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Проректор РАНХиГС получил условный срок за растрату средств на научные работы

Верховный суд США отклонил запрос Трампа о блокировке 2 млрд долларов

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Automobilist knalt na uitwijkmanoeuvre tegen boom in Aalten

AALTEN - Een bestuurder van een auto is vrijdagmorgen gewond geraakt, nadat deze moest uitwijken voor een auto met aanhanger die de weg opdraaide. Het ongeval vond plaats op de Wikkerinkweg in Aalten. De bestuurder verloor de macht over het stuur, kwam in de berm terecht, slipte en knalde met de zijkant van zijn voertuig tegen een boom.


Automobilist knalt na uitwijkmanoeuvre op boom in Aalten

AALTEN - Een bestuurder van een auto is vrijdagmorgen gewond geraakt, nadat deze moest uitwijken voor een auto met aanhanger die de weg opdraaide. Het ongeval vond plaats op de Wikkerinkweg in Aalten. De bestuurder verloor de macht over het stuur, kwam in de berm terecht, slipte en knalde met de zijkant van zijn voertuig tegen een boom.

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

In LeBron's final duel with Kobe, Cavs top Lakers 120-108

LOS ANGELES (AP) — LeBron James scored 24 points while sharing a court with Kobe Bryant for the final time, leading the Cleveland Cavaliers to a 120-108 victory over the Los Angeles Lakers on Thursday night.


In LeBron's final duel with Kobe, Cavs top Lakers 120-108

LOS ANGELES (AP) — LeBron James scored 24 points while sharing a court with Kobe Bryant for the final time, leading the Cleveland Cavaliers to a 120-108 victory over the Los Angeles Lakers on Thursday night.

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

In LeBron's final duel with Kobe, Cavs top Lakers 120-108

LOS ANGELES (AP) — LeBron James scored 24 points while sharing a court with Kobe Bryant for the final time, leading the Cleveland Cavaliers to a 120-108 victory over the Los Angeles Lakers on Thursday night.

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

In LeBron's final duel with Kobe, Cavs top Lakers 120-108

LOS ANGELES (AP) — LeBron James scored 24 points while sharing a court with Kobe Bryant for the final time, leading the Cleveland Cavaliers to a 120-108 victory over the Los Angeles Lakers on Thursday night.

The Huffington Post 

Donald Trump Belittles Reporter Who Asked About His Use Of Profanities

A conservative political action committee has taken out an ad highlighting Donald Trump's regular use of vulgar language -- but when asked about it, the GOP presidential frontrunner offered no apologies.

Instead, he attacked the reporter who posed the question.

"Is that presidential?" Peter Alexander of NBC News asked, referring to various four-letter words used by Trump. "Are you embarrassed by it?"

Donald Trump responds when asked whether his use of vulgar words... Читать дальше...


New plastic-eating bacteria could help save planet

(CNN)Scientists in Japan have discovered a strain of bacteria that can eat plastic, a finding that might help solve the world's fast-growing plastic pollution problem. The species fully breaks down one of the most common kinds of plastic called Polyethylene terephthalate...


Faust leads Long Beach State over UC Riverside in Big West

ANAHEIM, California - Nick Faust scored 21 points and grabbed 10 rebounds and third-seeded Long Beach State defeated No. 6 seed UC Riverside 82-74 in the quarterfinals of the Big West tournament on Thursday night.

NAIJ.COM (Nigeria News) 

Tension as another person killed, set ablaze in Rivers

– Another killing was recorded in Rivers state – The killing was similar to that of the APC member a day ago – The state government accused APC of using the military to harass them In what is being tagged a reprisal attack, one person was killed and his body set ablaze by unknown gunmen […]

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Grote ravage na plofkraak in Enschede

ENSCHEDE – Een plofkraak op een pinautomaat in Enschede heeft vrijdagochtend voor een grote ravage gezorgd. De daders hadden het gemunt op de geldautomaat op het winkelcentrum aan de Brouwerijstraat in Roombeek.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Cavaliers top Lakers in final LeBron-Kobe matchup

LeBron James scored 24 points while sharing a court with Kobe Bryant for the final time, leading the Cleveland Cavaliers to a 120-108 victory over the Lakers in Los Angeles on Thursday night. Bryant had 26 points on 11-for-16 shooting in an entertaining farewell duel between two of the greatest players in NBA history. Bryant, who will retire after the season, ignored his constantly sore right shoulder to make sure he didn’t miss his 22nd meeting with James on an NBA court, albeit not in the playoffs. Читать дальше...

NAIJ.COM (Nigeria News) 

Deputy speaker fingered in Delta LGA crisis

– Friday Osanebi, the deputy speaker of Delta state House of Assembly accused of sponsoring crisis – Council boss Nkechi Chukwurah faces suspension Friday Osanebi, the deputy speaker of Delta state House of Assembly, has been accused of orchestrating crisis in the Ndokwa East local government area. Osanebi who represents the area at the Assembly, was […]

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International Business Times 

China Economy: Industrial, Retail Data For January, February To Be Released Saturday

Major stock markets across the Asia-Pacific were all drifting with a narrow 1 percent range Friday, a day ahead of China releasing key data sets. The world’s second-largest economy will announce two important indicators — retail sales and industrial production — Saturday. Another event that would be keenly watched by analysts is a press conference, also on Saturday, by senior officials of China’s central bank.

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Куда впадает река Амур и ее хозяйственное использование

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Елена Рыбакина за девять минут выиграла матч в США

WTA объявила о создании программы по выплатам теннисисткам во время декрета

Елена Рыбакина за 9 минут выиграла матч в США

Сколько может заработать Елена Рыбакина на турнире в Индиан-Уэллсе


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С 2025 года демобилизованные участники СВО бесплатно могут пройти санаторно-курортное лечение в центрах реабилитации Социального фонда

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