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I used Amazon Showroom to design my office. The under-the-radar tool helped me save money, but it was far from perfect.

I used the Amazon Showroom feature when designing my small office space. It has its drawbacks, but overall, it can be a useful tool.

A workspace with a white desk, a chair, and a lamp with windows and a bookcase in the background. A candle and laptop sit on the desk
I used Amazon Showroom to design my workspace.
  • I used Amazon Showroom to design my home office, and the experience was just OK.
  • It allows users to select furniture in a virtual room, which was helpful when visualizing my design.
  • However, the tool is pretty basic, and I was frustrated with several limitations.

I recently moved into a 400-square-foot apartment and was excited to decorate my new space. However, due to its small size, I wasn't sure where to start when it came to finding furniture.

Like many shoppers, I decided to turn to Amazon to furnish my new place. After all, the retailer, which reported over $570 billion in sales last year, is more than just a marketplace.

Prime members like myself have access to several features, including a tool I recently discovered called Amazon Showroom. This feature allows users to customize a virtual space using products sold by the retailer.

I was excited to try out it out, as it seemed like it could help me set up my home office. Turns out, using Amazon Showroom was indeed helpful — but also pretty frustrating.

Amazon Showroom allows users to visualize specific pieces in their homes.
A side bar menu with several categories leading to Amazon pages, with a red arrow pointing to "Home, Garden, & Tools" text; A white sidebar with a red arrow pointing to "Explore Showroom" text
The Amazon Showroom feature is accessible through the website's home page.

Amazon Showroom, which was introduced in 2019, allows users to visualize specific products the retailer sells in various rooms.

To access this feature, I went to Amazon's home page and clicked the "All" button in the left-hand corner to access the sidebar. Then, I scrolled down to "Shop by Department" and selected " Home, Garden, & Tools."

Finally, I clicked on the "Explore Showroom" button.

Amazon Showroom has plenty of room designs, including the one I needed — an office space.
Screenshot of Amazon showroom. Several animated rooms with couches, chairs, rugs, and other furnishings are depicted on the page
There were several virtual spaces to choose from, including living rooms, bedrooms, and offices.

I often work from home and have great lighting in a corner of my apartment, so I wanted to design a small office space.

I scrolled down on the Amazon Showroom page until I saw the "Work from Home" category, which had a room design titled "Workspace Nook."

When I clicked on this room, I was brought to a page with a layout featuring a work desk, office chair, and lamp.

The workspace nook had several customizable components, but I noticed some drawbacks.
A design for a room with a desk, black chair, floor lamp, and Amazon products on the side on Amazon Showroom
I could swap chairs, desks, bookcases, and more in the workspace nook, but I couldn't move anything around the room.

Certain items in the room had circular buttons over them that turned blue when selected. Selecting an item allowed me to swap the furniture with another piece displayed on the right side of my screen.

Though I could swap items, I was frustrated that I couldn't move any furniture in the virtual room. This made it difficult to create a truly accurate design.

However, the tool made it easy to visualize what certain products would look like in a room.
Screenshot of Amazon Showroom with listings of bookcases next to an animated room with a white bookshelf, a white chair, and a white desk
I selected items from the right-hand toolbar to customize my space.

Unsurprisingly, many of the products featured in the Showroom were from the Amazon Basics brand. While choosing furniture, I was mindful that the virtual room's layout differed slightly from my real-life space.

Though limited to a few items in the sidebar, exploring the options was a good way to understand my preferred colors and styles. I mixed and matched different pieces and filtered products based on my budget.

I wished the Amazon Showroom had a better product menu.
Screenshot of Amazon Showroom with an animated chair, table, shelves, and a light in a room with a window
I created a space I liked, but I didn't buy any products from Amazon Showroom.

The items on Amazon Showroom were displayed with the price and rating, which seemed helpful.

But as I played around with the feature, I wished the Amazon Showroom had a better product menu. I couldn't search for any specific products in the menu on the right-hand side of the screen, so I had to work with the options Amazon picked for me.

I ordered furniture through Amazon Prime and was pretty happy with each piece.
A workspace with a white desk, a chair, and a lamp with windows and a bookcase in the background. A candle and laptop sit on the desk
The products I bought looked great in my workspace.

Though I could've placed any of the items from the Showroom in my cart, I ended up buying similar products from Amazon's regular retail website instead. I found that the options in the Amazon Showroom didn't entirely fit my vibe or weren't the correct dimensions for my space.

After building my furniture and setting up my workspace, I was impressed with the results.

Though I ordered the furniture from Amazon's regular retail website, the Showroom was helpful when narrowing down my options and browsing pieces within my budget. In total, my home-office setup cost less than $150.

Amazon Showroom was helpful in some ways, but it's still a very basic tool.
Front-facing view of a white desk with a laptop screen and camera reflecting the writer in it. The table sits next to a lamp and a window
Amazon Showroom wasn't as useful as I expected.

Though Amazon Showroom gave me an idea of the products suitable for a small office, I was disappointed that I couldn't search for certain items or move them around the virtual rooms.

It was handy as a basic guideline for my design, but I wouldn't use it beyond initially furnishing a space.

I think I'd like the tool more if it was similar to Target's Home Planner feature, which allows users to customize a space's dimensions, add windows and doors, and search through the retailer's available products.

Amazon Showroom could be a wonderful option for people who frequently shop on the site, but the tool has limitations.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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