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Cloud seeding probably didn't cause Dubai's floods. The UAE has been trying to control its weather for years, and the US does it too.

Dubai's torrential floods are linked to humans changing the weather, just not on purpose. Cloud seeding only has a small impact on rainfall.

thin long rocket launches toward the sky with fiery flare from a cage-like device on the ground with green hills in the background
A cloud-seeding rocket is launched in an attempt to make rain in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province of China.
  • Cloud seeding involves spraying salts into incoming storm clouds to increase rainfall.
  • Photos show how the UAE, United States, and other countries have been seeding clouds for decades.
  • Historic floods in Dubai didn't come from cloud seeding, but humans' climate impacts are playing a role.

As the desert city of Dubai flooded on Monday, onlookers pointed the finger at the government's "cloud seeding" efforts.

The program sends planes into oncoming storm clouds to inject them with substances that can help make more rain. Could it be the culprit for two years' worth of rain falling on the United Arab Emirates city in just a day?

Motorisits drive along a flooded street following heavy rains in Dubai early on April 17, 2024.
Motorisits drive along a flooded street following heavy rains in Dubai.

It's a tantalizing explanation. Trying to control the weather can sound tantamount to playing god. And if thousands of years of media and oral tradition tell us anything — from Prometheus to Frankenstein — playing god has bad consequences.

But the United Arab Emirates has been seeding clouds to encourage rainfall and battle drought for 20 years. Some US states have been doing it for even longer. These programs have found that the practice has a small effect on precipitation, increasing it by about 5 to 15%, though a UAE official told Reuters that it can be as high as 30% for them.

charred metal box with flames coming out of a tube protruding from the side against a white cloudy sky
Flames ignite on a cloud-seeding device in an attempt to get more snowfall in the Rocky Mountains near Lyons, Colorado.

Many other countries, including China and Australia, have experimented with the technique.

According to several scientists, cloud seeding isn't the driving force behind Dubai's historic floods.

How cloud seeding works

plane wing with array of tubes attached to the back flaring out gas in a thick cloud
Flares release water-attracting substances during a cloud seeding flight operated by the National Center of Meteorology, between Al Ain and Al Hayer, in United Arab Emirates.

To "seed" a cloud, you have to spray it with microscopic particles of a salt such as silver iodide, calcium chloride, or potassium chloride.

man in black shirt neon green vest handles a row of canisters in a mounting device on the wind of a small white plane
A ground engineer restocks one of the UAE's National Center of Meteorology cloud-seeding planes with new salt flares.

In the UAE and many US states, planes do the job. In some places, like Utah, machines on the ground shoot the substance into air currents that can carry it into the clouds.

two men in camoflauge fatigues load long thing rocket-shaped tubes into a metal rack pointing at the sky atop a green platform on wheels
Militia members load equipment for cloud-seeding operations for drought relief amid a heatwave warning in Dongkou county of Shaoyang, Hunan province, China.

All these particles have a crystalline structure, similar to ice, which gives water droplets something to stick to. As the water converges, it forms an ice crystal and eventually falls as snow or rain.

This mimics the natural rain-making process that happens inside the cloud.

white bags reading "salt 25kg" lines up on a long metal truck bed with blue and silver tanks on it
Packets of salt are pictured during a cloud seeding operation at a military airbase in Subang, Malaysia.

"Cloud seeding can't create clouds from nothing. It encourages water that is already in the sky to condense faster and drop water in certain places. So first, you need moisture. Without it, there'd be no clouds," Friederike Otto, a senior lecturer in climate science at the Imperial College London, and co-founder of the groundbreaking science collaboration World Weather Attribution, said in a statement to the Science Media Centre (SMC).

The real threat behind Dubai's floods

Many atmospheric scientists have dismissed the idea that cloud seeding was behind Dubai's floods. Experts told the SMC that the rains came from a rare thundercloud system, which was already forecast to bring heavy rainfall, and the effect of any cloud seeding would have been tiny.

"This is a distraction from the real story here — that due to our collective failure to phase out fossil fuels, we must prepare for unprecedented extremes, which will worsen until we reach 'net zero,'" John Marsham, an atmospheric scientist and Met Office Joint Chair at the University of Leeds, told the SMC.

bearded man wearing rain jacket pulls rope on wooden raft in flooded forest river with tent in background
Jeff Big Jeff, 58, uses a raft to move his belongings from his tent at a homeless encampment on Bannon Island, along the flooded Sacramento River.

Rising global temperatures are leading to heavier bouts of rainfall across the planet, even in places that are typically dry or even in the middle of a drought. This type of weather whiplash happens because of a fundamental fact of physics: Warmer air holds more water.

"Any possible effect of any cloud seeding in these circumstances would be tiny," Marsham added.

Indeed, the UAE isn't the only desert or drought-stricken region that's been devastated by heavy rainfall in recent years. Death Valley catastrophically and historically flooded in 2022, 2023, and this February.

In this photo provided by the National Park Service, cars are stuck in mud and debris from flash flooding at The Inn at Death Valley in Death Valley National Park, Calif., Friday, Aug. 5, 2022.
Cars were stuck in mud and debris after flash flooding in Death Valley National Park, California.

A series of moisture-laden atmospheric rivers interrupted California's years-long drought last winter, killing at least 22 people, by the Los Angeles Times' count.

silver car sitting on the hood of a black car in standing water in a field
Cars piled up after they were swept off the road during historic flooding in California's Sacramento County in 2023.

"If humans continue to burn oil, gas, and coal, the climate will continue to warm, rainfall will continue to get heavier, and people will continue to lose their lives in floods," Otto said.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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