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Теория Рекламы :: RE: Общая Теория Рекламы: Реклама Агрессии (комментарии) 10

Автор: Dimitriy
Добавлено: 06.02.2021 0:01 (GMT 3)


5 февр. 2021 г.
Источник видео.

"Всё враки и только он молодец". Зе записал влог на русском языке о закрытии каналов. Что в нем главное?
Президент опубликовал длинный видеоблог, в котором изложил "политику партии" по этому вопросу. Причем сделал это на русском языке.
"Страна" проанализировала речь президента.

Материал полностью.

Украина обратилась к YouTube с просьбой о закрытии страниц NewsOne, ZIK и «112» - МКИП
"В большинстве случаев крупные компании положительно реагируют на запросы, когда государство апеллирует вопросами национальной безопасности. И положительно рассматривают эти обращения, поэтому мы верим, что наше обращение также будет рассмотрено положительно", - сказал заместитель министра культуры и информполитики.

Материал полностью.



5 февр. 2021 г.
Источник видео.


5 февр. 2021 г.
Источник видео.

Об объявлении «persona non grata» сотрудников дипломатических представительств Швеции, Польши и Германии.

* В Министерство иностранных дел Российской Федерации были вызваны Посол Королевства Швеция, временный поверенный в делах Республики Польша и посланник Посольства Федеративной Республики Германия.

* Дипломатам был заявлен протест в связи с зафиксированным участием дипломатических сотрудников генеральных консульств Королевства Швеция и Республики Польша в Санкт-Петербурге и Посольства Федеративной Республики Германия в Москве в незаконных акциях 23 января 2021 года. Было подчёркнуто, что такие действия с их стороны являются неприемлемыми и не соответствуют их дипломатическому статусу.

* Участвовавшие в незаконных акциях дипломаты в соответствии с Венской конвенцией о дипломатических сношениях от 18 апреля 1961 года объявлены «persona non grata». Им предписано в ближайшее время покинуть территорию Российской Федерации.

Без комментариев.



5 февр. 2021 г.
Источник видео.


5 февр. 2021 г.
Источник видео.


5 февр. 2021 г.
Источник видео.


„Fernab von Rechtsstaatlichkeit“ - Merkel kritisiert Ausweisung von Diplomaten scharf
undeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat die Ausweisung von Diplomaten aus Deutschland, Schweden und Polen aus Russland scharf kritisiert. Der Schritt Moskaus sei „ungerechtfertigt“ und „eine weitere Facette“ dessen, „was ziemlich fernab von Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Russland zu beobachten ist“, sagte Merkel am Freitag bei einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron in Berlin. Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) hatte zuvor erklärt, Russlands Entscheidung werde „nicht unbeantwortet bleiben“, falls Moskau diese nicht überdenken sollte.

Auch der EU-Außenbeauftragte Josep Borrell verurteilte die Ausweisungen „scharf“. Wie ein Sprecher Borrells am Freitag weiter mitteilte, forderte er die russische Regierung auf, die Entscheidung „zu überdenken“. Er wies demnach auch Moskaus Vorwurf zurück, dass die Betroffenen sich in einer Weise betätigt hätten, „die mit ihrem Status als ausländische Diplomaten unvereinbar ist“.

Russland hatte nach den Protesten gegen die Inhaftierung des Kremlgegners Alexej Nawalny und gegen Präsident Wladimir Putin drei Diplomaten aus Deutschland, Polen und Schweden ausgewiesen. Die drei Vertreter seien „zu unerwünschten Personen“ erklärt worden.

Es sei festgestellt worden, dass die Diplomaten des schwedischen und polnischen Konsulats in St. Petersburg und ein Mitarbeiter der deutschen Botschaft in Moskau an den nicht genehmigten Protesten am 23. Januar teilgenommen hätten, hieß es. Solche Aktionen seien unvereinbar mit dem diplomatischen Status. Damals waren Tausende Menschen in Haft gekommen.

Sie müssten das Land nach den Richtlinien der Wiener Konvention über die diplomatischen Beziehungen vom 18. April 196 nun möglichst umgehend verlassen. Zugleich forderte das Ministerium, die Regierungen der betroffenen Staaten auf, sich an das internationale Recht zu halten.

