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Conspiracy theorists think Mel Gibson has video of Bill and Hillary Clinton engaging in cannibalism

Conspiracy theorists think Mel Gibson has video of Bill and Hillary engaging in cannibalism

In each edition of web_crawlr we have exclusive original content every day. On Mondays our Tech Reporter Mikael Thalen debunks the most wild conspiracy theories swirling around the web in his “One Dumb Conspiracy” column. If you want to read columns like this before everyone else, subscribe to web_crawlr to get your daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.

Conspiracy theorists believe that Hollywood actor Mel Gibson has released a video that shows former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton eating human flesh in Haiti. If that sounds absurd, you’re right.

In a post on X, a user who goes by the name Medeea Greere, the self-described editor of a website called AMG News, claimed that the alleged video was spreading “like wildfire across the internet” after Gibson published it.

“Brace yourselves for a bombshell revelation that will shake the very foundations of our society,” Greere wrote. “A shocking video has emerged, allegedly showing none other than Bill and Hillary Clinton engaged in acts of cannibalism alongside a notorious Haitian gang leader known as ‘Barbecue.’”

Greere linked to an article on her website as proof of the claim. Yet, unsurprisingly, the website is notorious for spreading fake news and provides no actual evidence or video.

The allegation stems from reports made by a British tabloid known as the Daily Star that cannibal gangs were eating people across Haiti in recent weeks. The story, which was attributed to an anonymous Haitian journalist, was quickly spread by prominent figures such as billionaire Elon Musk.

The State Department and experts on Haiti, however, have said that the claims are not backed by any actual evidence. Numerous videos circulating online alleging to show the gangs have also been debunked as outdated or fake.

Yet the narrative has since helped spawn countless conspiracy theories, including those involving the Clintons. While the Clintons do have a controversial history in Haiti, the assertion that they engaged in cannibalism with a gang leader named Barbecue is outright fake.

Nevertheless, some users online appeared to believe that the claim was true.

“BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUP! If this is true? It is about to get real! Bush’s, Clinton’s, Obama?” one user wrote. “Just plain EVIL! We need @realDonaldTrump back in the White House NOW!”

Yet others demanded to see the video in question, noting that they had heard the claim for some time but had never come across proof.

“Where are the videos?” another asked. “I understand that you cannot show the graffic parts but you can cover that part up. Just show us.”

Given Gibson’s conservative leanings over the years, con artists have long used his name to peddle conspiracy theories regarding alleged baby-eating Hollywood pedophiles. Gibson’s longtime publicist has had to repeatedly debunk such rumors in recent years.

The popularity of the outrageous claim is unsurprising given how it combines numerous high-profile names and topics often cited by conspiracy theorists.

But as is nearly always the case, none of the story is actually true. Don’t expect to find a video of Bill and Hillary chowing down anytime soon.

Why it matters

The fake news regarding the Clintons and cannibalism was made possible in part due to The Daily Star’s publication of the claim regarding human-eating gangs in Haiti. It’s always important to look into claims from outlets known for sensational headlines.

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The post Conspiracy theorists think Mel Gibson has video of Bill and Hillary Clinton engaging in cannibalism appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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