The actor, making his off-Broadway stage debut this month, gets far off the topic of acting within a few minutes to urge everyone to eat fried rattlesnakes.
[...] Busey urges anyone interested to go to Texas and enter a greased pig contest.
"The way you win one of those is walk out to the pig real slow and just kick it in the head like you're punting a football," he counsels.
For me, good acting is do I believe the words coming out of the actor's mouth?
Busey has most recently appeared in such TV shows as Sharknado:
The nonspeaking role required Busey to simply hit the star of the show with a stick but Busey was so appealing that he was asked to stick around for three days and got seven lines.
[...] he takes "simple" and turns it into See It Manifesting Precious Loving Energy, or turns "truth" into Taking Real Understanding to Heart.