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An ultra-luxury cruise line wants travelers to live on its cruise ship for 4.5 months while it sails to 40 countries — for up to $1.7 million a suite

Regent Seven Seas' luxurious annual world cruises are in high-demand, having previously sold out in "record time."

pool deck of seven seas splendor
Regent Seven Seas' Cruises' world cruises have been wildly popular. The company says its recently announced 2027 140-night global voyage will have a "record-breaking" fare of up to $840,000 per person.
  • Regent Seven Seas Cruises' 140-night 2027 world cruise would sail to 71 destinations across 40 countries.
  • Fares range from $91,500 to $840,000 per person, the latter a record for the company.
  • The ultra-luxury cruise line's annual around-the-world voyages often sell out fast.

What would you do with $91,500? If your answer is incredibly niche and something like "move onto a ship for four months while it sails to six continents," Regent Seven Seas Cruises has you covered.

Like other luxury cruise lines, Regent Seven Seas operates annual monthslong world cruises, many of which have sold out. If you've missed the opportunity to book its previous around-the-world voyages, here's your next shot: On Wednesday, the ultra-premium cruise line announced its newest global itinerary, a 2027 cruise to 71 destinations.

The 140-night sailing, known as the "World of Splendor," is an achievement in its own right. But not for any reasons you might expect: The most expensive cabin rings in at $840,000 per person, a record for the cruise line.

The Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings brand’s 2027 plan isn’t exactly affordable compared to other comparable itineraries.
Exterior of the Seven Seas Splendor
The Seven Seas Splendor is 55,498 gross tons and 735 feet-long.

Luxury Crystal and premium Oceania Cruises revealed their 2026 world cruises this month. The sailings start at $84,000 and $59,700 per person, respectively.

The cheapest cabin on Regent Seven Seas' 2027 itinerary is $92,500 per person.

At least the fare also includes more than 486 excursion options, first-class flights, WiFi, and alcohol, as is typical with the all-inclusive cruise line.

To some travelers, the World of Splendor could be worth its cost.
Sydney, Australia
The itinerary would sail in three oceans to destinations like Sydney.

After all, not everyone can set aside 4 ½ months of their life to traverse 35,668 nautical miles and six continents on a high-end ship.

At the start of 2027, the then-seven-year-old Seven Seas Splendor will depart Miami on the 40-country voyage.
cartagena colombia
The itinerary's map includes stops in Cartagena, Colombia, pictured, and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

From Florida, the ship would sail to South and Central American destinations, including through the Panama Canal, before heading to Los Angeles, according to a map of the itinerary.

On its way to Australia, the Splendor plans to dock at ports in Hawaii and French Polynesia.
Aqaba, Jordan.
The itinerary includes 14 overnight stays in destinations like Malé, Maldives; Aqaba, Jordan; and Safaga, Egypt, near Luxor.

After a few stops in cities like Sydney and Cairns, Australia, the vessel would continue east into Southeast and South Asia, bringing travelers to the likes of Indonesia and Thailand.

From there, the globetrotting guests will be off to the Middle East and Europe.
Dubai has a glitzy reputation.
The ship would stop in destinations like Dubai.

After a transatlantic crossing, the ship plans to dock in Bermuda before sailing north to New York, concluding the 140-day journey.

This is the first time the company has tapped its 746-guest Seven Seas Splendor for the global trip.
Seven Seas Splendor on water
The itinerary would be able to accommodate 44 more guests than Regent Seven Seas' 2026 world cruise on the Seven Seas Mariner.

The Seven Seas Splendor is one of the cruise line's largest ships — bigger than the one it's using for its 2023, 2024, and 2025 world cruises.

A floating resort of Splendor's size has become a necessity for the company's extended voyages: Demand is high. And its around-the-world cruises tend to sell out — fast.

Splendor's initiation would also mark the first time a world cruise guest could book one of the cruise line's plushest 4,443-square-foot Regent Suite.
composite of a cruise cabin living room and hot tub
The Regent Suite is more than 14 times as big as the ship's smallest guest cabin.

This is no dinky interior cabin. The Regent Suite has its own spa, a $200,000 Hastens mattress, original artwork from Pablo Picasso, and a private butler.

These luxuries make it the most expensive option on the ship: The cabin is $840,000 per person — about $1.7 million for two guests.

Don't worry, the 4 ½ months at sea would still be plenty lavish for all the other guests.
seven seas grandeur steak tartar
Beef tartare with sturgeon caviar served on Regent Seven Seas' newest ship, the Seven Seas Grandeur.

Travelers could spend their 140 days at sea gaping at the ship's $5 million art collection or luxuriating under its more than 500 crystal chandeliers.

Dinners would be just as extravagant: The Seven Seas Splendor's five restaurants serve high-end bites like lobster tempura, steak tartare with caviar, and ravioli with a Parmesan and truffle sauce.

Regent Seven Seas says the Splendor will be stocked with 13,000 pounds of lobster, 14,000 pounds of filet mignon, and 150 pounds of caviar to accommodate these meals.
lounge on regent seven seas splendor
The Seven Seas Splendor has three lounges and a cigar club.

Booze is included in the fare, which means the ship would also carry 200 varieties and 58,000 bottles of wine.

Despite their relatively hefty prices, the ultra-luxury cruise line has had no problem filling its previous around-the-world sailings.
Regent Seven Seas Splendor
Regent Seven Seas isn't known to be ultra-affordable: Its cheapest 2024 itinerary, a seven-night roundtrip Miami sailing, starts at about $614 per person per day.

Andrea DeMarco, president of Regent Seven Seas Cruises, told Business Insider that the company is expecting "unprecedented interest" in the 2027 world cruise.

It wouldn't be unheard of. In the past four years, Regent Seven Seas' world cruises have continuously sold out in "record time" as the company, like many other cruise lines, has continued to see growing interest in extended cruises.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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