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Israel Recalls Negotiators From Qatar After Hamas Rejects Truce Deal

i24 News — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office on Tuesday issued a statement after Hamas’ rejection of a truce...

The post Israel Recalls Negotiators From Qatar After Hamas Rejects Truce Deal first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Jerusalem, Feb. 18, 2024. Photo: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun

i24 News — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office on Tuesday issued a statement after Hamas’ rejection of a truce proposal, marking Israel’s withdrawal from the negotiations in Qatar.

“Hamas’ position clearly proves that it is not interested in continuing negotiations for a deal, and is an unfortunate testimony to the damage of the [United Nations] Security Council’s decision,” the statement read. “Hamas once again rejected any American compromise proposal and repeated its extreme demands: an immediate end to the war, a complete withdrawal of the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] from the Gaza Strip, and the remaining in power so that it could repeat the massacre of Oct. 7 again and again, as it had promised to do.”

The statement added: “Israel will not submit to the delusional demands of Hamas, and will continue to act to achieve all the goals of the war: to release all the abductees, to destroy the military and governmental capabilities of Hamas, and to ensure that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel.”

Meanwhile, a source briefed on the talks told Reuters that negotiations are moving ahead and officials from Israel’s Mossad spy agency remain in Doha for discussions.

Earlier on Monday night, Hamas said that it informed the negotiation’s mediators that it “sticks to its original position” in its demands for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, withdrawal of the Israeli troops from Gaza, and return of displaced Palestinians and a “real” exchange of “prisoners.”

The terrorist group said that Israel “did not respond to any of the basic demands of our people and our resistance [Hamas]: a comprehensive ceasefire, withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, the return of the displaced, and a real exchange of prisoners.” Hamas appeared to have rejected the latest deal proposal on offer in Doha, where the sides have held indirect talks via Egypt, Qatar, and the United States.

Hamas added in the statement that the “Netanyahu and his extremist government bear full responsibility for thwarting all negotiation efforts and obstructing reaching an agreement so far.”

The statement came hours after the United Nations Security Council resolution calling for “lasting ceasefire in Gaza” passed the voting. As the humanitarian crisis deepens in Gaza, Hamas’ hostages have remained in captivity for over five months.

Earlier, Netanyahu rejected Hamas’ demands for full military withdrawal and a permanent ceasefire as “delusional.”

Meanwhile, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh travel edto Tehran on Tuesday to meet Iranian officials, according to Iran’s official Press TV.

Raphaël Jerusalmy, a former Israeli intelligence officer, told i24 News: “Hamas knows it is supported for the moment and has no interest in freeing hostages, which is why it is asking for the maximum price, namely the total withdrawal of the IDF from the Gaza Strip.”

According to him, “the terrorist organization knows that it is supported for the moment, firstly by the UN resolutions in its favor, and also because it knows that there is water in the gas between Israel and the United States.”

“The only hope”, he added, “is that Hamas will release the sick hostages who are a burden to it, but even for that, Israel will have to pay a disproportionate price.”

The post Israel Recalls Negotiators From Qatar After Hamas Rejects Truce Deal first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

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