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The best armor in Elden Ring

 The best armor in Elden Ring

Clad yourself in the best threads the Lands Between has to offer.

Of course you're looking for the best Elden Ring armor sets. But calling any armor the "best" in a FromSoftware game doesn't really apply, since different armor sets are good at different things. Armor sets aren't usually better than each other, but individually, are the best at doing one thing in particular, such as fitting a build, offering a particular type of defense. Or just looking really cool.

In this Elden Ring armor guide, I'll go through some of my favorite sets that I've found so far in the game, what they're good for, and where you can find them. But just like Dark Souls, you can always wear armor just because you like the way it looks, since everything above a certain level will take a hit or two anyway. In terms of balancing looks and defense, most of the sets below are pretty great.

The best Elden Ring armor sets


(Image credit: FromSoftware)
  • The armor of the Dungeater. Perhaps the heaviest in the game, but boasts excellent all-round damage negation and resistance.

Location: You'll all probably remember the Dung Eater as the guy who was getting hung in the opening cutscene. Around the time when you progress into Leyndell, Capital City, the Dung Eater will appear as a red phantom in the Roundtable Hold, in the room next to the Twin Maiden Husks. He'll ignore you until you get the Seedbed Curse from his mirrored location in the Roundtable Hold in the city, which is past the big gate at the end of the road with the Erdtree Avatar. 

Go back to him and you'll get a key to the Leyndell sewers. You can access these by heading down the stairs from the Avenue Balcony grace, and jumping over the wall to the left to find a well to climb down. Head through the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds until you find Dung Eater locked in a cell. The route to him goes past the giant plants and up the ladder, as opposed to down the pipes. 

Now, if you kill him, you'll get his armor and his sword. Be warned, though, he's a very tough fight due to his aggression and screaming skill that lowers your damage negation.

Crucible Tree

(Image credit: FromSoftware)
  • Worn by Crucible Knight leader, Siluria. This set also has excellent defense, and strengthens Aspects of the Crucible incantations.

Location: You can find this armor set in a chest behind where you fight Crucible Knight Siluria in the Deeproot Depths. If you've found your way to the subterranean region, you'll find the boss in the northern section, at the westernmost tip, guarding a hollowed-out tree. He isn't too hard to beat on horseback, you just have to be aware of his swooping into the air and charging at you, or firing projectiles.


(Image credit: FromSoftware)
  • The armor worn by Malenia's Cleanrot Knights. This set boasts one of the highest immunity stats in the game, so is perfect when facing off against poison or scarlet rot.

Location: This is dropped by Cleanrot Knights. The best place to farm them earlier on is in the Shaded Citadel due north through the valley from the Elden Ring Grand Lift of Dectus. Keep going until you enter the Mt. Gelmir region, and you'll find a castle sunk into a poisonous swamp. The Cleanrot Knights are on the upper level.

Royal Remains

(Image credit: FromSoftware)
  • The set worn by Ensha, that cool-looking guy who hangs around outside the door of Ofnir's study. This set slowly replenishes HP when it's reduced.

Location: At a certain point in the game, you'll return to the Roundtable Hold to find it looking different, and Ensha will suddenly attack you. Kill him, and you'll get this armor set and his Clinging Bone weapon. When you ask Ofnir, he'll explain the Ensha was getting too big for his boots.

Radahn's Lion

(Image credit: FromSoftware)
  • The armor worn by Starscourge Radahn. Though on the heavier side, it has excellent all-round defense, and more importantly, a great helmet.

Location: This set can be purchased from Finger Reader Enia after you've defeated Radahn at Redmane Castle.


(Image credit: FromSoftware)
  • The closest thing you'll get to the onion-knight armor from Dark Souls. Lionel's set is very heavy, but offers excellent defense and robustness.

Location: In Leyndell, Capital City. Head down the stairs from the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace and hop over the wall on the left onto the rooftop. Look to the left and you'll see a small open doorway. Drop down into sewer on the left, climb up the ladder, and head inside to find it on the bed.


(Image credit: FromSoftware)
  • The half-wolf's armor set in extremely cool, and has decent defense and robustness for its weight.

Location: You get this from defeating Blaidd (the Elden Ring wolf man on the tower), as well as his Royal Greatsword. Seeing as his wolf helmet is actually his face, you'll have to get it from somewhere else. Head to Seluvis' Rise and jump up the wall to the side to get around the back, and find a wolf helmet to go with this set. 

Black Knife

(Image credit: FromSoftware)
  • Armor of the Black Knife Assassins. Light, yet has balanced defense, so is perfect for evasive dex players.

Location: Found on a body beneath an archway in the town of Ordina. You can get there by grabbing the Haligtree Medallion, using the Grand Lift of Rold to head into the region, and making your way to the town in the north.


(Image credit: FromSoftware)
  • A light dress worn by Fia, Deathbed Companion. It doesn't offer much in the way of defense, but it has good vitality.

Location: Found in the same room as Lionel's set above.


(Image credit: FromSoftware)
  • The outfit of Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon. This set offers great magic, fire, lightning, and holy resistance, and a great hat.

Location: You can buy this set from Finger Reader Enia when you've defeated, Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon in the Raya Lucaria Academy.

Noble's Travelling

(Image credit: FromSoftware)
  • If you're looking for something on the lighter side that's a little fancier than the cloth garb, this set is a great choice. It pairs well with Roderika's Crimson Hood to increase health, or the blue one it comes with to increase mind.

Location: The Altus Plateau. Head to the far north to the East Windmill Pasture to find a group of women dancing around a corpse. You can grab the outfit here, as well as the Knight's Twinblade, though be careful as the women will aggro when you take it.

And those are some of the best Elden Ring armor sets.  We'll be sure to keep adding them as we get more good ones.

Elden Ring guideConquer the Lands Between
Elden Ring bossesHow to beat them
Elden Ring dungeonsHow to defeat them
Elden Ring paintingsSolutions and locations
Elden Ring map fragments: Reveal the world
Elden Ring co-op: How to squad up online

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