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If Salah leaves, who’s the best forward to buy?

If Salah leaves, who’s the best forward to buy?

Remember the dark days before 2017? We were starving for goals, supporting strikers who couldn’t hit a barn door in a hurricane. Then, BAM! Mo Salah walks in, all smiles and sunshine, and suddenly, Anfield’s rocking every week! That first season? Pure magic. 32 goals in the league! A new record! Even the best payout […]

The post If Salah leaves, who’s the best forward to buy? appeared first on The Empire of The Kop.

Remember the dark days before 2017? We were starving for goals, supporting strikers who couldn’t hit a barn door in a hurricane. Then, BAM! Mo Salah walks in, all smiles and sunshine, and suddenly, Anfield’s rocking every week!

That first season? Pure magic. 32 goals in the league! A new record! Even the best payout casinos in Ireland were overwhelmed by the betting proposals! Indeed, we were this close to nicking the Champions League, too. It didn’t matter, though. We knew we had a special one. Golden boots started piling up like trophies in the cabinet. Remember that wonder goal against Roma? Pure magic! It left the defenders on their backsides!

He wasn’t just about the goals, though. He brought pace, trickery, the whole package. You could see the love for the club in his eyes. Klopp built a team around him, and together they delivered. Just remember that the Champions League won in 2019. It brings tears to fans’ eyes every time they discuss it. And the Premier League? He helped to end that drought with such delivery and such skill!

Now, there are always rumours, eh? Big clubs are sniffing around Mo. But can you imagine him in another shirt? It doesn’t feel right, does it? He’s become an Anfield legend. Over 150 goals for crying out loud! He’s written his name in Liverpool history next to the likes of Dalglish and Gerrard.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he left this year, the fact he signed a two-year contract and there’s a year to go,” Tony Cascerino was quoted by TalkSPORT. “I could imagine him being there as the flagship for Saudi football, there’s every chance that could happen.”

Of course, if he ever left, we’d need a replacement, a worthy heir. We’ve got Leroy Sane, but he’s got big shoes to fill. Maybe Bukayo Saka, someone who knows the league. Or perhaps Federico Chiesa, that Italian whizzkid. Whoever it is, they’ll need to be world-class. But for now, let’s just enjoy Mo Salah in a red shirt for as long as possible. You Never Walk Alone, Mo! The Kop will always adore you!

Leroy Sane

We all know Mo Salah’s a legend, but if those transfer rumours hold any weight, another name is being tossed around: Leroy Sane. Now, hold your horses before you start screaming abuse at the TV!

Sane terrorised defences week in and week out. He knows the Premier League inside out and understands that Klopp loves the high-pressing game.

Imagine him down that left flank, flying past fullbacks like they’re stuck in treacle.

Sure, there’ll be a hefty price tag, but if we can afford him, it’s a no-brainer. We need that spark and creativity up front, especially if Mo departs. Sane brings that in spades.

Some might say he isn’t a direct replacement for Mo. But that’s the beauty of Klopp’s system, isn’t it? We adapt, we evolve.

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READ MORE: Not Alonso: One Liverpool managerial candidate ‘scored high on internal data tests’

READ MORE: Ben Jacobs shares the current ‘feeling’ around Mo Salah’s future at Liverpool

Bukayo Saka (Arsenal)

There’s another youngster making waves across the city — Bukayo Saka, the Arsenal whippersnapper. Sure, he’s at Arsenal now. But for how long? Meanwhile, we should pay credit where credit’s due, right? The kid’s a talent.

Why would Klopp be eyeing him up, then? Well, think about it. We need fresh legs up front and someone to take the pressure off Salah, right? Saka’s hungry, and versatile. Play him on the wing and stick him through the middle. He can do it all.

We’d have to break the bank for him, that’s for sure. But if we can snag Saka, forget the league title. We’re going for the quadruple next season!

This is a chance to get a world-class talent who can take us to the next level.

Overall, you can’t blame Klopp for admiring Saka. He’s the real deal. Just picture him in a red shirt – wouldn’t that be something?

Federico Chiesa

Klopp’s previously eyed Federico Chiesa, that Juventus whiz.

Chiesa on the right, Diaz on the left – imagine the carnage! He won’t be fazed by the big stage. Sure, he’ll cost a fortune, but pinching him from those fancy

Unproven in the league, you say? Talent like his transcends borders. Liverpool’s next manager will mould him into a Red. Diaz, Nunez, Chiesa – that front three would strike fear into any defence! We can dream, can’t we?

???? EOTK Insider with Neil Jones: Michael Edwards and a multi-club model, Alonso’s Liverpool-esque moment and much more!

The post If Salah leaves, who’s the best forward to buy? appeared first on The Empire of The Kop.

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