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The ship that hit the Baltimore bridge went viral once before—for crashing into a port

Boat heading towards bridge(l), Boat hits port(c), Bridge collapsed(r)

A massive container boxship that caused the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday has crashed before, according to reports in shipping trade publications.

The ship, known as the Dali, was captured on surveillance video experiencing power failure issues just moments before ramming into a support column under the bridge.


According to evolving reports from local Baltimore authorities, casualties may be as high as 20 people after numerous vehicles were witnessed plunging into the water. At least two people have been pulled from the water so far, one of which that was seriously injured, reported TradeWinds.

Dali, which is registered in Singapore, is chartered by the Danish company Maersk but owned by Grace Ocean and managed by Synergy Marine, reported The Maritime Executive. The ship, according to the Executive, had left the Baltimore container terminal just after midnight and had two pilots aboard.

“Some reports are suggesting the vessel experienced a possible mechanical problem just before 1:30 a.m. causing it to strike one of the supports,” the Executive reported. “A large amount of smoke can be seen coming from the funnel as the vessel neared the bridge and it was to one side out of the main channel."

Yet the crash does not appear to be the first for Dali. The ship, which has an International Maritime Organization registration number of 9697428, also went viral in 2016 after crashing into a port in Antwerp.


The Shipwreck Log blog reports that the ship crashed while trying to leave a container terminal.

“The bow of the boxship swung around casting the stern [to] … scrap[e] along the quay. The boxship sustained significant damage to several meters of its hull," the blog wrote. "No reports of injuries or pollution released. Reports state the Dali was detained in Antwerp after the incident.”

A report from the since shuttered Maritime Herald at the time also noted that the 2016 crash was blamed on the Master and pilot.

“The accident happened in good weather and was caused by [the] mistake of the Master and pilot on board,” the Herald reported. “The container carrier had substantial stern momentum, which caused allision (sic) with the stone wall of the quay. Following the accident, the vessel Dali suffered sufficient damages in the stern and transom. The container ship remained afloat, but has some breaches near the waterline and will need of repairs (sic). The berth was also seriously damaged and closed for cargo handling operations due to safety reasons.”

A spokesperson for Maersk, who chartered the boat, released a statement regarding the crash in Baltimore but did not reference the 2016 incident.

“We are horrified by what has happened in Baltimore, and our thoughts are with all those affected,” Maersk said in a statement. “We can confirm that the container vessel “DALI”, operated by charter vessel company Synergy Group, is time chartered by Maersk and is carrying Maersk customers’ cargo. No Maersk crew and personnel were onboard the vessel. We are closely following the investigations conducted by authorities and Synergy, and we will do our utmost to keep our customers informed.” 

A spokesperson for Synergy Group, which operates the boat, did confirm to the Daily Dot, however, said that the company was not managing the ship during the 2016 incident and that there are "no safety related concerns associated with the vessel currently under their management."

"The exact cause of the incident is yet to be determined," Synergy added. "All crew members, including the two pilots have been accounted for and there are no reports of any injuries. There has also been no pollution."

This post was updated to include comment from a Synergy Group spokesperson.

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The post The ship that hit the Baltimore bridge went viral once before—for crashing into a port appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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