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I've worked at Sephora for a year. Here are 8 products I swear by for a full face of makeup.

The best beauty products for a full face of makeup include the Drunk Elephant B-Goldi drops and the Saie cream bronzer, a Sephora employee says.

A hand with yellow fingernails holds a white rectangular package of Drunk Elephant B-Goldi bright drops
There are a few products I love to get at Sephora, like the Drunk Elephant B-Goldi bright illuminating drops.
  • I've worked at Sephora for over a year, and there are some products I absolutely love buying there. 
  • The Drunk Elephant B-Goldi bright illuminating drops make for a beautiful, glowy makeup base.
  • I always recommend the Benefit Cosmetics Fan Fest fanning-and-volumizing mascara to customers.

Over the past couple of years, consumers have cut down on spending in many categories — but beauty was not one of them. In fact, beauty and cosmetic products were the fastest-growing retail category last year.

There are tons of great brands and products on the market, but as a Sephora employee, I have my own opinions on which ones are worth shoppers' hard-earned cash.

I regularly test new beauty items, so I've probably tried at least half of the makeup on my store's shelves. Because of this, I'm often asked which products I recommend for a full face of makeup.

If I had to pick, these are the eight beauty products I couldn't live without.

The Rare Beauty Brow Harmony flexible lifting and laminating brow gel stays in place all day.
A hand with yellow fingernails holds a cream-colored tube with "Rare Beauty" text and a silver cap
I use the Rare Beauty Brow Harmony flexible lifting and laminating gel to shape my brows.

Rare Beauty Brow Harmony is my all-time favorite clear brow gel because it's waterproof and lifts and shapes the hair without leaving a crunchy, dried texture.

It's also the only gel I've tried that will lay my thick brow hairs down without leaving a white cast.

The Saie Sun Melt natural-cream bronzer leaves my skin looking tan and glowy.
The writer holds a Saie Beauty bronzer with the bottom of the jar pointed toward the camera. The packaging reads "Sun Melt natural cream bronzer tan bronze"
The Saie Sun Melt natural-cream bronzer has a beautiful, lightweight formula.

The Saie Sun Melt bronzer has a lightweight, creamy formula that looks natural on the skin.

I use it when I want glowy makeup that's not too sheer and will practically melt into my skin.

The Charlotte Tilbury Beautiful Skin medium-coverage liquid foundation makes my face look flawless.
A hand with yellow fingernails holds a Charlotte Tilbury Beautiful Skin foundation, which is a cream-colored tube with a silver lid
The Charlotte Tilbury Beautiful Skin medium-coverage liquid foundation leaves a natural-looking finish.

I love this Charlotte Tilbury foundation because it can last up to 16 hours on the face and has medium, buildable coverage.

This product seamlessly blends into my skin and makes it look smooth and healthy. It's perfect for people who want coverage that still looks natural.

The Drunk Elephant B-Goldi bright illuminating drops make a perfect glowy base.
A hand with yellow fingernails holds a white rectangular package of Drunk Elephant B-Goldi bright drops
I use the Drunk Elephant B-Goldi bright illuminating drops under makeup or alone.

The Drunk Elephant B-Goldi bright drops are an illuminating serum with 5% niacinamide, which can treat acne and help even skin tone.

This serum is perfect as a glowy base under makeup or a brightening product on the skin by itself.

The Milk Makeup Hydro Grip hydrating makeup primer has great skincare ingredients.
A hand with yellow fingernails holds a package of Milk makeup Hydro Grip primer, which is a green container with metallic "Milk" letters
The Milk Makeup Hydro Grip hydrating makeup primer contains hyaluronic acid and niacinamide.

This Milk hydrating primer is one of my favorite base products because it can hold makeup in place for up to 12 hours.

It's formulated with hyaluronic acid and niacinamide to hydrate skin and create a dewy finish.

I cover blemishes and dark circles with the Too Faced Born This Way super coverage multiuse concealer.
A hand with yellow fingernails holding a glass tube of concealer with black lid and gold "Born This Way" lettering
The Too Faced Born This Way super coverage multiuse concealer feels lightweight.

The Too Faced Born This Way concealer has lightweight, full coverage, so it's perfect for covering dark spots and highlighting natural features.

The brand also carries a wide range of shades, so there's something for almost every skin tone.

The Huda Beauty Easy Bake loose baking and setting powder blurs texture and fine lines.
The writer holds a square container of setting powder with a black label depicting an illustration of a woman's face and "Pound Cake" in white lettering
I swear by the Huda Beauty Easy Bake loose baking and setting powder.

This lightly pigmented, silky powder from Huda Beauty is my go-to for setting and baking makeup. I reach for it when I need to blur texture and fine lines while preventing under-eye creases.

When it comes to eye products, I always recommend the Benefit Cosmetics Fan Fest fanning-and-volumizing mascara.
A hand with yellow fingernails holds a black tube that says Benefit Fan Fest in pink lettering in front of an open makeup drawer
The Benefit Cosmetics Fan Fest fanning-and-volumizing mascara is one of my go-to products.

If my clients want a volumizing mascara, I point them to this product. Benefit's Fan Fest fanning and volumizing mascara perfectly fans out my lashes and makes them look voluminous.

It doesn't even smudge or flake on me if I wear it to the gym.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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