Материал полностью.

Russia to expel German, Swedish and Polish diplomats accused of taking part in Navalny protests
On Friday, as Mr Lavrov and Mr Borrell sat down for talks, Mr Navalny was back in a courtroom facing charges of defaming a World War II veteran who featured in a pro-Kremlin video by referring to him as a "corrupt stooge" and a "traitor." If convicted, Mr Navalny faces a fine or community service.

Материал полностью.

Украины выражает солидарность с дипломатами ФРГ, Швеции и Польши, высланных РФ из страны - МИД
"Мы выражаем солидарность с немецкими, шведскими и польскими дипломатами, высланными Россией по надуманным причинам. Решение России противоречит Венской конвенции и является еще одним примером грубого нарушения Россией своих обязательств по международному праву"…

Материал полностью.

Russia expels EU diplomats over Navalny as tensions rise
European officials strongly denounced the move.
Germany said its diplomat was fulfilling his duty by following the developments, and it warned Moscow that its action won’t go unanswered, summoning the Russian ambassador.

“We consider this expulsion unjustified and think it is another facet of the things that can be seen in Russia at the moment that are pretty far from the rule of law,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Berlin after a videoconference with French President Emmanuel Macron. Macron expressed solidarity with Germany, Poland and Sweden and condemned “in the stronger terms” the expulsions and what happened to Navalny “from the beginning to the end.”

Sweden said it “considers this entirely unjustified, which we have also conveyed to the Russian side,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mats Samuelsson said in a statement to The Associated Press. Stockholm “strongly rejects Russian claims that the diplomat took part in a demonstration in Russia” and “reserves the right to take appropriate measures in response,” he said.

Poland also warned Moscow the move will worsen relations.

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said the action was further evidence Moscow was “turning its back on international law,” tweeting that expelling diplomats “for simply doing their jobs is a crude attempt to distract from Russia’s targeting of opposition leaders, protesters and journalists.”

Speaking at the start of his talks with Lavrov, Borrell said “our relations are under a severe strain, and the Navalny case is a low point in our relations.”

Navalny accused Artemenko’s family of exploiting the frail man for their own gain, alleging the case was fabricated and the evidence falsified.

“The judge should burn in hell, and you’re selling your grandfather out,” Navalny said, as Artemenko’s grandson testified.

Материал полностью.

Брюссель, который так усердно призывает выпустить Навального, увешали агитками, рассказывающими о «вмешательстве России» в дела Украины, Белоруссии и Черногории. Венесуэла, дескать, следующая.
Хорошее и лаконичное определение этой недружественной акции дал
депутат Европарламента Тьерри Мариани.
(...) «Рекламная кампания на улицах Брюсселя. Антироссийская паранойя вышла на новый этап! Я готов поспорить, что финансирование этой НПО, которая организовала эту кампанию (достаточно дорогостоящую, должно быть), частично поступает из Европейского союза».


China threatens retaliation over Ofcom's cancellation of CGTN's UK licence
China on Friday threatened to retaliate after British regulators stripped the overseas arm of China’s state TV channel of its UK broadcasting license, a decision based on technical issues but rooted in complaints about its role in persecuting critics of the ruling Communist Party.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin told reporters that British media watchdog Ofcom had acted on "political grounds based on ideological bias, politicising technical issues, seriously harming the survival of Chinese media and severely interfering with normal exchanges between the two countries"

"We urge the UK to immediately stop political manipulation and correct its mistakes. China reserves the right to make the necessary response to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese media," Wang said at a daily briefing.

Материал полностью.


Берлин рассматривает идею приостановки эксплуатации Nord Stream 2 в случае сокращения поставок газа через Украину — журнал Wirtschaftswoche.

Get Ready For a Merkel-Biden Bust-Up Over Russian Gas
And yet, it’s just a matter of time — days or weeks — before they’ll need to have an awkward talk. The topic will be Russia. The U.S. and Germany have long been at odds about an almost finished pipeline that would carry Russian gas under the Baltic Sea directly to Germany. It’s called Nord Stream 2 because it would double the capacity of an existing pipeline in the same waters.

Combined with another link running through the Black Sea, called TurkStream, this new system is meant to give Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, the option of circumventing almost all of the eastern European countries through which Russian gas currently flows westward.

