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The 9 best deodorants and antiperspirants for men, tested and reviewed

After much testing, we rounded up the best deodorants and antiperspirants for men that leave you sweat and smell free all day.

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A line up of some of the best deodorants and antiperspirants for men.
Keep odder and sweat at bay with the best deodorants and antiperspirants for men.

Alongside the best body washes for men, a quality deodorant or antiperspirant is essential to feeling fresh and smelling great all day. While finding the best deodorants and antiperspirants for men mostly depends on personal preference, factors like long-lasting sweat, odor protection, and ingredients should be at the top of everyone's checklist.

The key difference between deodorant and antiperspirant is that deodorants don't control the amount you sweat — they only prevent the smell of body odor. Antiperspirants instead block sweat glands using aluminum to prevent hyperhidrosis (AKA: excessive sweating), and some formulas have a deodorizing agent that masks B.O. as well.

Our top pick is Duke Cannon because of its attractive cologne-like scents and top-notch sweat protection from its antiperspirants and aluminum-free deodorants. Another favorite natural, aluminum-free deodorant that's as powerful as it is gentle is from Bravo Sierra.

Whether you're looking for a tough antiperspirant that will eliminate sweat, all-natural deodorant, a skin-soothing formula, or a convenient spray-on for your gym bag, you'll find your new favorite deodorant here.

Our top picks for the best deodorants and antiperspirants for men

Best overall: Duke Cannon - See at Duke Cannon

Best aluminum-free: Bravo Sierra - See at Bravo Sierra

Best spray-on: Old Spice - See at Walmart

Best budget: Harry's Deodorant and Antiperspirant - See at Harry's

Best high-end: Jack Black - See at Amazon

Best moisturizing: Dove Men+Care - See at Target

Best for sensitive skin: Bevel - See at Amazon

Best natural with baking soda: American Provenance - See at Amazon

Best natural without baking soda: Dr. Squatch Deodorant - See at Dr. Squatch

Best overall: Duke Cannon

Duke Cannon is a military-inspired grooming brand that delivers high-quality grooming products for men. The brand is best known for its Big Ass Bricks of Soap and THICK Body Wash, but the deodorants are equally impressive.

If you've come to like any of Duke Cannon's products for its scent, you're in luck. All of Duke Cannon's deodorants come in familiar scents found on other products. Rather than using a bunch of different products with different scent profiles, you can get soap, body wash, cologne, and deodorant with the same scent.

Aside from the variety of scents, I consider Duke Cannon the best antiperspirant for men because it's effective at blocking sweat. It's formulated with the highest allowable level of aluminum (20%) for maximum odor and wetness protection, so if you can't compromise on sweaty pits, this is a wonderful choice. 

The formula also uses natural ingredients like aloe and vitamin E to aid in protecting and moisturizing the skin and activated charcoal to block moisture and odor.

I got hours of protection from the antiperspirant and could still smell the scent when I was ready to shower at the end of the day. Applying a small amount of antiperspirant goes a long way. I found that applying too much didn't improve its effectiveness and sometimes transferred to the inside of my clothing. 

Duke Cannon gives back to veterans by donating 5% of its net profits to a variety of reputable foundations.

Best aluminum-free: Bravo Sierra

Drawing inspiration from military culture, Bravo Sierra is a utilitarian-based unisex grooming company. The brand's popular four-in-one face cleanser, body wash, shampoo, and shave gel effectively eliminates the need for a bunch of different products, but if there's one more essential you need from them, it's the deodorant.

Rather than using aluminum or baking soda to prevent sweat, Bravo Sierra's natural formula uses a sweat-absorptive power extracted from cassava root, a plant native to Brazil. In comparison to some other natural deodorants I've tested, Bravo Sierra adequately lived up to my daily needs. It didn't wear off easily or need to be reapplied midday. 

Bravo Sierra deodorant comes in five scents — grapefruit and musk, white vetiver and cedarwood, citrus and cedarwood, sandalwood and fig, and tonka bean and lemon. 

If you're looking to support a good cause while choosing the best deodorant for men, this is the brand to shop for. Bravo Sierra donates 5% of its sales to support military families and veterans.

Best spray-on: Old Spice

Old Spice has been around for decades, but the brand has come a long way from the strong aerosol sprays that clouded your middle school locker rooms. 

The biggest benefit to shopping for deodorant at Old Spice is variety. Whether you're looking for a strong antiperspirant with aluminum, an aluminum-free deodorant, a spray-on, or a natural formula from the Gentlemen's Blend collection, the brand has something to meet every man's needs. 

While the aluminum-free stick deodorant is great for everyday use, I really enjoyed using the Dry Spray antiperspirant, especially before workouts. It goes on dry, doesn't stain clothes, and has a long lasting scent. Regardless of what type of deodorant or antiperspirant you choose, they're all affordably priced.

Best budget: Harry's Deodorant and Antiperspirant

Harry's was originally founded in 2013 as an alternative to expensive store-bought disposable razors. Over the years, the brand has expanded to become a total men's grooming brand, selling everything from shaving products to skincare — and its latest addition is deodorant, antiperspirant, and extra-strength antiperspirant. 

Each type is designed to provide 48-hour odor protection. The deodorant is aluminum-free, while the antiperspirants use aluminum to prevent sweating. Regardless of which type you choose, Harry's deodorants and antiperspirants are affordably priced at $5.50.

