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A Comprehensive Guide to the Thesis Statement




The thesis statement is one of the very important parts of an write paper for me essay. It is a statement that sums up your whole essay and makes it stand out from other essays written on the same topic. It’s like providing direction about what you will be writing, so that the audience can follow your points in order to determine whether they agree with you or not. Whether you want to make it funny or serious, a good thesis statement must conform to a proper format so that people would know how much time should be spent reading all your paragraphs.




Most students find it hard to write their own thesis statements due to lack of understanding about its basics such as what it really is and when its purpose is needed. When you are learning about a thesis statement, you learn that it is different from the topic sentences or take-home messages. Topic sentences are short paragraphs stating your main ideas while the thesis statement includes these and summarizes them in a single sentence. Take-home messages are usually statements that emphasize your point of view but do not give additional information about it to the readers.


When writing an essay, an outstanding writer has to consider three things: his audience’s preferences for easy reading, level of education and familiarity with the topics discussed; his own ability to use words precisely so that he would not confuse or mislead people; and finally, the length limit needed if graded according to academic requirements such as word count per page or number of pages. The three major purposes of the thesis statement are to:


- show readers what the whole essay is about and inform them that you will be dealing with two or more sides of a certain argument;


- prepare your audience for the fact that you will be challenging their preconceived notions, beliefs, or ideas; and


- tell them how you would support your claims.


Thesis statement examples


There are a number of ways in which you can write effective thesis statements. For example: using anecdotes (stories), asking questions, restating main points, giving persuasive phrases and point by point presentation. In order to help you create your own unique thesis statement, here are some sample statements taken from different sources.


Sample thesis statements


One way to write your own persuasive statement is by using the phrase, “Given the fact that…” then present your main point. For instance, “Given the fact that there are so many students who believe that studying in English-speaking countries will give them the advantage of being able to communicate in foreign languages, it is clearly evident today that such belief does not hold true anymore.” 


Most of the time, students have trouble in writing their own thesis statement not because they don’t know how it is done, but simply because they lack understanding about its basics such as what it really is and when its purpose is needed. When you are learning about a thesis statement, you learn that it is different from the topic sentences or take-home messages. Topic sentences are short paragraphs stating your main ideas while the thesis statement includes these and summarizes them in a single sentence. Take-home messages are usually statements that emphasize your point of view but do not give additional information about it to the readers.


Aside from being able to contact a paper writing service, you also need to know how you can change or modify an existing one without changing its intended meaning, style or tone. One way is by removing redundant words and phrases such as “in my opinion” or “in this paper” from the original thesis. Another easy way on how you can do it is by rephrasing the old one into a new format by simply replacing some words with more powerful ones like using “not only…, but also” to replace the word “and.”

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