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What we know about the Dali, the cargo vessel that crashed into Baltimore’s Key Bridge

What we know about the Dali, the cargo vessel that crashed into Baltimore’s Key Bridge

What we know about the Dali, the cargo vessel that support column of the Francis Scott Key Bridge early Tuesday morning.

A 948-foot-long cargo vessel pulling out of the Port of Baltimore struck a support column of the Francis Scott Key Bridge early Tuesday morning, sending cars and eight people into the Patapsco River.

The Sri Lanka-bound ship, known as the Dali, was traveling at 8 knots, or about 9 mph, when it struck a support column at 1:27 a.m., collapsing the bridge and leading Maryland Gov. Wes Moore and Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott to declare states of emergency.

Two people were rescued from the river, including one who was later released from the hospital after being treated for injuries. Six construction workers were still unaccounted for Tuesday night as authorities pledged to resume recovery efforts Wednesday morning. None of the men have been officially identified, though Moore said he had spoken to their families, and Scott said the city would “wrap our arms around them and our entire community.”

Darrell Wilson, a spokesperson representing Dali’s owner, Singaporean firm Grace Ocean Pte. Ltd., and manager, Synergy Marine Group, said the two firms were “fully cooperating” with federal and state government agencies.

Here’s what we know about the Dali:

Its shipper was cited last summer for violating maritime whistleblower protection law

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration ruled last summer that the Danish cargo company Maersk Line Limited had violated the Seaman Protection Act by firing an employee who had complained about safety violations to the U.S. Coast Guard. The Dali was carrying Maersk customers’ cargo at the time of the Tuesday collision, though no Maersk crew or personnel were onboard. The Seaman’s Protection Act ensures that employees are not punished or retaliated against for reporting maritime safety violations to the U.S. Coast Guard or other federal agencies.

In an 11-page letter dated July 20, 2023, OSHA Assistant Regional Administrator Michael Mabee said Maersk had violated maritime law and ordered it to reinstate the unnamed employee and reimburse his legal fees, damages and back pay totaling $372,597.07. The employee had complained that the ship had a leak and needed repairs to its cargo hold bilge system before Maersk fired him in March 2021, according to OSHA.

In an emailed statement, Maersk spokesperson Kevin Doell said the company disagreed with the OSHA finding, which was first reported by investigative outlet The Lever, and intended to appeal “this flawed decision.”

“Maersk Line Limited is proud of its safety culture and its highest priority remains the safety and security of our mariners and shoreside colleagues,” Doell said.

The ship had docked in Baltimore since Friday

The Dali had landed in Baltimore on Friday, according to Andy Middleton, director of the Apostleship of the Sea.

The director of the Catholic ministry, which assists crew members while their ships are docked at the Port of Baltimore, had taken the Dali’s crew members shopping at Walmart. They were anticipating a 28-day sojourn to Colombo, Sri Lanka, and planned to sail around South Africa to avoid unrest in the Red Sea.

“We’re a friendly face when they come into the Port of Baltimore,” Middleton said of crew members whom Apostleship of the Sea assists. “I’m glad we were able to provide services for them before they sailed.”

The cause of the Baltimore collision is unknown

It’s not clear what exactly caused the ship to strike the bridge’s support column. The ship left the port around 1 a.m. and collided with the bridge at 1:27 a.m.

Clayton Diamond, executive director of the American Pilots Association, confirmed earlier news reports that the ship had a “complete blackout” and lost power to its engine and navigation equipment a few minutes before the collision. It never regained power, Diamond confirmed via email.

Crew members onboard issued a “mayday” alert before impact, allowing authorities to halt traffic from entering the bridge before it crumbled.

The Dali was cited for deficiencies with its propulsion and auxiliary machinery during a June 2023 inspection at the Port of San Antonio in Chile, according to the Electronic Quality Shipping Information System, a shipping information website.

The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the collision with assistance from the Coast Guard. The probe will examine problems with the ship’s power, its structure, and design, according to Jennifer Homendy, the chair of the safety board.

The Dali’s owners said all of its 22 crew members and two pilots were accounted for.

It had previously been in a port collision

The Dali, which was built in 2015, had previously been in an accident at a Belgian port.

In July 2016, the ship struck a quay while leaving the Port of Antwerp, according to Vessel Finder. The collision caused significant damage to its hull, requiring the vessel to be docked and detained at the port until it was operational again.

Baltimore Sun reporter Lorraine Mirabella contributed to this article. 

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