After eight years, the final chapter of Castle was written. The ABC drama aired its unexpected series finale that featured a flashforward tag showing Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Beckett (Stana...
Geoff Ziezulewicz
LONDON, May 17 (UPI) -- Britain will increase its short-term training teams in Oman by about a third this year, according to the Ministry of Defense.
On the surface, “Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising” looks like a typical Seth Rogen stoner comedy, in which youthful freedom reigns.
But in fact, it’s the rare sequel that works as a standalone. The frat humor from the original is cleverly flipped, so the material speaks directly to college-age women.
That’s right, Seth Rogen made a movie that empowers women.
And the face of the movie isn’t so much Rogen as it’s costar Chloë Grace Moretz, the 19-year-old who has quickly... Читать дальше...
Suspended Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) boss Robert McBride claimed there was a collective effort from sinister forces to silence him‚ former Hawks boss Anwa Dramat and former SARS deputy commissioner Ivan Pillay.
ASHBURN, Va. (AP) — The Washington Redskins released Andre Roberts on Tuesday, saving significant salary cap space and cutting ties with the wide receiver who had been a big-time free agent signing.
ASHBURN, Va. (AP) — The Washington Redskins released Andre Roberts on Tuesday, saving significant salary cap space and cutting ties with the wide receiver who had been a big-time free agent signing.
Short-term Treasury yields climbed Tuesday to a three-week high, as a rise in inflation, which saw the fastest increase in April in more than three years, was viewed as supporting the Federal Reserve’s case for hiking interest rates later this year.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — "Good Morning America" meteorologist Ginger Zee has opened up about her childhood battle with anorexia.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — "Good Morning America" meteorologist Ginger Zee has opened up about her childhood battle with anorexia.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — "Good Morning America" meteorologist Ginger Zee has opened up about her childhood battle with anorexia.
The command ship of the US Navy, Mount Whitney, is headed toward the Baltic Sea, the US Navy announced in a press release on Tuesday.
Heidi Klum and her boyfriend Vito Schnabel stick close together while at the Harmonist Cocktail Party held during the 2016 Cannes Film Festival at the Palais des Festivals on Monday (May 16) in Cannes, France. The supermodel and her longtime beau have been enjoying their time relaxing together in Cannes. PHOTOS: Check out the latest [...]
The influential musician was battling an illness.
Annie Martin
NEW YORK, May 17 (UPI) -- Kim Kardashian promised more nude selfies in her acceptance speech for the Break the Internet Award at the 2016 Webby Awards.
It's time to accept a harsh truth: Bernie Sanders is not going to win the Democratic nomination to be President of the United States.
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Reproduction is especially complicated for animals that spend their lives in the water column.
Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will not face trial until at least February on accusations he deserted his post in Afghanistan and endangered the troops who spent months searching for him.
A government minister joined a Kent MP to meet with protesters and fishermen as part of the EU Leave campaign.
The new legislation serves an important symbolic function – it tells members of transgender communities that they can use the law to respond to pervasive inequality
Women who attended religious services more than once per week were 33 percent less likely to die during a 16-year follow-up than women who never attended, according to a study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Those who frequently attended religious services also had significantly lower risk both from cardiovascular- and cancer-related mortality, according to a press release on the study.
The 17-year-old son of superstars David and Victoria Beckham walked the red carpet with Moretz, 19.