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Barrington’s 7-foot Cole Hartke is not the average outside hitter. How high can the Pepperdine recruit go?

Barrington’s 7-foot Cole Hartke is not the average outside hitter. How high can the Pepperdine recruit go?

Hartke may be done growing taller but is determined to keep getting better.

Cole Hartke grew up watching his older brothers, Gabe and Luke, become volleyball stars for Barrington.

They’re the reason he started playing the sport.

“I’ve been watching them since we moved to Barrington, so it’s been nine years,” Cole Hartke said. “I was learning the game from them.”

He has been playing — and growing — ever since. In fact, he’s a giant compared to his brothers.

Gabe Hartke, who is five years older and played outside hitter at Penn State, is 6 feet, 4 inches tall. Luke Hartke, a junior outside hitter for Illinois Wesleyan, is 6-6.

Cole Hartke is 7 feet and is one of the tallest outside hitters in the country. Is he done growing?

“I really hope so,” he said.

The Pepperdine-bound Hartke may not add any more height, but he’s determined to continue growing in all aspects of his game. Barrington coach Charlie Spry likes what he sees from Hartke but is intent on pushing him.

“Cole is the first one in the gym, the first one to set the nets up,” Spry said. “We have so much work to do to achieve what we want to achieve. He has this vision of what he wants this year to be. But that (goal) is really hard.”

Hartke wants the Broncos (6-4) to win their first state championship. They’ve come close before, finishing second in 2005 and third in 2012, and reached the state quarterfinals last year before losing to O’Fallon.

“We not only want to make it to state, but win,” Hartke said. “That’s everyone’s goal, but I think it’s there for us. There’s a lot that we have to learn, a lot we have to figure out, but I think we can get there.”

Barrington's Cole Hartke (19) during the 1st game of Wednesday's match against New Trier, March 20, 2024. New Trier won the match, 25-19, 25-19. (Brian O'Mahoney for the Pioneer Press)
Barrington’s Cole Hartke, top, reacts during a match against New Trier in Barrington on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (Brian O’Mahoney / Pioneer Press)

A lot is riding on the shoulders of Hartke, who racked up 247 kills, 110 digs, 33 blocks and 31 aces in 28 matches and was named to the Illinois Volleyball Coaches Association’s all-state second team last year. He led the Broncos in nearly every category despite missing 10 matches while playing for the U-19 national developmental program.

“He is a phenomenal volleyball player, a phenomenal athlete and a really good kid, and I’ve seen more of that intangible side that you don’t get in a lot of athletes,” Spry said. “I am proud of what he’s done already, but I didn’t know that he could do even more than he did. Last year he was a leader for us, but this year he is the guy.”

That’s by necessity. Hartke had 73 kills, 36 digs, 10 blocks and seven aces through Sunday.

“He’s stepping into that role more than he already has,” Spry said. “That’s how we get better, when he’s standing in front pulling everybody. That’s what we’ve missed in the past few years. We haven’t had anyone at the front of the ship pulling.”

What does it take to do that?

“It’s really just learning from those who come before you,” Hartke said. “I think that’s a big part of every sport and every part of life. You’ve got to learn from people who are better than you and people who have done it before you, and you just kind of follow in their footsteps.”

Hartke, whose parents, Amy and Michael, played volleyball and basketball, respectively, at Northern Illinois, had a couple of role models in his family to follow. As a freshman, he got to play with Luke Hartke, who is three years older.

“He was a huge leader on that team,” Cole Hartke said. “(He taught) a lot of leadership, how to talk on the court and talk to each other, really communicate with each other.”

The Broncos have a mix of players ranging from second-year varsity regulars to rookies. That’s a challenge but one Hartke embraces.

“I’ll tell you, the most pressure comes from myself,” he said. “I expect myself to be great.”

Barrington's Cole Hartke (19) during the 2nd game of Wednesday's match against New Trier, March 20, 2024. New Trier won the match, 25-19, 25-19. (Brian O'Mahoney for the Pioneer Press)
Barrington’s Cole Hartke passes the ball during a match against New Trier in Barrington on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (Brian O’Mahoney / Pioneer Press)

During warmups, Hartke spikes the ball at such an angle and with such pace that it bounces 10 feet over everyone’s heads.

Against New Trier on March 20, he overcooked one jump serve so much that it hit the back wall on the fly.

So Hartke’s height makes a difference.

“I wouldn’t say it’s everything, but it’s definitely a big part of my game and helps me succeed,” he said. “But there’s also a lot of other things when it comes to hitting. You’ve got to see the ball, see the block. So it’s a combination of everything.”

Given his height, Hartke is often asked whether he plays basketball. He did until he got to high school, when he gave it up because he enjoys volleyball more.

“I know the basketball coach wishes he’d play basketball,” Spry said. “I know the football coach would take him as a tight end.

“We are lucky and we are really happy that he’s been the leader that he’s been. I want him to show my really good freshmen what it takes to be a leader, what it takes to be in this program.”

Hartke already has proved he has what it takes to be one of the best high school players in the nation.

“I really want to make it as far as I can,” he said. “I really want to play for the national team. My goal is to make it to the Olympics.”

Matt Le Cren is a freelance reporter.

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