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This viral convertible backpack is over $900 — I thought the price was ridiculous until I actually used it

Senreve's Maestra bag goes from backpack to shoulder bag in a split second. I've been using mine for two years and the structured leather still looks brand new.

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senreve side by side
The Maestra is expensive, but the quality of the leather and highly functional construction make the price worth it if you have the budget.
Nearly every day that I carry Senreve's Maestra bag, I get stopped by someone on the sidewalk or the train.

Where did you get your bag? Is that from the brand I keep seeing on Instagram? Do you like it? Should I buy one? Are they worth it?

And while I generally appreciate my solitude during a commute, I'm always surprisingly happy to answer people. I got it from Senreve, yes it's the brand you keep seeing on Instagram, yes I like it, yes you should buy one (if it's in your budget), and yes, they're worth it. 

Why we love the Maestra bag

senreve maestra bag
I have the black pebbled leather version ($945), and it has held up remarkably well against the wear and tear of city life.

Senreve's Maestra bag is a convertible backpack/shoulder bag that comes in three sizes and can easily transition from one style to the other without the need for undoing and re-doing clasps or buttons. It's this seamless transition between styles that has me so enamored, and that has catapulted the versatile bag to Instagram stardom. 

As someone who commutes on a subway where I constantly have to take my backpack off to make room for people, it's a daily relief to be able to just pull the strap up and turn the backpack into an over-the-shoulder strap. That way I don't have to set it down on the floor of the train, potentially risking exposure to NYC's Most Disgusting Surface and all the sticky things with which it's covered.

The easy transition also comes in handy for the days when you just want to switch up your look between shoulder bag, top-handle bag, and backpack. It can be swapped while walking without missing a beat, which is essential when the subway door is about to close on you but there's only room for your body and not the large backpack attached to it.

senreve maestra bags

All three sizes of the bag, the Maestra (from $945), Midi Maestra (from $845), and Mini Maestra (from $745) have the same capacity to transition from bag to backpack. However, the largest one is the only option I recommend as a work bag since it features a designated sleeve large enough to hold a 13-inch laptop, and has enough room to carry your lunch and a sweater, too. The midi will hold a tablet or Kindle easily, and is the size I'd recommend for daily use if you don't really have to carry large amounts of stuff with you through the day. The mini is great as a fashion statement, but it's not the one I'd suggest for functionality.

senreve maestra interior
The interior of each bag features an open compartment with plenty of side pockets for organization, and a zippered top that offers added security.


Cons to consider

The one downside of its construction is that it can be hard to get anything out of the bag while you're moving along. This may be less true for the mini and midi sizes, but the full-sized Maestra is a little difficult to handle while walking because of its sheer size. This hasn't been too much of an issue for me since I keep my work ID and subway card (the only things I really need access to) in my phone case.

It's also expensive. Now, don't get me wrong. A few years back, if you had ever told me that I'd be singing the praises of an $945 bag, I'd think you were nuts. Expensive stuff isn't really my thing. I love a good deal, and I generally won't buy anything unless it's on sale. So let me say this: the Maestra bag is a luxury, but it's one that you will get tons of use out of. 

The bottom line

If you have the means to buy one, I couldn't recommend it enough. It's one of those functional pieces your closet will thank you for, and its weighty construction is strong enough to last through literally decades of use (I'm not kidding — I'm pretty sure my children will be able to use this bag one day). As someone who's spent thousands of dollars buying the cheaper versions of things over the years only to have them give out on me when I needed them most, I can firmly say that it's always better to make an investment now and save yourself the trouble later.


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