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Andie Swim review 2024: Our favorite pieces and why we love the brand

We tried swimsuits from Andie, the popular startup that promises a better fit — and honestly, they blew us away.

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Abby Narishkin wears her Andie swimsuit while kayaking.
Abby wears The Maui Top and The Bikini Bottom during a day at the lake.

The sheer amount of swimwear options on Andie's homepage is enough to make you feel simultaneously intimidated and impulsive. But by looking back on our Andie reviews, it's clear that they take the vulnerability out of swimwear shopping, one fit quiz at a time.

On a relatable note, Andie founder and CEO Melanie Travis hated trying to find the best swimsuits for women. "I realized all the women in my life — family, friends, colleagues, — had the same complaints," Melanie told Insider. "And so I thought, 'okay, it's time for a swimwear brand that just sort of solves the perennial issues with swim shopping."

Inclusivity has also been part of Andie's DNA since day one. The size range started as XS to 3XL and now goes up to 5XL. Rather than follow a grading process, which simply sizes suits up to proportion, Andie completely redesigns the pattern for different sizes to ensure they lay better. 

Seven women at Insider chose their own Andie swimsuits and wore them in real life. We generally favored bestsellers like The Laguna ($112) and The Maui Top ($62) and promptly included Andie in our guide to the to best swimsuits for DD+ cups. They offer the most practical picks that met our comfort and support needs. Keep reading for more about the personalized fit quiz and our full Andie swim reviews.

The Maui Top and The Bikini Bottom

Paige DiFiore wears Andie's The Maui Top and The Bikini Bottom in Cherry red.
Paige wears a size M in the Flat, Cherry Red bikini set.

At one point, I forgot I even had this set on under my clothes and I received many compliments on the gorgeous Cherry color.

Unlike most string tops, the weight of your chest is held up at your shoulders instead of your neck, so it feels like a cozy bra. It looked more like a sports bra and thus pushed my chest together in a similar fashion, which felt secure but didn't look particularly sexy. It gave some "uniboob" vibes, but it wasn't awful — just not like bikini tops I'm used to.

I'd wear this supportive, comfortable swimsuit for activities like visiting a water park, surfing, or attending a family function because it feels secure and sensible. But it's not the most exciting-looking set for lounging on the beach with friends or going on vacation with my boyfriend. —Paige DiFiore, lifestyle & entertainment freelance editor

Abby wears The Maui Top and The Bikini Bottom in Flat, Cherry Red, and size L.
Abby wears a size L in the Flat, Cherry Red bikini set.

For years I've either purchased heavy-duty underwire tops or cheap bikinis from sketchy sites where the fabric never felt super comfortable. This one felt like a second skin. With swimsuits known for support and coverage, I either look like a grandma or a wannabe aquatic athlete, but this one actually made me feel good. Dare I say, even a bit sexy? 

This Andie swimsuit fits into my life really well. It's perfect for doing sporting activities while looking cute and boosting confidence. On long kayaking trips, I usually wear a sports bra that either constricts my chest into oblivion. This set was so comfortable I forgot I had it on and it dried super quickly. It's really great if you need chest support and fabric that won't fade after two uses. Plus, it held its taut structure after handwashing it.

This is pretty in line with the $100+ swimsuits I've bought and I feel like Andie offers lasting fabrics that'll give me my money's worth.  —Abby Narishkin, senior producer

The Amalfi

woman wearing Andie's Amalfi one-piece swimsuit two different ways

I love how Andie's Amalfi One-Piece is simple, has no frills, and is well-made — exactly what I want in a swimsuit. Most of the selection reflects this too. I could tell right away that the material was really high-quality. The molded cups are superior to other one-pieces I've tried that either have flimsy pads that bunch up or don't have them at all. Though the material is nice and stretchy, I personally wish it was more compressive. I ordered an XS (I usually wear a small in swimsuits) and it fit a bit long on my torso (I'm five-foot-two, for reference). 

This swimsuit reminds me so much of a Stella McCartney swimsuit I fell in love with a few years ago, but I just couldn't commit to the $250+ price tag. Andie's Amalfi suit is a way better value and the quality is very comparable. —Ashley Phillips, style & beauty editor

The Malibu

Elisabeth wears Andie's The Malibu in ribbed, black, classic

Comfy, body-hugging, and flattering, this ribbed swimsuit just became my go-to. No competition.

I loved that the buttons turn the neckline into a plunging look. The boob pads, while not sewn in, did not float around too much. The one-piece was so cute and comfortable that I'll wear it as a bodysuit on hot summer days. 

It's truly great for any occasion – a beach day, with a skirt, and a night out, with shorts or jeans. I can't think of a place where I wouldn't wear this and I might just buy it in every color.

The Laguna

Jacqueline Saguin wears the Andie Laguna one-piece swimsuit in navy blue.

My Laguna one-piece looked so cute I wore it as a bodysuit, too. I breezed through Andie's Fit Quiz and landed on the Laguna as my "best fit" swimsuit match. The quiz helped lift the pressure off swimwear shopping. Rather than thinking about trendy cuts, I put a bit more thought into which styles made me feel confident. The Laguna suit catered to my every preference, which included a compressive fit, bust support, and cheeky coverage.

The hugging fabric fit comfortably across my torso and the high-cut bottom added that hint of cheekiness I need to balance out a one-piece swimsuit. Its adjustable straps and lightly padded top were a major plus, especially since I spent most of the day donning the suit. The Laguna really hits the rare combo of a stylish and well-fitting one-piece when you usually have to sacrifice one feature for the other. —Jacqueline Saguin, style & beauty reviews fellow

The Wynwood Top and The Bikini Bottom

Lauren wears The Wynwood Top and The Bikini Bottom in Flat, Cherry Red, and size S.
Lauren wears a size S in the Flat, Cherry Red bikini set.

Andie's bikinis are versatile because they are stylish and compressive. As someone who loves to swim, I loved the security the bikini offered. The bikini bottoms — wow. These were the first full-coverage bottoms I found that hugged my curves. I have broad shoulders and wide hips, so I prefer swimwear that balances those features — these impressed. 

The soft, thick, and durable fabric felt high quality. I wore the swimsuit at the beach and it held up well after about seven hours of wear.

My favorite bikinis are more expensive, so I was happy to find a swimsuit that was stylish, flattering, and secure for under $100. —Lauren Ruhlen, researcher

Cons to consider

With their plain colorways and simple cuts, these suits skew toward practicality which can be a pro or a con depending on how you view it. Throughout their Andie reviews, some testers also found their tops weren't defining their chests in a way they liked. Although high quality, the removable foam cup padding can fit too small or move around slightly.

In terms of the fit quiz, our testers hoped to input more about their body shape and measurements to tailor to their individual size. And some people got a few different suggestions when it came to their bottom sizes. But having known and lived the vulnerabilities that come with swimsuit shopping, Andie offers a team of fit experts that'll help narrow down your size and answer any questions.

The bottom line

The overwhelming consensus we came to in our Andie reviews is that comfort and support reign supreme. If you're looking for a swimsuit to take from the beach to dinner, its one-pieces are top notch. And thanks to Andie's simply cut silhouettes and timeless color options, we've found some swimwear pieces we can stand by forever. 

Read the original article on Business Insider

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