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8 pairs of riding tights and leggings that are designed especially for winter

If you’re on the hunt for a pair of the best winter riding tights it’s really no surprise – because why wouldn’t you want to make a comfy and cosy addition to your wardrobe? Riding tights have gained popularity at a speedy rate because they elegantly bridge the gap between breeches and comfy leisurewear, offering a lightweight alternative that can be worn at the yard, to the shops, on the school run or a winter dog walk. Some of the best riding tights for summer are also great for the gym.

Here is my selection of the best riding tights for winter to keep your legs warm when the temperature drops. If you’re anything like me, you hate feeling cold but want to enjoy time with your horse, no matter what the weather is doing.

Best winter riding tights: H&H’s quick guide

Best value winter riding tights: Harry Hall Winter

Best winter riding tights for comfort: Equetech Luxe Thermal

Best winter riding tights for style: LeMieux Amy Brushed breggings

Best water-repellent riding tights: Woof Wear All Season

Best winter riding tights

Harry Hall Winter Riding Tights

Colours: Green or navy
Sizes: 24–34in or age 5/6–13/14
RRP: £64.95 (adult), £35 (child)

Reasons to buy

  • Water repellent finish
  • Brushed back for added warmth

Reasons to avoid

  • Only available with a full silicone seat

These leggings are made from a thermal stretch fabric with a lightly brushed back for added warmth, plus they have a supportive waistband, water repellent finish and full silicone seat. They also feature a generous side thigh pocket big enough for a phone.

Equetech Luxe Thermal Riding Tights

Colours: Black or navy
Sizes: XS–3XL
RRP: £61.95

Reasons to buy

  • Seamless design
  • Soft fleece for added warmth

Reasons to avoid

  • Added sparkle might not be your style

These high-waisted riding tights have a seamless design that offers a flattering fit. They are lined with soft fleece for incredible warmth and have a full silicone seat, deep phone pockets on both legs and belt loops. They have a touch of sparkle courtesy of the crystal embellished pockets.

LeMieux Amy Brushed Breggings

Colours: Navy, black or alpine
Sizes: UK 6–18
RRP: £69.95

Reasons to buy

  • Look of breeches; comfort of leggings
  • Zipped pocket for valuables

Reasons to avoid

  • Mid-rise style might not suit you

Slightly different to the other leggings in this guide, these breggings offer you the smart and structured look of breeches, with the comfort of leggings. Featuring belt loops and faux fly zip, they’re made from a technical brushed back fabric for warmth with a full silicone seat for added stability in the saddle. A scoop pocket on the leg provides easy access phone storage, and the zipped pocket will keep your valuables safe. The lower leg has no inside leg seam for maximum comfort and tapered seams deliver a flattering fit.

Woof Wear All Season Riding Tights

Colours: Stone, dove grey, navy or sage green
Sizes: UK 6–18
RRP: £74.99

Reasons to buy

  • Water repellant
  • Flattering fit

Reasons to avoid

  • Full-seat style might not be suitable

If you’re looking for something to wear in wetter weather, these high-waisted riding tights are an excellent option as they’re made from a water-repellent and stain-resistant technical fabric. They also have belt loops, large envelope pockets with water resistant closures and a full silicone seat.

Weatherbeeta Thermal Riding Tights

Colours: Olive night or sky captain
Sizes: UK 8–16
RRP: £81.99

Reasons to buy

  • Wide size range
  • Brushed back fabric for warmth

Reasons to avoid

  • A higher price point

These high-rise tights are made with a technical thermal brushed back fabric with a four-way stretch for warmth, comfort and freedom of movement. They have a wide waistband, side pockets perfect for your phone with a gel grip to keep it secure and a full gel seat for added security in the saddle. The technical fabric provides moisture control for all day comfort.

Shires Aubrion Coombe Riding Tights

Colours: Charcoal
Sizes: Adult XXS–XXL, child age 7/8–13/14
RRP: £52.99 (adult) £40.99 (child)

Reasons to buy

  • Reflective leg print
  • Thigh phone pocket

Reasons to avoid

  • Full silicone seat might not suit everyone

These winter riding tights feature a reflective print to help keep you visible in low light. They have a fleecy inner lining, full silicone grip seat, and a phone-sized pocket on the thigh.

Hy Equestrian Glacial Softshell Riding Tights

Colours: Beige, black or grey
Sizes: XS–XL
RRP: £89.99

Reasons to buy

  • Flexible softshell material
  • Stretch waistband for comfort

Reasons to avoid

  • If you would like more than a silicone knee patch

These softshell riding tights are described as flattering and flexible. They have a stretch waistband for comfort and a brushed fleece lining for warmth. Other features include silicone knee patches, a phone-sized pocket and belt loops.

Ariat Venture Thermal Half Grip Insulated Riding Tights

Colours: Black, fired brick, reflecting pond, or ombre blue
Sizes: Adult XS–XL, child XS–XXL
RRP: £110 (adult), £85 (child)

Reasons to buy

  • Phone pockets on both thighs
  • Wide, supportive waistband

Reasons to avoid

  • Higher price point

These riding tights have a half silicone seat and are made with thermal fabric and compression technology, which as part of the Venture collection offer defence against cold, wet weather in the saddle.

How to choose the best winter riding tights

Generally considered more comfortable (but arguably less supportive) than the best winter breeches, the best winter riding tights will offer everything your favourite summer riding tights provide — with added additions to help keep you warm. Due to their flexible and often seamless design, they are a great option for wearing underneath waterproof riding trousers, too.

Some designs will have higher waistbands, full silicone seats, knee grips or shaped ankles, so check out a few different styles before making your final decision. A material that holds its shape and washes well is also important, so that your winter riding leggings remain well fitting, flattering and comfortable. Phone pockets are also highly desired, so check the list of features if this is important to you – many earlier designs have been updated to include these, so check you’re buying the latest version.

What is the difference between riding tights and breeches?

Riding breeches are made of a firmer material that feels stiffer and more compact and also holds its own shape, while riding tights provide freer movement and do not have as many seams, nor any buttons or a zipper at the fly.

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