The deodorants and antiperspirants come in of a variety of scents, many of which have an outdoorsy natural smell. If you're looking for a fresh scent that's closer to body wash or cologne, this might not be the one for you. However, each name clearly describes the scent profile, so it's easy to choose one you'll like.

Best high-end: Jack Black

Founded in 2000, when the grooming and beauty industry was primarily saturated with products for women, Jack Black was one of earliest brands to create high-quality grooming essentials using natural ingredients for men. While the market has plenty of natural or clean brands for men, Jack Black is still one of the best.

Jack Black's Pit Boss antiperspirant is free of parabens and sulfates and uses natural ingredients like vitamin E, aloe leaf juice, castor oil, and sunflower seed oil to protect and moisturize the skin. As an antiperspirant, it uses aluminum to reduce underarm wetness and control sweat. 

You won't get to choose between a variety of scents with Jack Black Pit Boss, but I didn't mind because it has one of the freshest scents I've tried and lasts all day long. It's one of the priciest products on this lists, but with its effectiveness and attractive scent, it's still worth trying.

Best moisturizing: Dove Men+Care

Deodorant is used to keep body odor under control, but harsh ingredients can often have a negative effect on your underarm skin. If you're dealing with dry, peeling, or itchy skin on your underarms, there's a good chance that your skin doesn't agree with your current deodorant. 

Dove Men+Care was developed to meet the needs of men, while nourishing skin. Of the many deodorant choices from Dove Men+Care, I most recommend the Extra Fresh Deodorant Stick. This formula is aluminum-free and is made with ¼ moisturizing cream, so it won't irritate your skin. 

It's said to have 72-hour odor protection, and while I've never gone that long without showering and re-applying deodorant, it does an excellent job at lasting all day. The "extra fresh" scent is a blend of bergamot, lavender, and sandalwood — all of which suppress odor and keep you smelling good.

Best for sensitive skin: Bevel

Bevel is a Black-owned grooming brand that makes affordable essentials for people of color. With everything from safety razors that prevent ingrown hairs to exfoliating body washes, one of Bevel's top priorities is to promote healthy skin while grooming. 

The Aluminium-Free Deodorant is specifically designed to penetrate coarse and curly hair, so it actually gets to the surface of the skin to do its job. The formula also includes ingredients like coconut oil, and shea butter to keep skin hydrated and moisturized. It goes on smooth and clear, doesn't clump up, and provides 48-hour odor protection.

You won't get to choose between a variety of scents for the deodorant, but it has a fresh scent most people will enjoy wearing.

Best natural with baking soda: American Provenance

Founded by Kyle LaFond, a former middle school science teacher, American Provenance is a natural care essentials brand. All of the deodorants are hand-mixed, hand-poured, and made in small batches here in the USA.

The brand uses what it calls "better-for-you ingredients" in its products. The deodorant uses coconut oil for its antibacterial properties, baking soda to deodorize, arrowroot to absorb sweat and bodily oils, and beeswax and shea butter to hydrate and soothe the skin.

Of the few scents I've used, none of them smell particularly masculine or feminine, so it's one of the best deodorant choices if you're looking for a unisex deodorant.

Best natural without baking soda: Dr. Squatch Deodorant

Dr. Squatch describes itself as a natural, high-performance personal care brand specifically for men. Free of any harmful ingredients, all of its products are 98-100% natural and use naturally derived fragrances that men will love. And with an ingredients glossary that fully describes the origins and purpose of each ingredient, it's one of the most transparent grooming brands I've come across.

The main deodorizing and sweat-absorbing ingredients in Dr. Squatch's deodorants are charcoal powder, arrowroot powder, and magnesium.  A host of other natural ingredients like coconut oil, beeswax, and essential oils are used for moisture and scent.

If worried about an all-natural deodorant that doesn't deliver in the scent department, Dr. Squatch won't let you down. Some of my favorite scents are Wood Barrel Bourbon, Rainforest Rapids, and Fresh Fall — all of which last for hours on end.

Aside its distinctly masculine scents, Dr. Squatch's products are formulated specifically for men by including additional ingredients that can be potentially beneficial to men's health, such as saw palmetto, ginseng, and valerian.


What's the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant?

The key difference between deodorant and antiperspirant is that deodorants don't control the amount you sweat — they only prevent the smell of body odor. Antiperspirants instead block sweat glands using aluminum to prevent hyperhidrosis (AKA: excessive sweating), and some formulas have a deodorizing agent that masks B.O. as well.

Why is aluminum found in antiperspirants?

Aluminum Zirconium Tetracholorohyrdrex GLY is the main active ingredient used in antiperspirants to block pores and prevent sweat from leaving the body. 

Is it safe to use aluminum on your body?

Yes, the highest amount of aluminum allowed in antiperspirants is 20%. While many deodorants specifically call out being aluminum-free, ones that do contain aluminum aren't unsafe, they simply work differently.

What is the purpose of baking soda in deodorant?

Baking soda is typically found in natural deodorants and is used as an odor-neutralizer. It changes the acidity of your pits, disabling odor-causing bacteria from growing.

What are the downsides of using a deodorant with baking soda?

While baking soda is undeniably effective as an odor-neutralizer (among its many other purposes like baking and cleaning), it can be harsh and irritate the skin. If you've previously had a poor reaction to baking soda or you have sensitive skin, you'll likely want to find a baking soda-free natural deodorant.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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