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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Iran: The Truth Of Pezeshkian’s ‘National Unity’ Charade – OpEd

The issue of “national unity” has become one of the Iranian regime’s ongoing crises. The phrase itself has technical, content-based, and semantic flaws within the context of the mullahs’ rule. First, the term “national” has no place or context in a regime structure based on the absolute rule of an unelected leader. Second, when the three branches of the State are subject to the decision-making and will of regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei, “unity” can only revolve around him but never around the nation.

This is why regime president Massoud Pezeshkian is playing the role of the supreme leader’s puppet. His statements only serve to amuse Khamenei. Over the past three months, Pezeshkian has taken on this role more than any of his counterparts. For instance, during his trip to New York for the UN General Assembly meeting, he claimed to advocate for global and regional peace and positive relations with the world. Meanwhile, Khamenei, through his loyalists, was sending a message of aligning foreign policy with military actions to intensify war efforts.

Wherever Pezeshkian goes, he never misses the opportunity to express his desire for economic reforms. Meanwhile, Khamenei’s cohorts continue to raise prices and intensify poverty, ignoring the demands of millions of people who are struggling to make ends meet.

Pezeshkian talks about establishing successful relations with friendly and brotherly countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, while Khamenei, during Friday prayer sermon, orders the preservation of the regime’s proxies from Afghanistan to Yemen and Lebanon, which are causing mayhem in the region.

This makes it clear that the conditions for “national unity” do not exist at all under the rule of the mullahs.

With these descriptions, the question arises: Is Pezeshkian familiar with the regime’s constitution when he makes such childish remarks? Does he not know that, according to the constitution, all matters of war and peace are in the hands of the Supreme Leader and that he himself has no authority?

Does he not realize that he does not control the army and the IRGC? Does he not know that the decision to launch an attack or refrain from one is beyond his authority? Pezeshkian cannot even disband the morality police.

He doesn’t even have the authority to make decisions about prisons and prisoners. Pezeshkian has no control over the prices of goods.

He lacks the political power to stop Khamenei’s international hostage-taking and extortion. Pezeshkian does not even have the authority to lift internet censorship.

He also has no control over the country’s exports and imports, all of which are under the control of the IRGC and the Supreme Leader’s economic and commercial arms.

Pezeshkian does not have decision-making authority over nuclear issues or the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Pezeshkian cannot even issue directives regarding the supply of weapons, money, and equipment to the regime’s proxy forces.

Obviously, “national unity” has no place or context in any area and is nothing more than a joke for the amusement of the audience.

Three months into Pezeshkian’s presidency, it has become clear to everyone that he is only a piece in Khamenei’s showcase. However, his problem is that he makes controversial statements that constantly expose the regime’s failures.

Thus, “national unity” is nothing but a charade for the regime, and the continuation of this childish game may lead to the removal of both the illusion and those deluded by it.

The boycott of the regime’s farcical election by 90% of the Iranian people has made it impossible for the regime to maneuver its way through its crises through rhetoric. The real misfortune for both Khamenei and Pezeshkian is that they hold no significance or influence with the majority of the Iranian people and are considered worthless.

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