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Working from my couch destroyed my back, neck, and posture. The internet suggested I buy this to fix it, and it actually worked.

I'm often working on my laptop and sitting on the couch much of the day, and my back and neck pain has worsened. Using the Ready Rocker has helped.

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The author sitting on the couch using the Ready Rocker and typing on a laptop.
Using the Ready Rocker has helped ease back and neck pain for the author.
  • Ever since I started working from home, I've noticed my back and neck have hurt more. 
  • It's probably — OK, definitely — because I sit slumped over my laptop on my couch most of the day. 
  • The internet suggested something called the Ready Rocker, and surprisingly, it actually helped.

I've been working from home for the last few years, and there are a lot of things to love about remote work. While it means I get to spend all day with my dog and every day is casual Friday — I have basically worn sweatpants at least until noon for years — my back and neck have started to suffer. I typically work from my couch, and sitting slumped over my laptop is not the best posture for avoiding aches and pains.

However, no matter how much pain I'm in, I've never been able to get used to using the desk and ergonomic chair I bought for myself. It faces my wall, and I'd grown used to working at a desk that faced out into an open office. I sometimes sit at the kitchen counter on a barstool, but the chair isn't as comfortable, and before I know it, I'm back on the sofa.

I'm solidly in my mid-30s, and though that's not old by any means, it does mean I can't treat my body like something that belongs in a trash bag the way I did when I was in my teenage years or early 20s.

I saw an ad for it and gave it a try

Like it was reading my mind — or perhaps listening to my conversations — my phone started showing me ads for all sorts of things to relieve back pain interspersed with the stuff I actually wanted to see on my Instagram feed.

I was served up ads for posture-correctors, exercise programs, and massagers. I've tried variations of those things in the past, and they do help relieve pain slightly, but they can't undo the damage done by sitting like a gargoyle on my couch for nine hours every day. But when I first saw the ad for the Ready Rocker, the way it worked made sense to me — it's a device that changes how you sit, correcting your posture in the moment. In theory, it helps prevent the pain rather than work to relieve it after you've already done the damage.

It also appealed to me because you can rock back and forth a bit while using it, and I can be a bit fidgety. You can also use it pretty much anywhere: on a couch, chair, or leaning against the headboard of a bed. I decided to give it a try. (Note: It was $98 when I purchased it, though at the time of publish, this color is on sale on Amazon for $89. It comes in multiple colors.)

The Ready Rocker sitting on a grey couch.
The Ready Rocker allows the user to work from a couch or bed without sacrificing good posture.

I've had it for 2 months and have noticed a difference

There are two positions depending on how far forward you want to start "rocking" from, and you just press the two buttons on either side to adjust it. When I started to use it, I immediately felt myself sitting up straighter — mostly, I noticed I wasn't hunching my shoulders and neck forward nearly as much, which has been the main issue lately. It's also nice to be able to rock slightly while I work because moving a little helps me think.

I've had it for about two months now and though I don't use it all day, I do use it for a few hours each day, and I've noticed less overall pain, especially in my upper back and neck. I have also started doing yoga during this period, and I do poses that are targeted toward those areas, which could be part of the reason I'm getting relief.

Whether it's the Ready Rocker, yoga, or a combination of the two, I'm going to continue my new routine for now.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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