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Unleash the power of Intel’s 12th gen processors with the AORUS Z690 motherboards

 Unleash the power of Intel’s 12th gen processors with the AORUS Z690 motherboards

Whether you’re gaming, creating industry-leading content, or overclocking your rig, the new Z690 motherboards from AORUS give you the power and control you need.

Gaming is not about settling for second best. No matter what you play, you’re there to win and in gaming, mere milliseconds can be the difference between an epic win and getting dominated by the other guy. That means you can’t afford to rely on a rig that doesn’t let you get the absolute most power out of your equipment. 

Intel just released its new 12th gen processors promising next generation performance for gamers, content creators, and anyone else who needs the absolute most power you can get from your machine and AORUS has the motherboards to help you unlock the full power of the new chips. 

For starters, every motherboard in the Z690 series features 16+ phases of direct power with up to 20+1+2 configurations available that top out at a whopping 105A of power per phase. These have been tested to handle even the most demanding tasks from the top-of-the-line i9-12900K processor. 

The unique design of the GIGABYTE Direct VRM Design introduces a tantalum polymer capacitor that reduces voltage ripple to help ensure maximum turbo boost and overclocking for the new 12th gen processors. 

With all the power baked into the new i9 processors and the VRAM, there’s definitely going to be a lot of heat coming off the board and a big part of leveraging all the power of your rig is managing the heat effectively. AORUS has improved upon its industry-leading thermal fin module to guarantee the VRM temperature always stays less than 70℃ (158℉).

To help you get even more power, AORUS has three built-in overclocking tools that lets you boost your DDR5 memory to 8000+MHz. The Auto profile will intelligently overclock the processor to between 4800MHz to 5000MHz while the XMP profile will push it even farther to 6400MHz. There is also an XMP profile that allows for speeds up to 7000MHz with CL40 for DDR5 16GBx2.

For those that want to completely unlock the i9’s potential, the Advanced profile will let you push the chip to over 8000MHz. 

But that’s not just talk. AORUS teamed up with world-renowned overclocker Hicookie to set world record speeds for the DDR5 memory and the CPU at over 8000MHz using the new Z690 motherboards. 

One of the challenges with data transfers can be that SSDs will throttle their speeds down if they get too hot to prevent damage. While this is helpful to keep your components from getting fried, it can be annoying when you’re trying to transfer large amounts of information quickly.

AORUS has solved that problem with its new Thermal Guard XTREME and Thermal Guard III which is guaranteed to prevent any SSD on the market from throttling even under the most extreme conditions. 

As vital as the motherboard is to your setup, it’s certainly not the full picture. The Z690 lineup is fully PCIe 5.0 ready so you can take advantage of all the latest graphics cards and storage to compliment your devastatingly powerful motherboard. 

AORUS has built three different series  of boards so you can find the right one for you. For the most power-hungry gamers and hardware enthusiasts, the AORUS lineup of motherboards provides the power and customization you need to unleash your potential. If you need a game-ready setup with powerful, durable components, the Gigabyte lineup of motherboards might be more your speed. Content creators and professionals can find everything they need to produce industry leading content with the AERO series. 

Gaming and content creation is all about leveraging the most powerful tools to help you rise to the top. With the power and capability of the new 12th generation of Intel processors, you need a motherboard that lets you unlock its, and your, full potential. 

Be sure to tune in on November 4th at 11 am PDT to be one of the first to see the next generation of Z690 motherboards and check out these new boards at Newegg and Amazon

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