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The best G-Sync Compatible FreeSync monitors for 2020

 The best G-Sync Compatible FreeSync monitors for 2020

Grab one of the best G-Sync Compatible FreeSync monitors for super-smooth gaming without expensive proprietary kit.

The best G-Sync compatible FreeSync monitors might be a mouthful, but they will allow you to take advantage of silky smooth frame synching no matter whether your gaming PC is sporting either an AMD or Nvidia graphics cards. So if you're thinking of upgrading your rig but want to replace your monitor now, you won't be forced to choose one GPU manufacturer over the other ahead of time to get the most out of your panel. That's important right now because there's a mighty Nvidia Ampere vs. AMD Big Navi battle coming up at the end of the year.

The monitors that we've listed here have all been tested by Nvidia with its "G-Sync Compatible" program, so you know that whichever one you settle on will work well with any of the best graphics cards.

There are several reasons you might want to pick up a G-Sync compatible FreeSync monitor. For a start, FreeSync monitors are usually less expensive than native G-Sync panels, so you won't have to traumatize your bank balance to reap the benefits of both technologies. While these monitors advertise as FreeSync, an option in the Nvidia Control Panel will allow you to enable the G-Sync technology as needed.

But why would you want either? I hear you cry. These technologies help avoid screen tearing and micro stuttering by synchronizing your monitor's refresh rate to your GPU's output. This means you won't have to rely on software-based V-Sync, which can increase lag. 

This can also be useful if you often need to switch your monitor between, say, a PC and a laptop, both of which house GPUs from different manufacturers. Or maybe your partner has their PC, and they prefer Nvidia, whereas you are firmly in the AMD camp. Opting for a G-Sync compatible FreeSync monitor means you'll have support for both.

Of course, you don't need a G-Sync compatible FreeSync monitor to enable G-Sync, but you may end up with problems of stability if your monitor doesn't fully support it. It's far more sensible to invest in a G-Sync-certified FreeSync monitor to avoid possible headaches further down the line.

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1. AOC G2590FX

Nigh bezel-less beauty on a great panel

Screen size: 24.5-inch | Panel type: TN | Aspect ratio: 16:9 | Resolution: 1920 x 1080 | Response time: 1ms | Refresh rate: 144Hz | Weight: 9.26 lbs

Narrow frame
92% sRGB color gamutEmpty List

Although it does use a TN panel, notorious for its inferior viewing angles and color reproduction, the AOC G2590FX is an affordable path to high frame rate gaming on an almost borderless display. With a refresh rate of 144Hz and an agile 1ms response time, this 25-inch monitor can show off frames fast as your GPU can squeeze them out, no jaggies or input lag permitted.

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2. BenQ Zowie XL2740

A quality option from BenQ

Screen size: 27-inch | Panel type: TN | Aspect ratio: 16:9 | Resolution: 1920 x 1080 | Response time: 1ms | Refresh rate: 240Hz | Weight: 19 lbs

Exceptional refresh rate
Easy to navigate interface

It might look a little bizarre because of its removable "tactical shield" blinders on either side of the display, but rest assured, the BenQ Zowie XL2740 works like a dream for aspiring esports legends. Not only does it have a blisteringly fast 240Hz refresh rate, but it also eliminates much of the hassle of navigating menus by way of a remote 'S-Switch' mechanism.

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3. Acer ED273 Abidpx

Keeping it curvy and affordable

Screen size: 27-inch | Panel type: VA | Aspect ratio: 16:9 | Resolution: 1920 x 1080 | Response time: 4ms | Refresh rate: 144Hz | Weight: 10.14 lbs

Affordable price tag
Wide viewing anglesEmpty List

For those who prefer a screen that takes the shape of our peripheral vision, the Acer ED273 Abidpx leverages a fast and fluid vertical alignment, or VA, panel. So while its response times can't quite keep up with those of the TN displays, its viewing angles are suited for the enhanced field of view ushered in by the advent of curvaceous frames.

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4. ASUS MG278Q

Excellence in 1440p

Screen size: 27-inch | Panel type: TN | Aspect ratio: 16:9 | Resolution: 2560 x 1440 | Response time: 1ms | Refresh rate: 144Hz | Weight: 16.87 lbs

Sweet spot of 1440p resolution
Very fast speeds

If you prefer to game at the sweet spot of 1440p while quietly awaiting 4K monitors to have come further refined and more affordable, then the ASUS MG278Q is your best pick here. This screen will offer you high-grade gaming speeds in terms of its response rate and refresh rate, but won't provide wide viewing angles. The bang for buck ratio is not sky high here, but it'll be a quality 1440p G-Sync compatible monitor if that's what your setup demands.

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5. Acer Nitro XV273K

The best 4K option

Screen size: 27-inch | Panel type: IPS | Aspect ratio: 16:9 | Resolution: 3840 x 2160 | Response time: 1ms | Refresh rate: 144Hz | Weight: 9.94 lbs

4K resolution
Good HDR
IPS panel

This monitor is only down at number 5 because it's by far the priciest on the list. But the Acer Nitro XV273K goes a long way to justify that price offering a quality 4K HDR IPS-panel monitor that's G-Sync compatible. Backing those top headline specs are genuinely speedy response times (1ms) and refresh rates (144Hz)—not an easy thing to achieve on a 4K resolution. You wouldn't regret going for this monitor, and it comes from a trusted manufacturer at that.

We mentioned earlier that Nvidia tested a bunch of Free Sync monitors (over 400) to see which ones were G-Sync compatible. The list started out at a little over 20, but has quickly expanded since. You can find the full list of G-Sync Compatible monitors over on Nvidia's website, so make sure to check out any prospective buy—including those on the best gaming monitor round-up.

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