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Liverpool celebrates UN award as it makes music history – again!

Liverpool has made climate change history today, with the City officially being given UN ‘Accelerator City’ status.

The UN has honoured the City for its pioneering work in tackling climate change through its events and culture programme.  

The title comes in recognition of Liverpool’s commitment to rapidly decarbonise the live music and TV/Film production sectors – both vital parts of the City’s economy.

UN officials bestowed the honour at the start of a special climate action conference, which is taking place at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool.

The first stage of the decarbonisation begins with three low carbon gigs taking place at the M&S Bank Arena. Punk band IDLES performed at the waterfront arena last night, while Massive Attack perform tonight and the legendary Nile Rodgers on Saturday.

All the shows are trialling every aspect of live performances to assess how carbon emissions can be reduced. This includes the way the stage gets built, the food and drink that’s served, and the way the waste is recycled.

Carbon emissions from the events will be monitored by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research.

Members of the public are being encouraged to attend a free event, Expedition One, that is taking place tomorrow. They can be in the audience as thought-provoking podcasts, including BBC Radio 4’s Rare Earth, and ZeroCarbonista with Ecotricity founder Dale Vince are recorded.

There will also be a performance by members of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra in collaboration with the European Space Agency.

Visitors will also be able to experience two extraordinary installations on site – an immersive journey around the planet exploring the impacts of climate change presented by the European Space Agency and ‘Present Shock II’ an extraordinary multimedia installation by celebrated artists UVA and Massive Attack’s Robert Del Naja.

Ticket details for these events can found here: https://www.exhibitioncentreliverpool.com/whats-on/expedition-one/  

The title award from the UN comes in the week Liverpool was also named as a national “Creative Cluster” for the UK’s music sector.

The five-year, £6.75 million programme will focus on innovation, technology and talent, to future-proof Liverpool’s reputation as a global music city, ensuring its continued cultural and musical relevance on the world stage.

Other innovations that will be explored over the weekend, include plans for a pilot network of ‘plug and play’ facilities across key filming and TV sites in the city centre, creating an unprecedented “carbon clean production zone”.

Liverpool is the most filmed location outside of London – home to iconic TV series such as Peaky Blinders and The Responder and The Batman and Fantastic Beasts franchises. Being able to use mains power rather than polluting power on these productions will mark a significant leap forward in the City’s ambition to decarbonise the creative sectors.

Millions of litres of diesel are burned on location and outdoor events annually. According to industry body BAFTA Albert, 62% of UK film/TV productions used diesel generators for mobile power last year.

The hope is that bands, film crews, event managers and broadcasters will be able to plug directly into the grid removing the need for diesel generators on site.

Leader of Liverpool City Council, Councillor Liam Robinson, said:  “We’re delighted to be named the world’s first Accelerator City for climate action. We know this isn’t just a fancy title – it’s a chance for us to lead the way in creating a sustainable future.

“The designation by the UN Climate Change team is testament to our City’s unwavering commitment to sustainability and its potential to lead the way in creating a low-carbon future.

“Cities are at the heart of the climate crisis. They’re where we live, work and play, but they also produce a lot of pollution. But cities are also the solution. We’re full of innovative people, diverse communities and a can-do attitude.

“Liverpool’s Accelerator City initiative is all about harnessing that energy. We’re going to pioneer new ways to cut carbon emissions in everything from energy and transport to culture and entertainment.

“We’ll use the latest tech, sustainable practices and work with amazing partners to make it happen.

“And I’m delighted by the Government’s decision to announce Liverpool as a national ‘creative cluster’ for the music industry. MusicFutures is an exciting project that dovetails with the UN title of Accelerator City.

“I’m looking forward to working with all of our partners and the Government to make these projects a reality.”

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