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Everlane Modern Loafer review: The most comfortable leather loafers we've ever worn

Everlane's iconic Modern Loafer is the perfect shoe for heading to the office or walking around on the weekend. Here are our tips on sizing and fit.

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Everlane Modern Loafer
The Modern Loafer is made of soft leather and has a rubber outsole.

Founded in 2010, Everlane has become a staple brand for many millennials. We've tested tons of styles from the brand and have a whole host of Everlane reviews to prove how much we love the quality and price point. Trend-forward basics and careful construction have long been a part of Everlane's DNA. 

It comes as no surprise, then, that The New Modern Loafer is a standout when it comes to comfort and style. They currently sit at the top spot in our guide to the best loafers for women. Below we detail exactly what makes them the best of the best.

Our reviews of Everlane's New Modern Loafer 

Everlane Modern Loafer
The Modern Loafer is made of soft leather and has a rubber outsole.

"Everlane's new Modern Loafer is much more comfortable than the old version, which had a pointier toe and stiffer leather. The new loafers are supple, round-toed, and flexible, but not so bendy that they feel like flats or smoking slippers. They have good arch support, and the rubber soles have way more traction than the old version of the shoe. 

I always get a size 8 in Everlane shoes, though I'm usually somewhere between a 7.5 and 8 in other brands. If you're between sizing, go up a half size since they tend to run a little small. And if you have wide feet, you may even want to go up a full size." — Sally Kaplan, executive editor

Everlane Modern Loafer

"I was excited to try my first pair of Everlane shoes with these loafers. I have to say, straight off the bat, this loafer has a very narrow fit. I got my usual size 6 and was surprised by the fit because I already have quite slender feet. However, my feet adapted and it ultimately helped to prevent my heels from sliding out. 

While I haven't tried the original Modern Loafer, the new version's additional padding and foam-cushioned insole was immediately apparent and helped to eliminate any arch soreness or break-in time. I appreciated the sole being completely black for a more uninterrupted look." — Katie Decker-Jacoby, former style and beauty reviews fellow

Everlane Modern Loafer

"I hadn't worn the original Modern Loafer before trying this new version, so I was coming into our testing with fresh eyes. I originally ordered my normal size, which is a size 8, and was unable to get my feet into the loafer. My feet are wider across the ball than they are at the heel, so I needed to trade in for a size 9. 

But once I got the right size, I was sold. The chunky heel and buttery-soft leather give these loafers a look that is both classic and ultra-modern. I didn't need to break these in at all. They also offered great arch support on my daily walks around the block. I can't wait to pair these with straight-leg jeans or a sundress once the weather gets warm." — Maria Del Russo, former style and beauty editor


Sometimes, it seems like there could be nothing worse than a shoe company that doesn't offer half sizes. Lucky for you, Everlane has half sizes from size 5 to 11. 

For the fit of the loafer, Everlane suggests going with your true size. While our testers have their own unique experiences, we'll just let it be known that this shoe might not fit true to size for everyone. In fact, we generally found them to have a narrower fit that requires sizing up. 

The old vs. the new 

Everlane Modern Loafer comparison

This loafer has been around since the very early days of the brand — in fact, this was the product that really put Everlane on the map. But, with a new update, the company has just made these better and better.

You may be asking yourself, how different can the two loafers be? And do these changes actually make a meaningful difference? We're here to break them down for you. 

 The old Modern LoaferThe new Modern loafer
Color Options:black, camel, and bone leather, plus one black suede optionblack, camel
Material:100% Italian leather upper, stacked heel, rubber outsole100% leather upper, stacked heel, natural rubber outsole

5-11; narrower fit

Sizes 5–6.5 run large

Sizes 7–8.5 run true to size

Sizes 9–11 run small

5-11; fits true to size

¾-inch stacked heel

1-inch stacked heel
Made in:


Original price:



These are the more technical specs, but in terms of external design, the most obvious difference is the toe shape. The original Modern Loafer is pointed at the toe, while its heir takes on a more rounded shape. Additionally, the new Modern Loafer's heel has a thin strip of leather attached with lighter colored stitches, which adds a flair that makes them look nothing like the ones you might already have in your closet. 

Cons to consider

Across all of our reviews of Everlane's new loafer, each tester experienced a narrower fit, with one person having to go up a full size. We recommend sizing up if you're between sizes or have wider feet.  

The bottom line

Everlane's new Modern Loafer is a step up from the old version because of its extra comfort that requires no break-in period whatsoever. The loafer also has a steady outsole and a classic rounded toe that goes with just about anything. And with no increase in price, we can attest to the same value you'll get out of the new Modern Loafer.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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