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Sacred Artifact Dispute Reveals Japan-Korea Tensions – OpEd

By Cristian Martini Grimaldi

(UCA News) -- Long-standing tensions between Japan and South Korea have reached a symbolic peak over a Buddhist statue stolen from Kannonji Temple on the Japanese island of Tsushima and transported to South Korea in 2012. This is despite South Korea’s Supreme Court recently ruling in favor of its return.

Though a small group of individuals stole the statue, its fate has become a broader reflection of unresolved tensions that echo historical grievances dating back to Japan’s occupation of the Korean Peninsula.

Even though both governments formally signed a UNESCO convention mandating the return of the stolen cultural property, the South Korean government’s inaction has reignited the complex debate surrounding anti-Japanese sentiment in South Korea.

The Buddhist statue at the center of this controversy, the "Seated Statue of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva," holds a special place in Japan as a designated cultural property of Nagasaki Prefecture.

It was stolen by a South Korean group in 2012, marking one of many artifacts removed from Japanese temples by South Korean thieves during a time when Tsushima’s temples and shrines were under repeated assault.

This theft wave led to intense anti-theft security measures across the island and fueled frustration among the Japanese population.

Korean authorities recovered the religious artifact in early 2013, but Buseoksa Temple in South Korea claimed ownership, arguing that the statue had been initially looted by Japanese pirates centuries ago.

In response, Kannonji Temple stated that it had acquired the statue legally during the Joseon Period to protect it from frequent iconoclasm. This position holds historical support given the extensive records of Korean iconoclastic acts in temples at that time.

The dispute over the statue, therefore, represents not just a question of ownership but an ongoing struggle over the memory of Japan’s occupation of Korea and how history is perceived on both sides of the East Sea.

This is far from the only point of contention between Japan and South Korea, as recent years have seen multiple diplomatic and economic disputes that underscore the fragility of their relationship:

For instance, South Korea’s Supreme Court ordered Japanese companies to pay reparations to Korean laborers forced to work during World War II, a ruling Japan strongly opposed. Japan argues that all reparation issues were settled in a 1965 treaty, but many in Korea see this as insufficient acknowledgment of historical wrongs.

And of course, in 2019, Japan placed export restrictions on materials vital to South Korea’s technology sector, officially citing security concerns. South Korea interpreted this as retaliation for the forced labor compensation rulings, resulting in a trade dispute that impacted high-tech industries in both countries.

And the most internationally known case of comfort women. South Korea has long demanded a more formal apology and compensation for the Korean women forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military during the occupation.

While Japan has offered apologies and financial support over the years, South Korean public sentiment is that Japan’s remorse is thus incomplete. The topic often arises on anniversaries and at international forums, fueling resentment on both sides.

Let’s not forget the territorial disputes over the Dokdo/Takeshima Islands. Both countries claim sovereignty over the Dokdo (in Korean) or Takeshima (in Japanese) Islands, which are located in the Sea of Japan. This territorial dispute is another recurring issue that stirs up strong emotions, with both sides staging protests and diplomatic statements asserting their claims.

The recent resistance from South Korea to returning the stolen Buddhist statue demonstrates that its national identity is still fueled by lingering resentment toward Japan. This unwillingness to fully reconcile reflects a societal perspective in which Japan’s occupation of Korea from 1910 to 1945 remains a defining trauma.

For many South Koreans, Japan’s actions during the occupation are not merely historical facts but a reminder of a brutal period that shaped the nation’s modern identity.

South Korea’s national ethos continues to be influenced by historical remembrance, which, in some ways, also shapes the political landscape. Political leaders in South Korea occasionally evoke anti-Japanese sentiment to rally public support or to divert attention from internal challenges, a tactic that has successfully resonated due to the ingrained historical narratives.

The question of returning the Buddhist statue may seem like a small diplomatic matter, but it highlights the broader, unresolved issues between Japan and South Korea. While both nations are allies of the United States and share common concerns over regional security, including the threat from North Korea, their strained relations often limit real effective cooperation.

In the end, the fate of the Buddhist statue remains a powerful symbol of a fractured history that, even in modern times, still holds sway over both nations’ political and cultural landscapes. The broader question is whether Japan and South Korea can move beyond symbolic disputes to focus on a future that acknowledges but is not overshadowed by their shared past.

*The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official editorial position of UCA News.

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