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Захарова поинтересовалась, зачем посол Франции собрался приехать в Россию

Ремесленников и мастеров народных промыслов Сергиева Посада объединят в комитет

Прокурор Солнечногорска встретился с трудовым коллективом крупного предприятия

Прокуратура проводит проверку по факту получения ребенком травм в Коломне

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RIA Novosti  

British Media 'Most Right-Wing and Biased' in Europe - Poll

Concerns over the economy, fears about refugees and stories on housing - it seems many are skeptical about press coverage in the UK with the British media regarded as the most "right-wing" and "biased" in Europe, according to a new poll.

NAIJ.COM (Nigeria News) 

I’m disappointed GEJ hired mercenaries to fight Boko Haram – Top 10 things PMB said in UK

President Muhammadu Buhari in the interview granted to the UK Telegraph has touched upon the issues of the corruption, the Boko Haram insurgency, the Chibok girls and many others. Naij.com has gathered top best quotes from the last Buhari’s interview: 1. Some Nigerians claim is that life is too difficult back home, but they have […]

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'The bodies are just blown to pieces’: Doctors are scrambling to treat the victims of Russia’s air campaign in Syria

Osman Orsal/Reuters

After five years of war, the doctor working in a Syrian border clinic thought he had seen everything. But with last week’s Russian bombing raids, there was still worse to come.

The latest surge in Moscow’s air campaign was causing wounds so extreme that traumatised staff were working 24 hour shifts to cope with the severity and volume of the injuries, Dr Adel said.

“We’re not even treating wounds anymore - the bodies are just blown to pieces,” the doctor... Читать дальше...


Bronco fans celebrate Super Bowl win in Denver streets

DENVER - Thousands of Broncos fans celebrated Denver's Super Bowl victory over the Carolina Panthers in downtown streets and amateur fireworks lit up the sky around town. Police reported some arrests but no major damage or injuries.

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

Bronco fans celebrate Super Bowl win in Denver streets

DENVER (AP) — Thousands of Broncos fans celebrated Denver's Super Bowl victory over the Carolina Panthers in downtown streets and amateur fireworks lit up the sky around town. Police reported …

The Huffington Post 

Lady Gaga Dancing To Madonna At The Super Bowl Means Everything's Going To Be OK

Oh, so the Broncos won?

Well, Lady Gaga danced to Madonna's "Express Yourself" and the world is still spinning. Take THAT, football. 

If you needed any further proof that Lady Gaga had seriously the best time at Super Bowl 50 Sunday night, look no further than the pop diva's newly minted Snapchat account.

Gaga swapped her custom Gucci suit for a black crop top and maxi skirt after her national anthem performance and danced... Читать дальше...


Iran gave a bunch of medals to its nuke deal team


Iran awarded medals of honor on Monday to its nuclear negotiators, who helped clinch a landmark deal with world powers last year.

President Hassan Rouhani presented the "Medal of Merit" to Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and the "Medal of Courage" to Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan and Vice President Ali Akbar Salehi, who is also the country's nuclear chief.

The July 14 agreement brought about the lifting of international sanctions last month after the United... Читать дальше...


Obama: Don't panic about Zika virus

President Obama sought to assure Americans that the spread of the Zika virus should not evoke the panic that has accompanied past public health scares.


Bridgewater Heir Apparent in Talks to Give Up Co-CEO Role

The presumed heir apparent to Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio is discussing giving up his job as co-chief executive of the world’s biggest hedge fund, creating uncertainty about the future leadership of the firm.


Verdachten mensensmokkel zeiljacht voorlopig vrij

Twee mannen die ervan verdacht worden dat ze 24 illegalen met een zeiljacht naar Engeland wilden smokkelen, zijn maandag onder voorwaarden vrijgelaten door de rechtbank in Haarlem.


Beware of the gaps in the market

About a month ago former Fed head, Richard Fisher, came out and confirmed the idea that the FOMC’s quantitative easing policies over the past seven years have pushed prices of risk assets, including stocks, beyond what would otherwise be supported by their fundamentals.

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The Huffington Post 

Connecting People and Events to Fight Childhood Cancer

The Scott family at the 10th Annual Lemon Ball

Events are at the core of what we do at Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation and our fight against childhood cancer. Our supporters hold events ranging from lemonade stands set up in front yards, schools and businesses all around the world to large-scale occasions that the Foundation hosts and plans.

From our survey research, one of the main reasons people say they want to get involved with ALSF to help kids fight cancer is they attended another ALSF event. Читать дальше...

The Huffington Post 

Good News: Science Says Deep Frying Veggies Is Good For Your Health

The next time you decide to serve a side of Brussels sprouts for dinner, it's A-OK to drown 'em and deep-fry 'em first, according to science.

Related: 6 Brussels Sprouts Recipes That Will Change Your Life

That is, in extra-virgin olive oil.

Researchers at the University of Granada in Spain compared four different cooking methods--sautéing, deep-frying, boiling in water and boiling in a water/oil mix--to determine the amount of antioxidants that the veggies retained.

The result? Читать дальше...

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

More rescued two days after Taiwan earthquake; toll could exceed 100

Rescuers pulled out alive an eight-year-old girl and her aunt from the rubble of a Taiwan apartment block on Monday, more than 60 hours after it was toppled by a quake, as the mayor of the southern city of Tainan warned the death toll could exceed 100.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

More rescued two days after Taiwan earthquake; toll could exceed 100

Rescuers pulled out alive an eight-year-old girl and her aunt from the rubble of a Taiwan apartment block on Monday, more than 60 hours after it was toppled by a quake, as the mayor of the southern city of Tainan warned the death toll could exceed 100.

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Источник 360.ru: на юге Москвы произошел пожар в квартире

Раритетный патефон поэта-фронтовика Алексея Фатьянова пополнил фонды Музея Победы

Владимир Путин проверил работу Единого центра поддержки участников СВО и членов их семей

«Абсолютный максимум температуры воздуха»: синоптики предупредили об аномально тёплой погоде 8 марта

Музыкальные новости

Mash: Ольга Бузова закрыла компанию BUZfood из-за убытков в 100 миллионов рублей

В. В. Путин подписал Указ о награждении государственными наградами тренеров, обеспечивших успешную подготовку спортсменов, добившихся высоких спортивных достижений на XVII Паралимпийских летних ...

В Подмосковье росгвардейцы оказали помощь пострадавшему в ДТП

Более 10 000 работников Желдорреммаша прошли профессиональное обучение в 2024 году

Новости России

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Г.А. Зюганов: «Пионерка» и «Комсомолка» стали свидетелями и летописцами нашей истории

К 2,3 тысячи рублей приблизится цена букета цветов к 8 Марта в Воронеже

Экология в России и мире

Alaïa, коллекция осень-зима 2025

Портативный экспресс-анализатор Getein 1100 в лаборатории больницы

Отель Yalta Intourist поздравил ветеранов с Днём защитника Отечества

Мигрант Суппорт отзывы: как переехать в Польшу с семьёй?

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Теннисист Рублев поднялся в рейтинге ATP на восьмое место

Серена Уильямс стала совладельцем первой команды женской НБА из Канады

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