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Three Wiser Men and a Boy Reunites Tyler Hynes, Andrew Walker, and Paul Campbell on Hallmark!

Three Wiser Men and a Boy Reunites Tyler Hynes, Andrew Walker, and Paul Campbell on Hallmark!

It was merely two years ago that Hallmark fans everywhere discovered the true magic of Christmas when three Hallmark Hunks tapped into their brotherhood for Three Wise Men and a Baby.

A play on Three Men and a Baby, Paul Campbell & Kimberley Sustad created a fun, family Christmas movie starring Campell, Tyler Hynes, and Andrew Walker and brought the theatrical film’s Margaret Colin along for the ride.

The result was pure joy, with a story packed with holiday sentiment, family frustrations, and great love.

Campbell & Sustad and Russell Hainline write the script for the sequel, Three Wiser Men and a Boy, and all four cast members mentioned above are on board, as well.

It’s an early Christmas gift for us all!

What does it mean to be a Hallmark hunk, anyway?

It’s not about looks, although it sure helps that this talented trio is easy on the eyes. It’s about the spirit they embody in all of their films.

To be one of the chosen in this illustrious category, a fellow’s heart and soul shine through in their work. They’re dedicated not only to the craft but to their family, friends, and fans.

Campbell & Sustad are not only writers but actors themselves, and they proved a long-festering theory that more than one star could easily share the spotlight in the same film.

It helps that they’re all fans off-screen as well as off, as those who work in the Hallmark world become close behind the scenes and by joining scores of fans at conventions several times annually.

In Three Wise Men and a Baby, Andrew Walker starred as Luke Brenner, an all-star firefighter and poster boy for physical health and clean living. Luke fell just short of perfection by living at home with his mom, Barbara (Colin).

Hynes played Taylor Brenner, the gaming geek with strong opinions and a sarcastic, biting comeback for every question. Comedy was his go-to maneuver for getting through life’s tough spots.

Paul Campbell played Stephan Brenner, a pet therapist so fearful of people that he’d turn in the other direction rather than confront one in the park.

Their lives changed dramatically when Luke discovered a baby at the firehouse tagged with his name. The support they wanted from their mom disappeared when she had to leave town to care for an ailing friend.

The Brenner boys grew up caring for the baby, discovering they had untapped talents and a bond so deep between them that nothing could hold them back from anything they wanted to achieve — including Luke being a father and his brother's doting uncles.

At the time, we had the chance to talk with Campbell, Hynes, and Walker for an extraordinarily fun conversation, opening our eyes to the friendship they share behind the scenes and preparing us for the fun to come on screen.

Check it out:


The story of Three Wiser Men and a Boy, now in production, begins five years later with the Brenner brothers preparing for another memorable Christmas. 

In a crazy turn of events, possibly brought on accidentally by the brothers themselves, the director of Luke’s (Walker) son Thomas’ (Miles Marthaller, Round and Round) school holiday musical steps down. 

Luke is desperate to make his son’s stage dreams come true, so he enlists the help of his brothers, Taylor and Stephan. 

Meanwhile, the trio navigates to meet their mom, Barbara’s (Margaret Colin) new boyfriend, and the brothers grapple with their own feelings about this relationship.

In true Brenner brother fashion, they are all in for a Christmas they will never forget.

“Viewers and critics alike fell for the charms of Paul, Tyler, and Andrew as the Brenner brothers in Three Wise Men and a Baby,” began Jennifer Kramer, Vice President, Development, Hallmark Media.

“The one resounding thing we heard from them was that they wanted more. We are excited to deliver and then some with a story that is filled with more humor and, most importantly, more heart.”

It’s only April, but now we know that Christmas will be on our minds for the foreseeable future as we count the days until the 15th Annual Countdown to Christmas on the Hallmark Channel.

Fifteen years! Can you believe that?

Hallmark was always in the business of Christmas, but with the Countdown to Christmas, they became the de facto home for holiday entertainment.

Three Wiser Men and a Boy is from Lighthouse Pictures Inc. 

Trevor McWhinney, Jamie Goehring, Gemma Martini, and Shawn Williamson are executive producers. 

The movie is produced by Catherine Kretz. 

Terry Ingram directs from a script by Paul Campbell & Kimberley Sustad, and Russell Hainline.

Could you possibly be more excited if you tried??

Merry Christmas in April, everyone!

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