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Lions ‘Bone Collector’ Willem Alberts dead set on hoarding final remains

Now in the astrological twilight of his career, Willem Alberts will know that his time on the field is waning.

But despite that fact, there still are a handful of opportunities ahead to make good on his now famous moniker as the “Bone Collector”.

Willem Alberts has played eight matches across all competitions for the Lions this season, making 51m, beating four defenders and making one clean break, while compiling 32 completed tackles. Picture: BackpagePix

Earlier this year, the former Springbok loose forward announced that he will not be looking to extend his contract at the Lions when it comes to an end later this year, strongly suggesting that he will hang up his cleats when the season ends.

When the Lions face Cardiff in the URC on May 11, Alberts will also celebrate his 40th birthday, which speaks volumes for his longevity in a career spanning two decades, but also heralds the closing chapters in his rugby journey.

His performances for the Lions have become limited over the last few seasons since rejoining the Joburgers in 2020, due to the ravages of time, but even now, when he is within touching distance of becoming a quadragenarian, Alberts is psyched up to make the most of his final hours on a rugby field.


Capped on 43 occasions for the Boks, Alberts is expected to be named in a much-rotated match-23 tomorrow for the Lions’ Challenge Cup round-of-16 clash against Benetton this weekend.

Older, wiser, and sporting a knowing smile, he will be ready to give everything that he has got left should that be the case on Saturday (6.30pm kick-off).

“I am not a big milestone guy,” Alberts said from Italy yesterday during a media briefing.

“I just want to do my best and end on a high … if it is meant to be. The old cliché is that every game can be your last, and in the last five years, that is probably how it has been going for me.

“When you are at the end of your career, it hits home a bit harder that every time you walk onto the field, it could be your last.

“But I never want to walk off the field and feel I didn’t give everything for myself and my teammates.

“I try my best every single game and try to help the team wherever I can, and to make sure I go out to have the most fun that I can have.”

Alberts last played in the Lions’ 35-14 pummelling of the Newcastle Falcons in December, during the group stages of the Challenge Cup, and a subsequent injury affected his game time.

Although he has had sparse playing time so far this campaign – with just 291 minutes across all competitions – the burly utility forward is relishing the trek to his final destination.

Said the 120kg lock-cum-loosie: “I started the season off well, and I played a few games and it went really well.

“I picked up a little muscle injury, and then it was about fighting hard to get back to full fitness and to be selectable again. That journey, to still be a part of a team – there are a lot of enjoyable moments on and off the field.”

One such moment came during the Lions’ 61-19 victory last year over Zebre in Johannesburg. It was then, in the 80th minute, that Alberts lined up a conversion to score his only points of the season so far.

“I was surprised when they gave me a chance to kick at poles … that was quite fun,” he quipped.

“Off the field, (there is fun) in how the whole team has been performing, and then there is always the banter, the jokes and the good times of being in a team.”

No doubt, when Alberts finally calls it quits on his career, it will be those latter moments he remembers fondly.

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