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Новости за 06.05.2024


ANCA: Biden & Blinken, having aided Azerbaijan in committing genocide in Artsakh, are now helping Aliyev consolidate his crime

ArmInfo. US President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, having militarily and morally aided Azerbaijan Azerbaijan in committing genocide in Artsakh, are now helping the Aliyev to consolidate his crimes. This is how the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) commented on the visit of US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mark Libby to occupied Shushi of Artsakh. " GENO-TOURISM: Our American Ambassador cheerfully touring ethnically-cleansed Artsakh - normalizing the (US-armed) genocide of the indigenous population. Читать дальше...


Nikol Pashinyan does not attend Victory Parade in Moscow either

ArmInfo. The leaders of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, as well as Cuba, Laos and Guinea-Bissau will take part in the Victory Parade, in addition, heads of executive bodies of the CIS, the Union State, and the CSTO are invited. Russian Presidential Assistant Yuri Ushakov told reporters on May 6. "On May 9, leaders of foreign countries and other foreign representatives will take part in a military parade to commemorate the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Читать дальше...


Кремль: Предстоящая встреча Путин-Пашинян поможет расставить многие точки над "i"

АрмИнфо. Президент России Владимир Путин 8 мая, сразу на следующий день после инаугурации, примет участие в первом крупном международном мероприятии - в юбилейном заседании Высшего Евразийского экономического совета (ВЕЭС). В Москву приедут премьер-министр Армении, президенты Беларуси, Казахстана и Киргизии. И ожидается, что после саммита Путин проведет с Пашиняном встречу. Об этом журналистам сообщил помощник президента Юрий Ушаков.

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В аппарате Пашиняна ответили Баграту Србазану

АрмИнфо.В Управлении информации и общественных связей аппарата премьер-министра Армении отреагировали на заявление главы Тавушской епархии, архиепископа Баграта Галстаняна о том, что высокопоставленные члены партии <Гражданский договор> уже направляют им внутренние месседжи о том, как они могут присоединиться к их движению.

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Szijjarto: as part of its EU Presidency, Budapest will look for additional opportunities to assist Yerevan and Baku in normalizing relations

ArmInfo. "We live in difficult, turbulent times, full of dangers.  There are wars and armed conflicts in different parts of the world that are causing pain to many people." Minister of  External Economic Relations and Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Peter Szijjarto announced on May 6 at a press conference in Hungary. According to him, after listening to politicians in different parts of the world, it becomes obvious that if peaceful solutions to the existing conflicts are not found in a short time, the world will approach the third world war. Читать дальше...


ЗАО "Электрические сети Армении" предупреждает об отключениях

АрмИнфо.ЗАО "Электрические сети Армении" предупреждает, что в связи с проведением плановых ремонтных работы, 7 мая текущего года будет прекращено электроснабжение следующих адресов:

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Armenia`s chief diplomat is cautiously optimistic about upcoming  meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart in Almaty

ArmInfo.Armenia is committed to the peace agenda with Azerbaijan and is involved in the negotiation  process in a constructive and conscientious manner.  Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan stated at a press  conference in Budapest on May 6.  "We are confident that achieving  final peace truly comes from the interests of Armenia and Azerbaijan.  I would also like to express cautious optimism in connection with the  upcoming negotiations at the level of heads of foreign affairs  departments in Almaty in the coming days," Mirzoyan noted... Читать дальше...


ANC Australia says no to forces inside Armenia and external who  believe peace to be achieved by further concessions

ArmInfo.The Armenian National Committee of Australia says no to forces inside a Armenia and  external who believe  that peace may be  achieved by  unilateral concessions. Committee stated on its Facebook page. "Azerbaijani Dictator Ilham Aliyev was not satisfied with the ethnic  cleansing of Artsakh The murderous petro-dictator now has his eyes  set on Armenia's Tavush province.  We the Armenian-Australian  community say no to the forces inside Armenia and external who  believe peace will be achieved by further concessions, " they said. Читать дальше...


На сцене Русского драмтеатра очередная премьера - зрителю представили комедию английского драматурга Рэя Куни <Папа в паутине>

АрмИнфо. На сцене Ереванского русского драматического театра им. К.Станиславского очередная премьера. На этот раз ереванскому зрителю представили комедию английского драматурга Рэя Куни <Папа в паутине>, которая является продолжением его пьесы <Особо влюбленный  таксист>.

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Ruling MPs are busy inciting hatred, and prosecutor`s office is  silent - comment from oppositionist

ArmInfo.Many MPs from the ruling "Civil Contract" faction are busy inciting hatred and enmity. Secretary of the  "Armenia" opposition faction Artsvik Minasyan stated on May 6 from the rostrum of the National Assembly, commenting on the report of the RA Prosecutor General Anna Vardapetyan on the results of the supervisory body's activities in 2023. In his speech, Minasyan drew Vardapetyan's attention to the  increasing cases of attacks on the Armenian Apostolic Church. "In  recent days, it is the... Читать дальше...


