know it’s my job to enforce the law no matter what, right?
Max: I get that. That’s what I told them.

There are no clear-cut suspects, but many players have grudges against Jason Peters.

Now that Angie and Crystal plan to attend a sexual assault survivors' meeting, will they meet more of his victims?

Will Trent is one of those series where everything is connected, but anything said at a group meeting is in confidence, so they wouldn't be able to use anything from that.

I suspect they'll learn something there, though, because this case is just getting started, and if anyone wants justice for child sex offenders, it will be Angie.

Part of what bothered me with this case was that there was so much wit and humor, like Michael ranking the neighbor suspects or the neighbors peeping on them. It almost took away from the seriousness of child molestation.

Hopefully, the seriousness will return for the finale, and we will find out the relevance of the toys in their mouths.

Unfortunately, that will be the last time we see Will Trent before 2025, which is a hard pill to swallow.

Over to you, Will Trent Fanatics. What did you enjoy most about "Residente o Visitante"?

Were you hoping for more time with Uncle Antonio? What do you think of the twist of the serial murders of sex offenders?

We always love to hear your thoughts, so tell us in the comments below.

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