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I paid $168 for a 10-hour Amtrak business-class ride. It wasn't worth it — next time, I'll stay in coach and save $100.

Business Insider's reporter traveled in business class on Amtrak and thought the perks weren't worth the extra $100 it cost to upgrade.

Inside a train with a blue curtain revealing the business-class cabin on the left
Business Insider's reporter booked a business-class ticket for a 10-hour trip on an Amtrak train.
  • I booked a business-class ticket on an Amtrak train from NYC to Niagara Falls, New York, in 2022.
  • For $168, I sat in a business-class seat with a tray table, an outlet, and a complimentary drink.
  • I thought the ride was OK, but not much different from coach. I wouldn't pay extra for it again.

For a 10-hour train ride from NYC to Niagara Falls, New York, in August 2022, I booked a business-class ticket on an Amtrak train for $168. It was $100 more than a coach ticket on the same ride. 

I upgraded based on my experience traveling on Amtrak. In the past, I'd spent 85 hours on Amtrak trains going up and down the East Coast, reviewing accommodations from first class to private rooms in sleeper cars.

I previously took a business-class ride on Amtrak from Baltimore to NYC. But that ride was under three hours, and I wanted to see what it was like on a longer route. I tried it again for my Niagara Falls trip.

Ultimately, I found that business class wasn't worth the added price since the experience felt too similar to a typical ride in coach.

My journey began at NYC's Penn Station.
Penn Station on a cloudy day
The entrance to Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station in NYC.

I arrived at 6:45 a.m. for my 7:15 a.m. train. Amtrak suggests arriving a few minutes before your departure, according to the company's website.

Penn Station's Moynihan Train Hall has an exclusive lounge for Amtrak riders, but it's only free for first-class passengers.
Entrance to Amtrak Lounge
An escalator inside Moynihan Train Hall leads to the lounge.

Business-class passengers may enter for a $50 fee.

I'd been in this lounge while traveling in first class and thought while there was a variety of complimentary drinks and snacks, it wasn't worth $50.

I instead went to the main waiting area for all passengers with a train ticket that day.

There were benches in front of screens with train schedules in the regular waiting area.
Amtrak waiting area Penn Station
The waiting area for ticketed customers.

I found it crowded on a Sunday morning, but after a few minutes of standing around, I grabbed a seat.

Once on the train, I noticed the business-class car configuration had two seats on one side of the aisle and one on the other.
Seat in a business-class Amtrak car
The aisle from the single row of seats in Amtrak's business class.

I didn't receive priority boarding as a business-class ticket holder, so I waited in line with business and coach passengers. 

My seat was not assigned, but I snagged a spot in the single row.
Seat in a business-class Amtrak car
A single seat in Amtrak's business class.

I noticed that the chairs appeared to be big and I thought they'd be comfy and plush. However, once I sat down, I thought they felt stiffer than expected.

But at least it reclined slightly, like on most trains I've taken. 

Although the seat wasn't as comfortable as I expected for a premium class, I was impressed with the amount of legroom.
Seat pitch in a business-class Amtrak car
The author's leg room in the business-class seat.

An Amtrak representative told Business Insider that the business-class seats are about 20 inches wide with 42 inches of legroom.

Like other Amtrak trains, my seat came with a tray table, too.
Seat back in business class on the Amtrak train
The seat-back tray table opened and closed.

I was able to rest my laptop and phone on it in front of me, which made it easier to pass the time. I also had an outlet for charging devices.

On the way, a drink was included in the price of my business-class ticket, but a meal was not.
The author's snacks on the train
The author's snack and soda on the train.

I got a Diet Coke and brought my own snacks, but a café car was also available to all passengers to purchase meals, drinks, and snacks.

I didn't see attendants checking in with passengers or delivering meals or snacks during the trip.
Seats in a business-class Amtrak car
A view of the business-class Amtrak car.

To get my complimentary drink, I had to go to the café car.

Business-class passengers had a private bathroom for the car.
Bathroom in a business-class Amtrak car
Inside the business-class bathroom.

I was expecting a nicer restroom in business class, but I didn't think it differed from the lavatories I've experienced in other train classes. 

After traveling for 10 hours in a train car without a clean bathroom, I thought the business-class experience was not worth the extra $100.
The author exits a business-class Amtrak train.
The author exits a business-class Amtrak train.

Aside from bigger seats and a free drink, business class didn't feel very different from coach to me. Next time, I'll save my money and ride economy.

"We are constantly evaluating ways to improve the customer experience, including further differentiating the classes of service across the network," an Amtrak representative said in a statement to BI.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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