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Prince, Paris and Bigi Jackson Make Rare Red Carpet Appearance Together at 'MJ: The Musical': See Their Looks!

The trio honored their late father, Michael Jackson, in London on Wednesday  

<p>Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/Getty</p> Prince Jackson, Paris Jackson and Bigi Jackson arrive at the

Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/Getty

Prince Jackson, Paris Jackson and Bigi Jackson arrive at the "MJ: The Musical" preview in London

Michael Jackson’s three children made a rare red carpet appearance as a trio to honor their late father.

On Wednesday Prince, 27, Paris, 25 and Bigi, 22, looked all grown-up for the preview night of MJ: The Musicalat the Prince Edward Theatre in London. 

The guys coordinated in classic black suits, but switched up how they styled each of theirs. Prince layered a maroon button-down shirt and glittery tie under his blazer. He also tied his hair back into a sleek bun. Bigi (formerly known as Blanket) wore a white shirt with a few of the top buttons left undone for a more casual vibe.

<p>Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/Getty</p> Prince Jackson, Paris Jackson and Bigi Jackson honor their late father Michael Jackson in London

Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/Getty

Prince Jackson, Paris Jackson and Bigi Jackson honor their late father Michael Jackson in London

Paris, who recently hung out with Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney at Stella McCartney’s Paris Fashion Week show on March 4, wore a romantic rust colored dress with a pleated skirt and elegant sheer sleeves, as well as maroon heels. Her signature bohemian flair found its way into her jewelry — large hoop earrings and stacks of bracelets — and her soft wavy hairstyle.

Some of her chest, shoulder, hand and arm tattoos were also on display. (Paris shocked everyone when she arrived at the 2024 Grammys on Feb. 4 completely bare of body art after a Cover FX makeover hid all of her 80+ tattoos.)

<p>Kevin Mazur/Getty</p> Paris Jackson without her tattoos at the 2024 Grammys

Kevin Mazur/Getty

Paris Jackson without her tattoos at the 2024 Grammys

Related: Michael Jackson's 3 Kids: All About Prince, Paris and Bigi

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Prince and Paris, who were born to Jackson and his ex-wife Debbie Rowe, have made a couple of red carpet appearances together in the past couple of years. 

In June 2022, the two stepped out for the 75th Tony Awards dressed in monochromatic ensembles — she in a blush pink off-the-shoulder gown with gold detailing and he in an all-black suit with his long hair down.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Paris and Prince Jackson attend the 2022 Tony Awards
Kevin Mazur/Getty Paris and Prince Jackson attend the 2022 Tony Awards

Related: Paris Jackson and Prince Jackson Attend 2022 Tony Awards in Support of 'MJ: The Musical'

The siblings joint appearance comes on the heels of Bigi objecting in a court filing to his grandmother Katherine Jackson using funds from the King of Pop's estate to pay her legal fees in an ongoing dispute with the executors over the singer's catalog sale to Sony. (The collection of songs is currently valued at $1.5 billion.)

Katherine hit back this week arguing that "the Executors cannot in good faith contend that the Estate does not have sufficient available funds to allow the Trust to make the requested payment," per the filing.

Related: Michael Jackson's Nephew Jaafar Wears Singer's Iconic Varsity Jacket on Set of Michael Biopic

MJ: The Musical takes audiences inside Jackson's creative process, depicting the singer, who died on June 25, 2009 at 50, rehearsing for his 1992 Dangerous world tour. It features over 25 of the singer's biggest hits and is directed and choreographed by Tony Award winner Christopher Wheeldon with a book by Pulitzer Prize winner Lynn Nottage and stars Myles Frost, who reprises his role as Jackson during the musical's stint in London.

As the production hits the West End, the cast and crew behind the King of Pop’s biopic are filming ahead of the movie’s release on April 18, 2025. Jackson’s nephew, Jafaar Jackson, was seen on set in L.A. wearing his uncle’s varsity jacket, which is only one out of many of the looks fan can expect to see from the uncanny transformation.

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 Read the original article on People.

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