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Five things that are hard to get even if you're pretty rich

Money sometimes can't buy everything. Exclusive reservations, elusive Birkin bags, and more can remain out of reach for the wealthy.

Cartier Cheich watch on a man's wrist
The Cartier Cheich is one of the most elusive timepieces in the world.
  • Wealth can't buy everything — even some things that have a price tag.
  • Some brands require luck, loyalty, and resolve before you can secure one of their status symbols.
  • Unless you're a notable billionaire, even money can't grant you a membership at Augusta National.

Wealth grants access to a lot, but even the wealthy can't just buy anything.

Certain privileges require more than money. Sometimes, that means being in the right place at the right time — and there are instances when your family connections matter more than your bank account.

Exclusivity isn't only reserved for the wealthy, of course, but the entries on this list can cost up to seven figures if you're lucky — or connected — enough to purchase them.

Limited memberships, strict voting panels, and scarcity make them extremely difficult to get for anyone who isn't a billionaire.

Here are five things that are hard to do even if you're considered rich.

Getting a membership at Augusta National Golf Club

Masters Tournament trophy
The annual Masters tournament is held at the Augusta National Golf Club.

The Augusta National Golf Club is home to the sport's most anticipated tournament — the Masters. The tournament is a favorite of the rich, and wealthy golf fanatics flock to Georgia during the first full week of April to attend.

The club has a secret membership list of around 300 members. You can't just apply and pay for a membership. It's by invitation only, and you can only join when an existing member leaves or dies.

Bloomberg reported in 2015 that billionaires like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Stanley Druckenmiller, and others are said to be members.

Securing an apartment in this New York City co-op building

The east river from Roosevelt Island
The River House sits along the East River of New York City.

In a cul-de-sac facing New York's East River, there's a nearly 100-year-old building where residents' privacy is a top priority, and a strict board presides over applications.

The 26-floor Art Deco River House is considered one of the most exclusive places to live in New York City.

"The River House, with its old world charm, is one of the most famously discreet buildings in the city," its description on StreetEasy reads. "It is a tradition among staff and apartment owners to be protective of the building's privacy."

Residents collectively own the building and share responsibilities as a cooperative building or co-op. One of those tasks is approving or denying those hoping to score an apartment.

Getting into the building isn't as simple as being able to afford it. Richard Nixon, Joan Crawford, and Diane Keaton have all been rejected, The Real Deal reported.

Meanwhile, some of its famous residents have included Uma Thurman and Henry Kissinger.

Buying a new Hermès Birkin bag

A gray, disembodied hand reaching for a black Birkin. The background is a purple grid.
The Birkin bag might be one of the cheaper entries on the list, but it's still hard to obtain.

The Hermès Birkin bag is a status symbol among the wealthy and fashionable. Depending on the bag's size, color, and material, a brand-new one can cost between five and six figures.

But don't expect to walk into a department store and leave with one. Experts say that a prospective buyer must shop the rest of the Hermès catalog for a while before they might be offered a Birkin for sale.

The experts said there's no set amount you have to spend before you get the call that a Birkin bag is available for you to purchase. It's mostly a waiting game that depends on when a bag that matches your preferences becomes available and how in-demand that bag is. (The brand didn't respond to a request for comment from BI earlier this year.)

Reserving a table at Rao's in New York City

Rao's restaurant
The family-owned Italian restaurant Rao's in New York is rarely offering up reservations to the public.

The name Rao's is probably most recognizable for its jars of pasta sauce on grocery store shelves.

The family-run business is also responsible for a handful of restaurants scattered through major cities in the US. Its original location in New York City is one of the toughest reservations to secure.

A phone call to the restaurant will prompt a message explaining that Rao's is completely booked for the rest of 2024. It's not because it's some star-studded hot spot.

There are only 10 tables, and they belong to people who Rao's co-owner Frank Pellegrino Jr. considers family. They're assigned "table rights" on specific nights, and their standing reservations are passed from generation to generation, according to Delish.

"There's weeklies, biweeklies, monthlies, and quarterlies, so in every three-month period, I see all my clients. And now I'm dealing with their children and grandchildren," Pellegrino told Town and Country in 2020.

Those with table rights are allowed to lend their tables to friends for a night or donate them to charity auctions. Some wannabe diners are willing to bid hundreds of dollars on third-party reservation apps to secure them, The New York Times reported in 2023.

Buying this Cartier watch

Cartier Cheich watch on a man's wrist
The only time the Cartier Cheich went up for auction was in 2022, when it fetched a $1.1 million bid.

Cartier only created four unique models of the Cheich watch, and the one that sold at auction for $1.1 million in 2022 set a record for the jewelry maker, according to Forbes.

It was first created in the 1980s as a prize for whoever completed the Cartier challenge by winning two back-to-back 6,200-mile Paris-Dakar races. In 1984 and 1985, motorcycle racer Gaston Rahier became the first and only person to complete the task.

Since then, the timepiece has remained "shrouded in mystery" for 40 years, according to the Sotheby's listing from 2022. One of the four models made is considered lost, and the other two remain in Cartier's collection. Production of the watch ended in 1986.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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