The official position of the Merkel government hasn’t changed: Nord Stream 2, she avers, is a purely commercial project in which politicians shouldn’t meddle. Moreover, the cheap Russian gas will be necessary as a stopgap while Germany transitions from coal and nuclear energy to renewable sources.

The U.S. position hasn’t changed either. There’s a bipartisan consensus that Nord Stream 2 is a geopolitical project, and a disastrous one at that. It would leave eastern Europe, including its NATO members, economically and energetically vulnerable and make Germany potentially dependent on the Western alliance’s most obvious adversary.

This American view is shared by, well, almost everybody — from Ukraine to Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland. The latter is so irate, it’s even trying to disrupt the project by slapping a huge fine on Gazprom PJSC, the Russian parent company of Nord Stream 2 AG. Even France, usually Germany’s closest partner, is against the pipeline, as is the European Parliament.

This opposition has become even more passionate since the poisoning, and now jailing, of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, and the mass arrests of people protesting for his cause throughout Russia. In the past, Western sanctions have left Putin notably unimpressed. Stopping a strategic pipeline, many Europeans are guessing, might get his attention.

In this context, Germany’s insensitive stubbornness is disturbing. Support for the pipeline comes disproportionately from two parties: the center-left Social Democrats and the extremist Left Party, which descends from East Germany’s communist party. Both have traditions of anti-Americanism and Russophilia.

They love pretending that the U.S. stance is purely, and hence cynically, about helping exports of American liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is more expensive than the piped sort. In reality U.S. business interests — which were admittedly a big factor for Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump — are a minor consideration in Washington, and none at all for Germany’s other allies.
Tensions between the U.S. and Germany, nominally the closest of allies, thus keep escalating. For over a year, Washington has been threatening to punish companies involved in building the pipeline, causing most of them to pull out and in effect halting the project. Last month, the U.S. imposed the first sanctions, on a firm that owns a pipe-laying ship.

To resist this “economic imperialism,” as some Germans are calling it, the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, where Nord Stream 2 makes landfall, has set up a highly suspect defensive structure. The region happens to include Merkel’s constituency. But the driving force behind the initiative is the state’s premier, Manuela Schwesig, a pro-Russian Social Democrat born and raised in East Germany.

This structure is a public foundation with the nominal (and rather ironic) mission of protecting the climate and environment. But Mecklenburg ponied up only €200,000 ($240,520) in funds for it, whereas €20 million is coming from the pipeline project, and therefore Gazprom. The foundation’s bylaws also allow Nord Stream 2 to propose the managing director and to select two board members.

So the foundation is really meant to circumvent American pressure. Using the legal shields German law gives such entities, it could buy and store the materials and machines needed to finish the pipeline to maintain construction despite U.S. sanctions.

The good news is that this is becoming a scandal even in Germany. Environmental lobbies are suing the foundation in several courts, calling it a “farce” and “greenwashing.”

Even more encouragingly, the third of Germany’s left-of-center parties, the Greens, has found its moral and geostrategic compass. Its leaders, Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck, are demanding a stop to Nord Stream 2. Among Merkel’s own Christian Democrats and the smaller Free Democrats, there are also stirrings against it.

But one mystery remains: Why does Merkel herself cling to the pipeline? She’s anything but naïve about Putin’s methods. And if Navalny is alive today, it’s largely thanks to her decision to fly him to Germany for treatment after his poisoning in Russia.

My assumption has been that she’s sticking to Nord Stream 2 to keep the brittle peace in her coalition with the Social Democrats. But she also knows that this partnership will last only until the federal election in September. At that point she will retire and a new government takes over. In the most likely scenario, the Christian Democrats will stay in power, but this time in partnership with the Greens.

Perhaps the current situation, which is in effect a stalemate but also a suspension, suits her. It helps keep Putin in check, as he must fret about the $11.4 billion that the project has literally sunk under the Baltic sea. It also allows her to keep talking to Biden about other areas of cooperation, from decarbonization to defense, before deciding on the pipeline.

And at some opportune moment, she knows, a new conservative-Green government could then announce the obvious: that this pipeline should never have been built, and will never contain anything but air.

Материал полностью.

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.

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