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1Password free trial and pricing tiers compared

1Password is offering a free trial for any of its four plans. We'll break down each option so you can pick what's best for you.

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Password-related security breaches seem to be a dime a dozen these days. They become all the more of an issue when you use the same couple of passwords for multiple accounts, making one data breach a multi-platform issue. Fortunately, password managers can help protect your online security and prevent you from having to remember dozens of different passwords at any given moment.

1Password, a top-rated password manager, is offering a free trial. All you have to remember is one lone password to log into 1Password; from there, the service takes over. 1Password will suggest and store highly secure passwords (which you can also create through their Strong Password Generator) for all of your accounts, from your email to streaming services to your credit card company.

Each time you want to sign into one of your accounts, you just log into 1Password (or use the browser extension). 1Password can auto-fill your password information to simplify the process. The service also has a Watchtower feature that monitors and alerts you to any security issues, such as compromised websites and vulnerable passwords.

Below, we'll lay out all of the 1Password free trial details and a comparison of the four different paid plans (plus the fifth big business option) if you choose to keep a subscription after the trial period is up.

1Password free trial

The 1Password free trial offers 14 days of free use for any of its four plans. All you have to do is choose which plan you want to try on their pricing page and create an account. You'll then have access to all the merits of a regular account for two weeks.

Once your free trial is up, you can lock into a paid subscription. Check out the plans below and see which works best for you. For the purpose of this article, we'll highlight how much a plan would cost per month if you select annual billing.


At $2.99 per month, the Individual plan is best for people who are just looking to beef up their own security. The plan comes with 1 GB of storage space and allows unlimited devices to use it. This is probably the best option for most users.


The Families plan, which costs $4.99 per month, is very similar to the Individual plan, except it's available to five family members. Additional family members can be added for $1 per user.

But the individual tier offers unlimited devices, so why pay more for this one? Yes, but it's worth remembering that each user on a family plan gets their own 1Password login to keep their passwords private from the rest of the family - that wouldn't be an option if you're all sharing one account via an individual plan.

Teams Starter Pack

The Teams Starter Pack functions like Individual and Families plans, but it's for groups of up to 10 people. At $19.95 per month, this is an affordable option for small companies. Plus, it will identify threats via a domain breach report. 


Business takes everything that the Teams Starter Pack offers and applies it to larger groups of people working for one company at a rate of $7.99 per user per month. It also increases storage to 5 GB per user and comes with a suite of business features, like additional custom reports, proactive threat prevention, and free family plans for all users. 


If your business has over 75 people using 1Password, you'll want to select the Enterprise plan. There's no set price for this, and you'll need to get a quote, but the plan comes with a dedicated customer success manager and customized onboarding and training for the duration of your subscription.

If you'd like to try any of these tiers (except Enterprise) for free, head on over to the 1Password website to sign up for a 14-day free trial. If it's not for you, just cancel within that time period, and you won't have to pay a thing.

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