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TechIsland Summit aims to foster a tech-driven future for Cyprus

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TechIsland, the foremost tech association in Cyprus, is gearing up for the much-anticipated fourth edition of its annual TechIsland Summit, according to an announcement released on Monday.

Scheduled for May 30, this all-day event will be a key feature of the Reflect Festival in Limassol, a city renowned for its vibrant tech community.

The TechIsland Summit promises inspiration, knowledge-sharing, and actionable ideas. This year’s summit is structured around two main components designed to engage and enlighten participants.

Firstly, the Main Stage will be a focal point of the event, hosting a series of captivating panel discussions and keynote speeches centred on the theme “Tech-Driven Cyprus: Cultivating a Competitive Economy.”

This segment will delve into how Cyprus can elevate its status as a regional tech hub by harnessing the expertise of its highly skilled tech professionals, particularly in the realm of emerging technologies.

The day will commence with opening remarks that set the stage for the theme of fostering a competitive economy through tech-driven initiatives. Following this, the first panel, “Talent Mobility: The Cyprus Paradox,” will explore the complexities and opportunities surrounding the movement of tech talent within Cyprus.

This discussion will be followed by a second panel, “Redefining Banking in Cyprus: The Competitive Edge of a Diverse Banking Sector,” which will examine how diversity in banking can bolster Cyprus’ economic landscape.

Continuing the exploration of key topics, the third panel, “The Key in AI: Shaping Cyprus as the Center of Emerging Technologies,” will focus on positioning Cyprus at the forefront of AI development. Next, the fourth panel, “Breaking Barriers: Addressing School Shortages to Boost Cyprus’s Tech Economy,” will tackle the educational challenges impacting the tech sector. The fifth panel, “Bridging the Digital Gap: Cyprus’s Tech Sector as a Catalyst for Change,” will investigate how technology can drive societal and economic transformation.

Additionally, a keynote speech titled “Shaping Tomorrow: The JetBrains Example” will showcase how innovative companies like JetBrains are influencing the future. The day will conclude with closing remarks summarising the discussions and envisioning the future of tech in Cyprus.

This year’s summit will introduce a dynamic new dimension: the Mentors’ Hub, an exclusive event for startups, powered by Capacitor Partners.

This initiative offers startups across Cyprus the chance to schedule one-on-one meetings with seasoned mentors who are experts in various fields, including investment, funding, product development, growth strategy, and technology leadership.

These highly structured meetings, held in a specially designated space at the summit, will be tailored to the specific needs of each startup, providing invaluable guidance on refining strategies, overcoming challenges, and seizing growth opportunities.

Tanya Romanyukha, TechIsland’s General Manager, emphasised the association’s continuous efforts to support entrepreneurs and foster innovation.

“At TechIsland, we are always looking for ways to support entrepreneurs and foster innovation, which is a vital part of a strong tech ecosystem. That’s why this year we decided to expand the format, and as a result, the impact of the TechIsland Summit, by introducing this new side event exclusively for startups,” Romanyukha said.

“We are happy to join forces with Capacitor Partners, for our Mentors’ Hub activity, and connect startup founders with experienced mentors, who can offer them the guidance they need to propel their companies forward,” she added.

Michael Tyrimos, Managing Director of Capacitor Partners, highlighted the firm’s dedication to fostering innovation and supporting local entrepreneurship.

“We are proud to power the Mentors’ Hub at this year’s TechIsland Summit. A key part of our mission is to catalyse growth and support the Cyprus startup scene to its fullest potential,” Tyrimos said.

“By facilitating essential knowledge transfer and networking opportunities, we strive to empower entrepreneurs to excel in the country’s evolving digital landscape” he concluded.

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