Alen Simonyan: Power shift in Armenia is possible only with results  of 2026 NA elections

ArmInfo. The Republic of Armenia does not make unilateral concessions, the Republic of Armenia fixes  its border and this process will be lengthy based on maps that have legal grounds. This was stated by Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Alen Simonyan during a briefing for journalists on May 6, emphasizing that the authorities have at their disposal those maps and all bases. To the remark that people in the country are opposed to the process  of delimitation and demarcation, he noted that as a... Читать дальше...


US Ambassador to Azerbaijan visits occupied Shushi

ArmInfo. US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mark Libby  and his wife visited occupied Artsakh Shushi  on May 6. As stated in a statement from the US Embassy in Baku, the ambassador  and his wife familiarized themselves with the sights of the city. "I am so happy to be in Shusha today. We have been preparing for this  visit for almost two months and I am glad it has finally come  together. Thank you for your hospitality. I look forward to  continuing my travels throughout Azerbaijan," Libby  wrote. Former... Читать дальше...


ANCA supports Tavush for the Motherland movement 

ArmInfo.The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) expressed support for the "Tavush for the  Motherland" movement led by the Primate of the Tavush Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan. ANCA published a photo of Galstanyan on its Facebook page with the  words: "Armenia, faith and freedom." In addition, according to the "Tavush for the Motherland" movement,  the Union of Armenian Academicians of Zurich expressed its support to  them. "Today, more than ever... Читать дальше...


YPC Honorary President on on mass media self-regulation 

ArmInfo. Discussions have begun in Armenia on draft amendments to the law "On the Mass Media," which  are based on the idea of self-regulation of the media. Commenting on the draft new law to ArmInfo, Honorary President of the  Yerevan Press Club, Chairman of the Supervisory Board on Media Ethics  Boris Navasardyan noted that in order for state interference in  internal media issues to be minimized, it is necessary for the media  to formulate for themselves, what obligations they undertake, how... Читать дальше...


Armenia`s premier not to attend Russian president`s inauguration 

ArmInfo. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan will not attend the swearing-in ceremony of Russian  President Vladimir Putin, Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Alen Simonyan said.  "Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan will not go to Moscow for  Russian President Vladimir Putin's inauguration," Alen Simonyan told  reporters. When asked what the reason for such a decision was, Simonyan asked  that all questions of interest be asked personally to Nikol Pashinyan  during his upcoming press conference, which will take place on May 7. Читать дальше...


UN Assistant Secretary-General on visit to Armenia 

ArmInfo. Ivana Zivkovic, UN Assistant Secretary-General, UNDP Assistant Administrator and  Director of the Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), is on a visit to Armenia.  During her first day of the official visit to Armenia, Ivana  Zivkovic, UN Assistant Secretary-General, UNDP Assistant  Administrator and Director of the Regional Bureau for Europe and the  Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), accompanied by Natia  Natsvlishvili, UNDP Resident Representative in Armenia... Читать дальше...


Procession led by priest Bagrat Galstanyan to head for Yerevan 

ArmInfo. Today, at 12:00, the procession, led by the Primate of the Tavush Diocese, Archbishop  Bagrat Galstanyan, will move from Sevan towards Yerevan. This was announced late the night before by a member of the Armenian Parliament from the "Armenia" faction, a participant in the "Tavush  for the Motherland" movement, Garnik Danielyan from Sevan, where the march participants stopped for the night. "This is the first victory we have recorded, which shows that the  Armenian people are attached to their land and water. Читать дальше...


Мирзоян и Байрамов встретятся в Алматы 10 мая

АрмИнфо. В соответствии с ранее достигнутыми договоренностями переговоры между главами внешнеполитических ведомств Армении и Азербайджана Араратом Мирзояном и Джейхуном Байрамовым будут проведены в Алматы 10 мая 2024 года. Об этом сообщила пресс-секретарь МИД Армении Ани Бадалян.

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Армянский скрипач: Без армянской истории и культуры существование бессмысленно

АрмИнфо. Без армянской истории и культуры существование станет бессмысленным.  Об этом 5 мая после концерта заявил заслуженный артист Республики Армения, известный скрипач Сергей Хачатрян.

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До конца текущего года в Ереване будет внедрена единая билетная система для проезда в общественном транспорте - мэр

АрмИнфо.До конца текущего года в Ереване будет внедрена единая билетная система для проезда в общественном транспорте. Об этом 6 мая на рабочем совещании в столичном муниципалитете заявил мэр Еревана Тигран Авинян.

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