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Wordle hint and answer #637: Saturday, March 18

 Wordle hint and answer #637: Saturday, March 18

Wordle today: The solution and a hint for Saturday's puzzle.

Win Wordle every single day: you'll find today's answer on this very page. Or, if you're only looking for some help, scroll down and read through our handy tips and hints, including a clue for the March 18 (637) Wordle designed to point you in the right direction.

Staring at four yellows with only a few guesses left to go is an uncomfortable feeling because Wordle really could go in any number of directions in a situation like that. Unfortunately for me, I didn't make the right guess, and I didn't have enough attempts left to correct my error. Time to dust myself off and prepare for tomorrow. 

Wordle hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

A Wordle hint for Saturday, March 18

Bigger than a boat but generally considered smaller than a ship, today's answer is a kind of sailing vessel often used by the super-rich to host parties and to also act as a visible flex of their financial muscle. There's just one vowel to find today. 

Is there a double letter in today's Wordle? 

There are no double letters in today's Wordle. 

Wordle help: 3 tips for beating Wordle every day 

If there's one thing better than playing Wordle, it's playing Wordle well, which is why I'm going to share a few quick tips to help set you on the path to success: 

  • A good opener contains a balanced mix of unique vowels and consonants. 
  • A tactical second guess helps to narrow down the pool of letters quickly.
  • The solution may contain repeat letters.

There's no time pressure beyond making sure it's done by midnight. So there's no reason not to treat the game like a casual newspaper crossword and come back to it later if you're coming up blank. 

Today's Wordle answer

(Image credit: Future)

What is the #637 Wordle answer?

Start the weekend with a win. The answer to the March 18 (637) Wordle is YACHT.

Previous answers

The last 10 Wordle answers 

The more past Wordle answers you can cram into your memory banks, the better your chances of guessing today's Wordle answer without accidentally picking a solution that's already been used. Past Wordle answers can also give you some excellent ideas for fun starting words that keep your daily puzzle solving fresh.

Here are some recent Wordle solutions:

  • March 17: MEALY
  • March 16: CIDER
  • March 15: SWEEP
  • March 14: SURLY
  • March 13: BLAME
  • March 12: BIRTH
  • March 11: EMAIL
  • March 10: REVEL
  • March 9: WHERE
  • March 8: REGAL

Learn more about Wordle 

(Image credit: Nurphoto via Getty)

Every day Wordle presents you with six rows of five boxes, and it's up to you to work out which secret five-letter word is hiding inside them.

You'll want to start with a strong word like ALERT—something containing multiple vowels, common consonants, and no repeat letters. Hit Enter and the boxes will show you which letters you've got right or wrong. If a box turns ⬛️, it means that letter isn't in the secret word at all. ???? means the letter is in the word, but not in that position. ???? means you've got the right letter in the right spot.

You'll want your second go to compliment the first, using another "good" word to cover any common letters you missed last time while also trying to avoid any letter you now know for a fact isn't present in today's answer.

After that it's just a case of using what you've learned to narrow your guesses down to the right word. You have six tries in total and can only use real words (so no filling the boxes with EEEEE to see if there's an E). Don't forget letters can repeat too (ex: BOOKS).

If you need any further advice feel free to check out our Wordle tips, and if you'd like to find out which words have already been used you can scroll to the relevant section above. 

Originally, Wordle was dreamed up by software engineer Josh Wardle, as a surprise for his partner who loves word games. From there it spread to his family, and finally got released to the public. The word puzzle game has since inspired tons of games like Wordle, refocusing the daily gimmick around music or math or geography. It wasn't long before Wordle became so popular it was sold to the New York Times for seven figures. Surely it's only a matter of time before we all solely communicate in tricolor boxes. 

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