(MENAFN - Jordan Times) GAZA STRIP, Palestinian Territories - Israel pounded the Gaza Strip on Sunday, killing at least 23 people according to rescuers, nearly 15 months into its war of aggression ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - Jordanian firms have the largest presence among Arab countries on the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) platform, making Jordan the first Arab country in the number of ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - The number of trademarks registered in 2024 totalled 5,678, marking a decrease of 2,843 from the 8,521 trademarks registered in 2023. According to the Department ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - The Amman Chamber of Industry (ACI) on Tuesday reported exports of JD7.164 billion in 2024, marking a slight decline of 0.1 per cent compared to JD7.171 billion in ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - As 2025 ushers in the resumption of World Cup qualifiers, football fans will switch focus this month from local competitions to the national team's agenda for ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) BRISBANE, Australia - Nick Kyrgios lashed out at what he believes is the lenient treatment of world tennis number one Italian Jannik Sinner for a failed drug test and said ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) By Dr Silvia ZayadinVeterinarian Last month, I shared tips on what to consider before bringing home a feathery friend. Today, I'm continuing my bird series, this ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) It is ironic that former US President Jimmy Carter should die at 100 and his funeral rites should take place during the remaining days of Joe Biden's presidency. Although ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) PARIS - With Donald Trump's presidential inauguration approaching, the mood in Brussels and across European capitals ranges from panic to resignation, with many hoping that ...
قالت مسؤولة كردية إن هناك محادثات جارية الآن بشأن إمكان تأمين قوات أمريكية وفرنسية المنطقة الحدودية في شمال سوريا في إطار جهود نزع فتيل الصراع بين تركيا والقوات المدعومة من الغرب.
أعلنت "كتائب القسام" الجناح العسكري لحركة "حماس" الأربعاء، مسؤوليتها بالاشتراك مع "سرايا القدس" و"كتائب شهداء الأقصى" عن تنفيذ عملية قرية "الفندق" في مدينة قلقيلية بالضفة الغربية.
ذكرت قناة "إس إيه بي سي نيوز" التلفزيونية نقلا عن شرطة جنوب إفريقيا أن حفيد رئيس البلاد السابق نيلسون مانديلا اعتقل للاشتباه في قيامه بسرقة سيارة.
قالت كوبا يوم الأربعاء إنها أجرت أراضي زراعية لشركة فيتنامية لزراعة الأرز لأول مرة منذ ثورة 1959 التي طردت جميع مالكي الأراضي الأجانب.
أكد مبعوث الإدارة الأمريكية الجديدة إلى أوكرانيا كيث كيلوغ أن أكبر خطأ ارتكبه الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن هو رفض التواصل مع نظيره الروسي فلاديمير بوتين لتسوية الأزمة الأوكرانية.
قال منسق الاتصالات الاستراتيجية بالبيت الأبيض جون كيربي إن إسرائيل لا ترتكب إبادة جماعية في غزة، مشيرا إلى أن واشنطن تتعامل معها بشكل مباشر بشأن مخاوفها.
قالت متحدثة باسم أمن الحدود في كراكوف، يوم الأربعاء، إنه تم منع مواطنة أمريكية من دخول بولندا بسبب تعرض جواز سفرها لتشويه بملاحظات مكتوبة بخط اليد.
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - Minister of Government Communications Mohammed Momani said that the government is working on "institutionalizing" the field visits and turning them into a hands-on ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - Tell Ammata, located in Jerash Governorate, is where archaeologists found a lot of pottery between the Wadi Rajib and Tell Ammata.Although several tools and flint ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - Jordan on Wednesday extended its condolences to the government and people of China following the devastating earthquake that struck southwest China on Tuesday, ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - Omani Foreign Minister Badr Bin Hamad Busaidi on Wednesday commended the strong and historic ties between Jordan and Oman, highlighting the mutual trust and respect ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - In February 2025, the halls of the Vatican Museums will unveil a unique exhibition,–Jordan: Dawn of Christianity / Giordania: Alba del Cristianesimo,– a collection ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - The Criminal Court prosecutor on Wednesday charged a man with premeditated murder in connection with the alleged murder of his sister in the Jordan Valley a day ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - The Southern Military Zone on Wednesday thwarted a drug smuggling attempt involving a drone along the western frontier within its area of responsibility.The Border ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - Lower House Speaker Ahmed Safadi condemned on Wednesday the publication by official Israeli accounts of maps depicting parts of Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria ...
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi held talks on Wednesday with senior European Union officials on strengthening Jordan-EU ...