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The 7 best nose hair trimmers, tested and reviewed

The best nose hair trimmers safely remove unwanted hair in hard-to-reach places with easy cleanup. Here are our favorite tested picks.

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A man holding the black Manscaped Weed Whacker Nose and Ear Hair Trimmer.
The author using the Manscaped Weed Whacker Nose and Ear Hair Trimmer.

Suddenly sprouting hair in hard-to-reach places is a common yet annoying occurrence. While there are many ways to rid yourself of these pesky hairs, there's no need to remove them entirely via painful plucking or risky scissors. Thanks to products built specifically for the job, trimming is the better way. Our favorite nose hair trimmer, the Philips Norelco Multigroom 5000, has it all with its waterproof, rechargeable design that quickly cleans up any unwanted hair.

We've gathered an assortment of nose hair trimmers, from simple-to-use manual versions to ones with many other features to tackle the rest of your body hair, and some that even have built-in vacuums to whisk the hair away. These represent the safest options for removing unwanted hair in hard-to-reach places without pain and for easy cleanup.

Our top picks for the best nose hair trimmers:

Best overall: Philips Norelco Multigroom 5000 - See at Amazon

Best lightweight: ConairMan Battery-Powered Ear and Nose Hair Trimmer - See at Amazon

Best budget: Ginity Ear and Nose Hair Trimmer - See at Amazon

Best quiet: Manscaped Wedd Whacker - See at Macy's

Best with LED: Liberex Electronic Nose Hair Trimmer  - See at Walmart

Best waterproof: Panasonic GN70-K  - See at Amazon

Best manual: Royal Manual Gold Nose Trimmer - See at Amazon

Best overall

The Philips Norelco Multigroom 5000 is the go-to product for hair removal from your head to your toes. Considering the amount of uses, the Multigroom 5000 performs them all really well. It cut through my beard with ease and then when I switched to the nose/ear-hair attachment, it quickly knocked out that job as well. The process was straightforward and painless.  

The Multigroom 5000 is rechargeable and will give you three hours of power on a single charge. While it's not as quiet as some selections in this roundup, its versatility and power make up for that small shortcoming. Even with the ton of attachments (the nose hair blade, three other blades, and more than a dozen trimming guards), it's simple to operate. Pro tip: keep the directions handy so you can navigate the various tools that come with the clippers.

Best lightweight

The ConairMan has a 360-degree beveled blade to quickly and evenly cut through even very abundant nose and ear hair. It provides 60-minutes of continual use, which should provide plenty of clipping sessions. Besides your nose and ears, you can use the ConairMan to clean up the rest of your face, from trimming and shaping sideburns, mustache or beard, to making sure your brows don't give off Neanderthal vibes. Downsides include not being rechargeable and it is a bit loud, but it makes up for this by being fast, lightweight, and multifunctional. 


Best budget

The Ginity trimmer comes with a lot of benefits at a budget price. It's a four-in-one grooming kit so you can trim your nose hairs and then switch to the attachments for your eyebrows, sideburns, or facial hair. The trimmer is partially waterproof (the metal tip blades are, but the plastic body is not). It's compact for travel, quiet, and rechargeable (comes with a USB cable). 

Best quiet

You're probably more familiar with Manscaped for their Lawn Mower 4.0 that removes hair below the belt, but the company also makes the Weed Whacker that's for nose and ear hair. The key takeaways from testing it out were how quiet it was while smoothly and quickly removing nose and ear hair. It's fast and efficient and completely painless. It's rechargeable, easy to clean, and simple to operate. 

The company also offers a bundle called the Performance Package 5.0, that includes the Weed Whacker and Lawn Mower, along with a couple other products, that will have your body hair removal needs covered from nose to nether region.

Best with LED

The Liberex Electronic Nose Hair Trimmer features an LED light to help you clearly see the hair you're removing. Besides the helpful illumination, the trimmer is extremely quiet and has a stainless steel dual-blade head that's removable for easy cleaning. The Liberex is also easy-to-use thanks to its one-button control. It's not rechargeable, but according to the company, one AA battery can provide enough juice for six months if used in five-minute increments (a typical amount of time needed to take care of nose and ear hair).

Best waterproof

The Panasonic GN70-K has a high-velocity motor to take on thick, coarse hair at a fast clip (pun intended) and has a built-in vacuum for easy cleanup. The GN70-K has an ergonomic design so you can more easily get into the nooks and crannies of your nose and ears. It's battery operated, giving it a 40-minute run time for multiple uses. You can use the trimmer in the shower if you're the kind of person who likes to multitask.

Best manual

If you're looking for a compact, non-electric nose-hair clipper, the Royal Manual Gold is the way to go. With 12 dual-edged blades, it effortlessly cuts through the toughest hairs painlessly. On the plus side, you don't have to worry about charging it up or changing batteries, it easily disassembles so you can clean it with little effort, and it's super compact for travel. On the minus end of the scale, because it's manual, it's slower to get the job done than any of the electric models in this roundup and it doesn't do as well with ear hair as the electric models.

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